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Edited by Prof. H. Levy 

The outstanding feature of the present age is the 
extent to which the life of Man is affected by the 
remarkable growth of science. Not only has the 
development of scientific processes had a profound 
and disturbing effect on social conditions, but the 
extension of scientific knowledge and the increasing 
application of the scientific method m all directions 
have transformed our mental outlook and evoked new 
conceptions in history, ethics, philosophy, religion, 
and every phase of culture 

The Liurarj of Science and Culture is designed to 
present to the general reader a picture of the world, 
both of action and of thought, as science is shaping 
it. It will reveal how mankind has sought in science 
the means of satisfying its varied needs; and how, in 
turn, science is stimulating fresh aspirations, inspiring 
loftier deeds of progress, and awakening hopes of 
increasing mastery over the destiny of the race 

Each volume will deal with one aspect of modern 
thought, or with a group of aspects. Together they will 
provide a comprehensive survey of the ever-widening 
empire of science, providing up-to-date information 
on the most recent developments and indicating the 
lines upon which further achievement is expected. 

After Chick and Dalyell. 

What vitamins can do. Twins in a Vienna infants’ 
home in 1921. The little girl at the left, six months’ before 
the photograph was taken, had both rickets and scurvy. 
She was badly under weight, could neither stand, sit, nor 
talk, and at twenty- two months had only four teeth. 
After six months’ treatment with a diet rich in vitamins, 
she was healthy, active, and cheerful, with twelve teeth. 
Her twin brother on the right had suffered in the same way, 
but had been in another ward where no special dietetic 
treatment was given. He remained unable to sit without 
support, had no energy, and gave no signs of intelligence. 
(See p. 100.) 

By courtesy of “ British Medical Journal .” 




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“iron" shall follow the edge* exactlv wW Whl< S eil u™ re that the 
the shoe. (See p. 132.) g actly, whatever the shape or size of 

By courtesy of the British United Shoe Machinery Co. Ltd. 






With an Introductory Chapter by 
Sir William Bragg, F.R.S., and 
Discussions with Professor H. 
Levy, Sir Thomas D. Barlow, 
K.B.E., and Professor P. M, S. 
Blackett, F.R.S, 





First published 1934 

Printed and Published m Great Britain by C A. Watts and Co, Limited, 
5 & 6 Johnson’s Court, Fleet Street, London, E C 4 



I F Society has often been blind to the possibilities 
of Science, in its turn Science has been a blind force 
m social life. Lauded on one side for the profusion 
with which it has showered its gifts on mankind, it 
is regarded on the other with rising suspicion as a 
possible cause of social dislocation. Electric power, 
lighting, heating, traction, sound films, wireless — 
these and numerous other social amenities have been 
rendered possible by a single discovery in physical 
science, and they in their turn have produced far- 
reaching repercussions in the life of the community. 
They have compelled readjustments in modes of life, in 
habits of thought, and in the cultivation of tastes. 
They have consistently undermined religious dogma. 
They have radically altered the incidence of employ- 
ment and of production in all but the most agricultural 
of communities. They have altered the distribution 
of populations and stimulated the industrialization of 
vast areas of the earth hitherto untouched by mechan- 
ization and commerce. 

Here on a wide scale is a field of Applied Science 
in the true sense of the term. To accord blame or 
credit to the selected few scientists who contributed 



most to setting this social avalanche in motion would 
be futile. However conscious they were of the scientific 
implications of their work, they could not pi edict its 
social effects. If, however, sucli tremendous experi- 
ments m applied science are to be tried on mankind, 
it is of first importance to examine in what circumstances 
these forceful activities are aroused, the nature of 
science itself, and its cultural and social significance. 

As a first, almost a pioneer, step towards accumulating 
modern data on these matters, this series of investiga- 
tions and discussions conducted by Professor Julian 
Huxley stands out as something unique. He has 
visited research laboratories and university departments 
of all kinds, from those concerned with the purest 
of science to those involved in direct production; 
and the innumerable channels through which the fund 
of knowledge pours out into its multitude of social 
applications have been made apparent. 

It will not be contended that the data are complete, 
or the analysis and conclusions in any sense final. 
What can be asserted without question, however, is 
that here at any rate is one of the first surveys of science 
in relation to many aspects of social needs. If we 
are to become conscious of our own capacities as a 
community, we must understand these many-sided 
implications. This does not mean that a knowledge 
of our capacities will make it possible to plan the 
running of a community on scientific lines. Nations 
are not isolated so completely from one another that 



each can be dealt with on its own. Because they 
interlock, piecemeal planning is likely to accentuate 
rather than alleviate our difficulties. It is essential 
in spite of this, and because of this, that we should 
understand the interactive nature of Science and 

This is the first volume of The Library of Science and 
Culture, which it is hoped may assist to that end. 

H. Levy. 


R EADING through the proofs of this little book, 
which attempts to give some connected picture 
of my “ tour of British Science/' I realized afresh how 
small a fraction of the whole I had really been able to 
see, still less to write about — and yet at the same time 
was surprised how much ground, both physical and 
intellectual, I had really managed to cover in those 
crowded weeks. Clive was surprised at his own 
moderation : I became surprised at my own activities ! 

During that time I came to realize the vast amount 
of scientific knowledge and practical wisdom diffused 
through this country, of which up till then I had been 
at best dimly aware ; and to feel my own ignorance and 
limitations very acutely. - ' I became more than ever 
impressed with the fact that both our existing structure 
of civilization and our hope of progress are based on 
science, and that the lack of appreciation and under- 
standing of science among business men, financiers, 
educational authorities, politicians, and administrators 
was a serious feature in our present situation. 

Almost equally serious, however, is the absence of 
a broad scientific outlook on life, too often to be noted 
in the scientific specialist as well as indhe layman. 
For if I may repeat here what will be found stressed 




in several places in the pages that follow, the most 
important of all the lessons I learned from my tour 
was that science occupies an anomalous half-and-half 
position in our affairs to-day. On the physico-chemical 
side it is very highly developed, both in its pure and 
applied aspects; the biological sciences are rapidly 
growing, though there is still a lag m their applications ; 
but the psychological and social sciences receive hardly 
any public support and find hardly any practical 
application. The next step must be to apply science 
all round — to the organization of society and to various 
separate social problems such as education, religion, 
the penal system, statistics, health, and so on. And 
we do not only need scientific research in the narrow 
specialist sense : v we need also the scientific spirit 
and method, m the shape of careful planning. Planning 
is much in the air at the moment : we must make sure 
it is scientific planning, with an experimental basis 
wherever possible, and always in touch with scientific- 
ally ascertained fact. 

The same applies to the scientific movement as a 
whole. For science too is a social activity, and itself 
demands scientific study. There is here a lesson for 
scientists to learn, as well as one for statesmen and the 
lay public. 

I must not forget all those who helped me with 
information, advice, and hospitality. Space forbids 
individual acknowledgments : so I must include all, 
whether from Government Departments, Universities, 



Research Stations, or industrial laboratories, in this 
brief but sincere expression of my thanks. Nor must 
I forget the B.B.C., who originally suggested that I 
should undertake this survey of British science. 
For that suggestion, and for the facilities and stimulus 
provided by their Talks Department, I should like 
to make this public expression of gratitude. The 
basis of this present book is furnished by the twelve 
wireless talks and discussions I gave for the B.B.C. 
But these have been very considerably revised and 
amplified to adapt them for publication in book form, 
so that this volume contains more than half as much 
again as the talks. 

Finally, I should like to acknowledge the valuable 
help I have had from my secretary, Miss P. Coombs, in 
seeing the book through the press. 

Julian Huxley. 

King's College , 
London . 

March , 1934 












X. MAN AND SOCIETY .... 176 




INDEX 28l 





Science and Health . What Vitamins Can Do 


An Automatic Edge-Setting Machine . ,, 

Apparatus Used by Three Great British Men of 
Science ........ 8 

Fireman Holding Safety Lamp . . 9 

Pure Science A Million-Volt Spark ... 16 

Applied Science A Power Station of the Grid . . 17 

The National Physical Laboratory, Teddington . 26 

A Gas Mask for Peace-Time Uses .... 27 

Plant Breeding * A Nursery for Wheat-Grass . . 44 

Turning Mountain Moorland into Meadow . . 45 

The Heliodon : An Instrument for Sun-Planning . 56 

The Bricks’ Cemetery ...... 57 

A Contrast in Housing : Human Homes in the Slums 64 
A Contrast in Housing * A Home for Apes m the Zoo 65 
A New Type of Wool-Spmning Machine ... 72 

Science and Shoe-Making : An Instrument for Measur- 
ing Feet 73 

Special Lamps for Textile Research 73 

A Sea-Plane Landing in Mid-Ocean . . . 106 

Progress m Transport : An Autogiro . . . 107 

A Planned Road m an Unplanned Countryside . 112 

Full-Scale Models of Parts of the Piccadilly Tube 
Station ........ 113 

Testing the Strength of a Concrete Floor-Beam . 128 

Testing “ Creep ” in Steel ..... 129 

Amphibious Tank .... . 162 





Horizontal Wind-Tunnel for Aviation Research 
A Vertical Wind-Tunnel for Research on Spin . 

A Special Hard Hat for Use m Mines 
Experimental Gallery of Old Boiler Shells 
The Same Gallery after an Experimental Explosion 
Industrial Psychology A Test for Weavers 
A Test for Divided Attention .... 
X-Ray Photographs of a Rubber Band and Human 


The Structure of the Wool Molecule as Revealed by 

Dr. Walton with his High-Tension Atom-Splitting 
Apparatus ....... 

Galileo's Telescope Contrasted with a Modern Tele- 
scope ........ 

How the Microscope Helps in the Steel Industry 
Biological Control of Prickly Pear in Australia 
Science and Cold Storage . . ... 

A Corner of the Insect Department at the Natural 
History Museum ...... 

Science and Noise A Noise-Measuring Apparatus . 
" Noiseless ” Electric Motor ..... 



1 77 
















Science m the Laundry Industry .... 

The Thigh-Bones of a 5 |-day Embryo Chick . 

The Total Vocabulary of Basic English . 

Map Showing Density of Population of the Common 
Heron ........ 

Map Showing Density of Population of the Crested 
Grebe ....... 

Maps Showing Breeding-Places and Migrations of 
an African Species of Locust . . . 232, 233 

Graph of the Probable Future Population of Great 
Britain ....... 274 








By Sir William Bragg 

M R. JULIAN HUXLEY has undertaken a very 
remarkable tour in this country. He is studying, 
broadly speaking, the influence which scientific discovery 
is exerting upon our lives. He has examined the methods 
by which research is carried on m various places and 
for various purposes. He will tell us of the results. 
And especially he will consider the relations of science 
to social questions : questions that we are all asking 
to-day. Is scientific research drawing us together or 
forcing us apart ? Is it to be commended for 
our needs or blamed for causing unemployment ? 
Does it help to bnng peace between the nations, or 
war? Does it add to mankind’s vision or restrict it? 
If it is solving some problems, is it perhaps raising 
others still more difficult and troublesome? 

How tremendous these questions are we have only 
recently begun to realize. There is division among us 
as to how they should be answered. For some reasons 
it seems that we should make every use possible of 
the new knowledge which is poured upon us; and 
apparently there are other reasons for refraining./' It 
seems foolish to throw away new methods which give 
us better results for less labour or a new understanding 
which makes the world a richer place for us. , On the 
other hand, men have used new knowledge for the 




purpose of constructing machines; and the machine, 
though extremely useful, has often produced unemploy- 
ment, which is an evil, however temporary it may be. 
Is there a real solution, or can we do no more than 
compromise? At the 1933 meeting of the British 
Association in Leicester, Sir Frederick Gowland Hop- 
kins considered the matter very seriously, and so did Sir 
Josiah Stamp in an evening address. The year before, 
at York, Sir Alfred Ewing was not a little pessimistic 
on the subject. The tone at Leicester was rather 
more cheerful. But we do not want such questions 
to be considered by a few talented men only. These 
are matters for us all, because they involve our social 
relations, our well-being, and our content. We are 
glad of the facts that Mr. Huxley will be able to lay 
before us. 

I have been trying to think how I might help to 
prepare the way for Mr. Huxley and contribute to a 
better appreciation of what he is going to tell us. I 
am going to ask you to make an imaginary journey 
with me round the little corridor beneath the seats of 
the theatre of the Royal Institution. On a small scale 
it is rather like the underground spaces of Piccadilly 
Circus, and it is lined with well-lit show-cases like those 
of a big store. In these cases are shown the pieces of 
apparatus which have been used by great experimenters 
of the last hundred years, particularly by those who 
have worked in the Institution. Everything that is 
shown suggests to us some aspect of the big questions 
we have before us. 

We halt before the first case : it goes back to the 
beginning of last century. There is an old model of a 
fireplace in it, another of a boiler, a cooking-pot, and 



some instruments for measuring heat. They are all 
that is left of the work of a certain Count Rumford, an 
American of extraordinary talents who sided with the 
British during the War of Independence. He lived 
afterwards m England and then in Munich, where he 
won great honour and was made a Count of the Holy 
Roman Empire. To scientific men, especially to 
engineers, he is known for his fundamental work on 
heat. But as I look, with you, at the relics of his 
experiments, I do not want to tell you of his researches 
so much as of the ideas that fired his imagination. 
For he was one of the first of those who tried to use 
scientific knowledge in a scientific way m the interest 
of economy, and especially for the relief of the dis- 
comforts of the poor. I use the word “ poor ” m the 
sense that was common m those days. 

He wanted to gather together m one place models 
which would show how all sorts of common things 
should be made and used His wntmgs describe, 
with extraordinary foresight, the modern type of 
Science Museum, such as the one in South Ken- 
sington, which has recently become so popular. He 
was particularly interested m the economy of fuel, 
and waged war on the ill-designed grates and chim- 
neys which filled rooms and streets with smoke. 
It was that which brought him in contact with Sir 
Thomas Bernard, another man of great interest from 
our point of view. For he was the active member of a 
remarkable body of men’ who met and worked under 
the grandiloquent title of a “ Society for Improving 
the Condition and adding to the Comforts of the Poor.” 
The very title is illuminating. It was unique in its 
day : the one Society in London apart from religious 



bodies which set out to relieve distress by the systematic 
cnv'loviTi.'-nt of scientific knowledge. There was cer- 
tainly plenty to do There were very few hospitals, 
and some of those existing had terrible records 
Bernard gives an account of the conditions m a little 
book, Pleasure and Pain , which he wrote m 1818, 
though, curiously enough, it was not published until 
1930. His Society founded new hospitals and charitable 
institutions of many kinds and strove to correct 
existing abuses. As might be expected, he met with 
many difficulties, which he describes with some humour. 
Bernard was treasurer of the Foundling Hospital at the 
time, and with Rumford’s help he set the kitchens and 
heating arrangements in order. But when the same 
economies were introduced into Christ’s Hospital they 
broke down, because the cook had the perquisite of the 
dripping and her husband the perquisite of the cinders. 

You see, then, that this window m the corridor takes 
us back to early days of organized endeavour to apply 
scientific knowledge to the relief of distress. And our 
minds run on to survey all the work in the cause of 
health that has been done since then : the innumerable 
hospitals where every scientific advance has been 
examined for its possible usefulness, the Boards of 
Health, and all other bodies which have laboured to 
prevent disease. No one of us is likely at this point 
to say that it would have been better if in this direction 
there had been no search for knowledge and no wish 
to apply it. 

Let us move to the next window. Rows of lanterns 
of a curious appearance stand on its shelves. They 
were made by Sir Humphry Davy. He had been asked 
to solve the problem of the lighting of ‘ ‘ fiery mines. ’ ’ In 



the search for coal it had become necessary to penetrate 
into regions where explosive gases were to be found; 
and many terrible accidents had occurred Davy's 
miner's lamp was the result of a few weeks of experi- 
ment, and provided the solution that had been asked 
for Beside the lamps stands the photograph of a 
grateful letter from miners of Northern England : 
unable to read or write, they have put crosses to their 
names. Others, like Stephenson, were at the same 
time groping their way to the same sort of solution. 

There also stands one of the machines which the 
small boys turned continually, causing a steel wheel to 
strike showers of sparks from a flint which they pressed 
against it. The sparks were not hot enough to fire 
the gases, but their feeble light enabled the miners to 
get on with their work. With the aid of Davy's 
device, mining was, and still is, carried on in com- 
parative safety where otherwise nothing could be done 
It stands for all those labours which in the past century 
have aimed at the safety of the mine ; and is itself one 
of the most effective of all those devices. That is 
good, let us say. But with every improvement in 
method comes an increase in the extent of the work 
and in the numbers of the men who live by it Millions 
of people in South W ales, in the northern counties, and 
elsewhere, have been put in the way of earning their 
living In these times a slump has come : the whole 
effort is thrown out of gear, and we see the pitiful 
spectacle of widespread unemployment m the mining 
areas. What are we to say? Would it have been 
better if the miner's lamp had never been invented and 
the progress of coal-mining had been stayed? Would 
it be well to take the warning and to stop all such 



attempts to improve the conditions of working, on the 
ground that a rapid rise in employment may result m 
a fall to be dreaded ? 

Here is a window m which there are many things of 
great interest A small tube contains a little trans- 
parent liquid, which, we learn from the card that lies 
beside it, is some of the first benzene ever made A 
hundred years ago gas for lighting purposes was carried 
round in cylinders. Curious residues were found m the 
cylinders after use; and Faraday (in 1825) extracted 
the new liquid and determined its composition. What 
visions the sight of it conjures up l Benzene is the 
central figure of organic chemistry. On that chemistry 
depends m the first place all our knowledge of the 
materials of living bodies : all our attempts to under- 
stand and fight disease Industrially, the dye industry 
hangs on benzene and the substances derived from it. 
I may remind you that since the War the dye industry 
in this country has advanced greatly, and employs its 
hundreds of thousands directly, and indirectly ten 
times as many. And at the same time we may link 
to organic chemistry all other chemistries, tremendously 
powerful in these days. Do we wish that chemistry 
had never functioned ? Would we give up anesthetics, 
for example ? Some of us are old enough to remember 
the days of our childhood when we parted with our teeth 
with nothing to help us through; and we wondered 
how they stood it who had to bear the pain of long 
and serious operations in the hospital. But, then, the 
same chemistry has given us the poison gases of war- 
fare. “ Sorry, sir,” said the auctioneer to the would-be 
purchaser, “ but if you want the parlour lamp you’ve 
got to take the garden roller. They’re in the same lot.” 


Here, besides the benzene, are some cups and moulds 
of wood and wax. They recall to me the whole manu- 
facture and use of the submarine cable I can picture 
the multitudes engaged in the collection of the insulating 
materials m the forests and the mines, the preparation 
of the copper and the steel, the winding and the laying 
of the cable, and the use we all make of it. The 
moulds at which we are looking were used by Faraday 
in his electrical experiments , and it was on his results 
that William Thomson was able to advise the pro- 
moters of the Atlantic cable as to its proper design. 
Not that Faraday was thinking of cables or telegraphy 
when he made the experiments . he was concerned 
only with the basic laws of electricity. 

This reminds us of the differences, such as they are, 
between pure and applied science. Just as we grow 
m our gardens annuals for our immediate pleasure, and 
plant shrubs m the herbaceous border to reward us m 
a few years' time , while, with longer foresight, we plant 
forests or give the natural timber the opportunity to 
grow, so it is with the growth of knowledge Often we 
ask for some immediate solution of a problem; and 
that is particularly true in the industry of the small 
manufacturer. The bigger man can look further ahead. 
And when it comes to the advances of science into the 
unknown, long vision is wanted, for no one knows if 
any use can be made of what is found. Only govern- 
ments, universities, or large-scale private industry can 
be expected to give attention to it Faraday works out 
the laws of electricity : that is in the background of 
the picture. The designer looks for the best form to 
give to the cable and the best materials of which to 
make it. That is the middle distance. For instance, 


the research workers of the Non-Ferrous Metals 
Research Association have recently discovered ah 
alloy which replaces the lead covering, with the most 
remarkable results m the way of economy. The pure 
lead covering wore and broke as its loop swung to and 
fro in the tidal currents, but the new covering is more 
elastic, and m other ways is as good as the old. Lastly, 
there are the innumerable technical difficulties that 
occur in manufacture and laying. These are in the 

Let us turn now and look into a window on the other 
side of the corridor. There is a glass case containing 
a number of glass tubes. They are the remains of 
what Faraday used when he condensed certain gases 
into liquids under the influence of cold and pressure. 
On this work, extended by others, rests the modern 
industry of refrigeration. We have learnt how to use 
cold in order to keep our food supplies from going bad. 
We have learnt how to bring food cheaply and safely 
from abroad, being unable to produce it in sufficient 
quantities at home. If it were cut off, the necessary 
readjustments would be terribly painful. Undoubtedly, 
however, this foreign supply keeps down home prices 
and makes it difficult for our own growers to earn a 
living. How far ought we to go with our efforts in 
this direction? It was stated recently that the avoid- 
ance in the waste of fruit during its voyage from South 
Africa to England amounted to one whole shipload in 
the year ; which improvement was due to research into 
the right conditions of cold storage. Is this a good 
result or a bad one ? And this reminds us of many 
such perplexities. Taking the world as a whole, it 
seems impossible to use all that is produced. When 

Research in pure science may have practical results of the greatest 
importance. Photographs of the actual apparatus used at the Royal 
Institution by three great British men of science. Above, apparatus 
used by Sir Humphry Davy : on the right, the earliest model for 
safety lamps in mines. Centre, apparatus used by Faraday, which 
laid the foundation of the whole electrical industry. Below, 
apparatus used by Sir James Dewar, including the prototype of the 
modern thermos bottle. {See pp. 2-1 1). 

By courtesy of the Royal Institution, 

The fruits of science. A fireman holding a safety lamp, of the tvpe 
invented by Sir Humphry Davy, to a coal face to test for explosive gas 

exJlod a e S 'JL pp P 5. i/cif S “ * characteristic but cannot 

From Gas and Flame, issued by the Safety in Mines Research Board. 
By permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. 


the “ Marquis ” wheat was invented in Canada, vast 
regions were thrown open to profitable wheat-growing, 
and great numbers of men pushed forward to take 
advantage of the fact. Ought we to go on trying to 
find new wheats now that farmers cannot find a market 
for what they have? Will the improvements in the 
refrigeration of meat on board ship and the consequent 
increase in imports press still more hardly on our 
farmers ? Can our growers find advantages to be taken 
of their home position, which may turn the scale m 
their favour? What a number of difficult problems 
present themselves ! 

Next to these old pieces of tubing are others shaped 
like the letter V ; little pieces of platinum at the end 
of copper wires are inserted into both sides of the V. 
They are tubes which Faraday used when he worked 
out the laws of a process which most people know by 
the name of electro-plating. It cannot be denied that 
this is an extraordinarily useful business, and that it 
employs great numbers of men. We should be very 
sorry to be deprived of it. There are other things of 
interest in this window, each with its story to tell, but 
we must move on. So w r e come to the most dramatic 
of all the objects in the show : the famous ring of iron 
wound with copper wire which was the foundation 
of all electrical engineering. So much was said about 
it three years ago, when all the world was honour- 
ing the centenary of Faraday's discovery, that little 
need be said about it now. We will remind our- 
selves only of the vastness of our modem uses of 
electricity. It seems to me to be a very significant 
fact that the electrical industry, born so lately of 
our discoveries and inventions, should be so active, 



should give so much employment, and be so much 
employed. To my mind, it fits in with the idea 
that we are all happier and better when we strike out 
continually on new lines Every good workman loves 
an occasional new tool, and goes to his work with fresh 

But now we must move on quickly. Here is a 
window showing, among other things, a row of little 
flasks, sealed up to keep the liquids which they contain 
from contact with the air. Sixty years ago John 
Tyndall filled them with broths or extracts of various 
kinds of meat and game He wished to show that 
these would keep indefinitely if pure themselves, and 
if the air m contact with them was pure also They 
look quite fresh still, with the exception of one or two. 
Tyndall insisted that m ordinary air there are minute 
living particles, which we now know as bacteria. 
Those who had argued for the spontaneous generation 
of life had not been careful enough. They had allowed 
air laden with bacteria to get into touch with their 
broths. It is interesting to note that these investiga- 
tions impressed Tyndall with the value of pure air. 
He found that the air near Haslemere, at Hindhead, 
was very pure, and built himself a house there; and 
many followed his example. 

And now in our mind's eyes a wide vista spreads 
itself before us, opened up by this and other pioneering 
investigations. We have learnt the tremendous im- 
portance of this invisible life to our national health, to 
our food, to agriculture : we recognize some bacteria as 
friends, some as enemies. Deadly epidemics have been 
• stayed or prevented by such knowledge. Shall we 
wish we had been kept in ignorance ? Have we allowed 



populations to grow too fast by removing the plagues 
that thinned them ? And especially have we kept alive 
many who would be better dead? We must try to 
make up our minds on these points, and all that Mr. 
Huxley has to tell us will be useful. 

A few steps more and we must bring the little tour 
to an end Of all the objects left to be considered we 
must be content with two. Here is a little collection 
of apparatus used by the late Lord Rayleigh m his 
work on acoustics : metal discs of various forms, 
whistles of so high a pitch that very few, even of the 
youngest, ears can hear them. Rayleigh’s work with 
that of others came into use during the War when 
apparatus had to be devised which would listen under 
water for the noises made by submarines, and on land 
would help to detect the whereabouts of aeroplanes 
and guns. Since then the importance of sound and 
its laws thrusts itself upon us more and more, m the 
long-neglected design of halls fit for speech and music, 
in the construction of telephones and of loudspeakers. 
The control of sound is a peculiarly interesting question 
just now, because so many complain of the torment of 
noise m town, and out of town, and of the want of 
privacy m the new piles of flats. 

And m the last window of this corridor is the history 
of the vacuum flask which Dewar invented to keep his 
liquid air from boiling away. The first rough attempts 
are there, and in succession are the gradually improving 
patterns leading up to the present familiar form I do 
not think we should like to smash up all our vacuum 
flasks, either those of us who make use of them m daily 
life or those who find them invaluable in the laboratory 
and the factory. But it might, on reflection, be pos- 


sible to find a reason why we should be better without 

This little tour will, I hope, have served to show you 
scientific knowledge at its source, and have called to 
mind the wide use that the world makes of it. We 
have seen, too, how many puzzling questions arise 
even from this broad point of view. But we shall have 
to go further. A large part of that which is still left 
to be considered is concerned with the application of 
science to the construction of the machine We all 
know well that the machine can be both a blessing and 
a curse. It can pour out its products in a stream 
sufficient for all, and yet it can rob many of the 
opportunity to earn. /Is it possible to control the 
application of science to the development of machinery ? 
The growth of knowledge, like the rain, descends alike 
upon the just and upon the unjust ; and it is as impos- 
sible to stay the former as it is to hinder the latter. A 
wise people conserves its water and directs it into useful 
channels Individual citizens may not use it wastefully 
or selfishly And certainly they may not use it to their 
neighbour's injury, they may not, for example, turn 
a destructive stream upon someone else's property. 
But there is no analogous control over the use of 
scientific results. Is any such control possible ? 

,/Pure science, that which I have referred to as long- 
distance science, is international At a scientific con- 
ference nationality disappears. It is when the results 
of science are incorporated into business and trade that 
trouble begins. To parody an old saying, when patents 
come in at the door peace flies out of the window. But 
can we avoid this competition as long as we are a 
trading and a manufacturing nation? And if we 



cannot, what are we doing as a nation to incorporate 
our growing knowledge, to add to it and to use it? 
Sometimes it is said with a certain defiance that <f What 
was good for our fathers is good enough for us.” That 
is very likely to be true, but it would not be good 
enough for the fathers if they were still alive. The 
energy and the wit which made them into what they 
were would by now be making them into something else 
Mr. Huxley visits the research laboratories of the 
universities, of the trade associations formed m con- 
nection with the Government, and of various firms, 
and tells us what he sees. It is well to get at the facts ; 
we shall then be better able to judge where we are. 
We may not be all m agreement as to the need for the 
pursuit of knowledge m the satisfaction of our curiosity, 
in the exercise of our talents, in the enlargement of our 
minds. There are certainly differences among us as 
to how it should be used and controlled when we have 
got it. We all approve the use of it for mutual help. 
We probably deplore the use of it for mutual injury. 
We surely disagree as to the extent to which we may 
use it to fight each other economically. But we all 
agree in our satisfaction that Mr. Huxley has under- 
taken this mission. 



In this chapter are treated some of the main questions that require 
investigation, in the form of a discussion between the author and 
Professor Levy 

Levy. So, Huxley, I hear you are rushing round 
the country making a survey of scientific activity. 

Huxley. Yes, Levy, I have started trying to find 
out something about the different ways and means by 
which scientific research is being carried on here and 
its results applied. So I have already been to Scotland 
and Wales, and shall go on for some time visiting 
various laboratories and research institutions. The 
idea is to attempt to discover how far science to-day is 
helping to cater for the needs of the people of this 

H . L. Do you mean you propose to show how 
science is serving the needs of British industry ? 

J. H. No, that is only a fraction of what I had in 
mind. After all, science is helping Government 
* Departments like the Post Office, and it is being used 
to improve the nation's health. Besides that, I 
want to see what is being done in regard to pure 

H. L. I see. Of course, all these — and more — come 
within the ambit of science; but the question I was 
suggesting was whether in the main — historically, if you 




like — ‘the driving force of science is not its use for 
production, and whether all these other aspects are not 
really subsidiary to that 

J. H. Well, I do not know that I have thought 
much about the problem along those lines. Perhaps 
we ought to clear the ground a bit and get down 
to fundamentals. 

H. L. All right : let us begin by examining what 
this science is which you are going to study. I suggest 
that the proper way to approach that question is 
first, to examine what science has done in social life, 
its relation to man's needs, and the methods it has 
developed for handling the raw material of Nature. 
Secondly, if we wish to understand why science has 
taken on the complexion it has, we shall have to ask 
ourselves some questions about the nature of the forces 
that have directed scientific attention to certain fields, 
to the exclusion of others. For example, why so 
many scientists turn to the properties of dead matter 
and so few to social problems; why, for instance, we 
know so much about cold storage and so little about 
how the community is run. 

/. H. Well, of course, those are aspects of the 
question. But I generally like to think of science as a 
body of knowledge. The knowledge is organized, and 
it is based on the scientific method. And the scientific 
method consists of testing your results by observation 
and experiment, and m publishing your facts and 
your procedure in full, so that others can check your 

This knowledge can, of course, generally be applied to 
controlling nature, but most scientists, I think, would 
say that there definitely is something that can be 



called pure science, which has a momentum of its own 
and goes on growing irrespective of its applications. 

H. L. Well, Huxley, I think that to state things in 
this way is to lay a false emphasis on pure science. 
Can there be any essential division other than of degree 
between it and applied science? Surely they are 
interdependent, and differ only in their remoteness 
from application. 

J. H. Well, what about Greek science, for instance, 
which had hardly any applications ? 

H. L. I was talking primarily of the vast develop- 
ments in science during the past few hundred years. 
The Greek state was catered for by ample slave labour, 
and therefore there was no need for mechanization, 
for labour-saving devices. Thus the interests of the 
Greeks — at least, those who were not slaves — were those 
of a leisured class, and therefore their science was 
mainly philosophical in complexion. Whatever appli- 
cation there was, was mainly to war, and to the arts — 
like architecture. 

J. H. Yes, I see that. I suppose that is also why 
Greek science differed so radically from modem science 
in having little experimental foundation, and why the 
ancient Greek scientists, unlike modem scientists with 
their detailed technical publications, seem not to have 
been interested in the methods by which they reached 
their results, but only in their conclusions. As a 
matter of history, I suppose it is fair to say that 
modern science began in earnest less than three hundred 
years ago with Francis Bacon, and his emphasis on 
the need for objective testing. 

H. L. All right. But surely this underlines my 
earlier point, that science takes its complexion mainly 

Basic science in the laboratory : a million-volt spark produced in 
the electrical section of the National Physical Laboratory at 
Teddington. (See p. 210.) 

From The National Physical Laboratory (1933). 

By permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. 



from the social and economic life of the times There 
was little experimenting among the Greeks, because 
there was little need for application, whereas at the 
time of Bacon social life had changed considerably, 
transport and navigation to distant parts of the earth 
had come in with commerce, crude slavery had all 
but passed away. All these changes were stimulating 
that deliberate and critical study of nature which we 
call experimental science. 

J. H. That is all very reasonable. But what about 
pure science to-day ? There are surely plenty of prac- 
tical problems for science to deal with now, and yet we 
find scientists spending a great deal of time on very 
abstract and remote questions, like the quantum theory, 
the habits of deep-sea fish, the expanding universe, 
or the internal constitution of stars, that we can 
never hope to influence at all or to control in any 

H. L. Ah, that arises, it seems to me, from the 
peculiar nature of modern conditions, where the 
scientific movement, unable to find an outlet for its 
accumulating energy — for its momentum, if you like, 
— in industrial practice, turns rather to more specu- 
lative fields. That, however, is another story. Any- 
how, even these matters you mentioned are associated 
with others which themselves have applications. For 
instance, take the Quantum Theory. This has applica- 
tions not very remote from the state of affairs inside 
the ordinary wireless valve. Scientific work interlocks 
from one end of the scale to the other. 

J. H. Yes, I see your point. I can give you an 
interesting illustration of that sort of thing in my own 
field. Dr. Adrian of Cambridge has been making 


remarkable discoveries about the way in which our 
nerves and brains work. But his researches were only 
made possible by using certain kinds of amplifiers, 
which m their turn would never have been developed 
if it had not been for their very practical use in 

All the same, there are difficulties m your severely 
practical view. Surely a great deal of scientific work 
gets done just to satisfy the interest of the scientists 
who carry it out ? And if so, is it not being carried 
out for its own sake, as an end in itself ? 

H. L Yes, to the individual scientist it appears 
so; it gratifies an individual desire and provides a 
personal satisfaction. So to him it appears an end in 
itself. That is, of course, a practical but a purely 
personal aspect The scientific work he does, however, 
is taken up by someone else, and so he has played his 
part in the movement we call science He has his 
personal interpretation of the small part he has played ; 
but we have to see science in wider perspective : as a 
social affair fulfilling, however inadequately, certain 
social needs, or providing some of the machinery for 
their fulfilment. 

/. H. That is still all right ; but what about the 
keen amateur scientist — the amateur astronomer or 
insect-collector or bird-watcher ? He surely is making 
his observations an end in themselves ? 

H. L. In that sense, yes That sort of work is 
satisfying a personal need, certainly. But just because 
it is so personal its scope is restricted. 

J. H . It seems to me there are two things involved — 
the impulse of curiosity, which man shares with other 
animals such as the apes, and the direction in which 



that impulse is used. You will not get good science of 
the purer kind unless the curiosity impulse is strongly 

H. L Yes, but the particular result depends on 
the direction, and that is determined primarily by 
social forces 

J H. It depends on both, just as human achieve- 
ment depends both on heredity and on environment. 
But, in spite of the large amount of shaping which the 
scientific impulse receives from social and economic 
forces, it remains as a plain fact, does it not, that the 
conclusions of science in a very real sense reach much 
beyond the limits of the social system which gave them 
birth. They are much more universal than any par- 
ticular society or epoch, and lead to a structure of fact 
and idea which is accepted by all who are capable of 
dispassionately following the reasoning involved, irre- 
spective of their race or nationality. Russian scientists 
did not reject the discoveries of Morgan and hiscolleagues 
on heredity because they came from “ bourgeois ” 
America : they used them in their own research. Nor 
does English or German science refuse to see the 
validity of all the discoveries now being made by 
" communist science ” in Soviet Russia. Science has a 
pure aspect because it is in part the product of the 
impulse to discover for the sake of discovery. It 
also has a universal or general aspect because its very 
method makes it capable of being tested by anyone 
competent, and so its results are accepted by competent 
people irrespective of race, nationality, religion, or 
class. It also has a practical aspect because it is in 
part the product of the impulse to control nature for 
human ends, and a local social aspect because its 



growth is stimulated and guided by the social and 
economic forces of the time. 

H. L. It does not seem to me that science becomes 
“ pure ” because there are individual scientific workers 
whose personal motive in carrying through investiga- 
tions is that they desire simply to extend the boundaries 
of knowledge. The existence of such a motive does not 
necessarily enable them to lift themselves outside their 
historic social epoch, but it may mean that they will 
concentrate their attention on problems more remote 
from direct application. Of course, the conclusions of 
science must reach beyond the limits of the social 
system that gave them birth, for the simple reason that 
science concerns itself with a study of the material 
physical world, and that physical world exists objec- 
tively and irrespective of particular social systems. 
Science, however, does not cease at discovery. It is 
also concerned with application, and the applications 
are to the systems of society in being — British, German, 
Russian, or American. Moreover, since scientists, 
like other workers, have to earn their living, it seems 
to me that to a large extent the demands of those who 
provide the money will, very broadly, determine the 
“ spread ” of scientific interest in the field of applied 
science. It is from there that the driving force is 
exerted on the scientific movement. I know of no 
scientist who is so free that he can study absolutely 
anything he likes, or who is not restricted in some way 
by limitations such as the cost of equipment. With 
most of what you have said, however, I agree, but I 
think it has to be seen in this setting. 

J. H . Well, I think we might see how far we agree 
now, after all this argument. How will this do as a 



formal definition? Science in the modern sense is a 
body of knowledge which has been tested by experiment. 
Historically it has grown as a result of several factors, 
which affect man both as an individual and as a social 
animal. These factors are . first, our need to exercise 
some control over the forces of nature; secondly, 
our impulses of manipulation, curiosity, and our urge to 
understand man's place in the universe, and thirdly, 
the pleasure we get out of the use of our faculties m 
the process of observing, understanding, and changing 
nature. Would you agree to that? 

H. L. Yes, I think that will do, although you are 
still thinking of science primarily as a body of know- 
ledge. But now, agreeing that science and the scientific 
movement have emerged out of the growing needs of 
society, we ought to study it as a movement, to examine 
what stress has been placed on the various aspects of 
it — for example, the purer as opposed to the more 
definitely applied. What, for example, settles how 
much money shall be devoted to scientific work in the 
Universities in comparison with severely technological 
work outside of them ? Is there any deliberate study 
and control of the scientific movement as a whole, or 
does it just develop chaotically? 

J. H . Of course, that is a very difficult question — so 
many factors are involved. For one thing, so much of 
the work done at the Universities, I quite agree, inter- 
locks with practical applications that one can hardly 
draw a sharp line between the two fields. 

H. L . Would you, then, agree that the Universities 
and other purely academic institutions are doing work 
essential to industry which industrialists do not or 
will not do for themselves? For example, Faraday's 



electromagnetic discoveries and his investigations of 
the constitution of benzene, conducted at the Royal 
Institution, were ultimately accepted by industrialists, 
but the work was not initiated by them, fundamental as 
it was. It had to be done at an academic institution. 

J H. That, I think, is certainly true. The indus- 
trialists of Faraday's day did not even see the possi- 
bility of applying it for quite a number of years Or we 
might take the researches on heredity begun by Mendel 
and carried on for a long time almost entirely m 
University laboratories, on more or less useless animals 
like flies and mice and shrimps. But they are now 
finding important and useful applications m plant 
and animal breeding. 

In the present condition of world affairs, it looks 
definitely as if industry is on the whole unwilling, and 
apparently unable, either to provide the broad scien- 
tific background of research out of which new applica- 
tions grow or to undertake large-scale and fundamental 
investigations which do not promise fairly immediate 
returns. On the whole, it is fair to say that the* 
Universities provide the background, and Government 
institutions (like the National Physical Laboratory and 
other branches of the Department of Scientific and 
Industrial Research) carry out the long-term inves- 

H, L. So you agree that Universities, whatever else 
they are doing, are unconsciously playing their part in 
assisting industrialists to carry on their business ? 

J. H. Yes, that is so. Of course, the Universities;/ 
like any other social institutions, cannot help doing 
something to serve the ends of the society in which they 
have grown up. But helping industrialists is only one 



side even of this aspect of Universities They may 
help to cheapen production so that prices can be 
brought down, and also help to stimulate new invent- 
ions, and so to cater for needs that have hitherto not 
been satisfied. 

H L. Yes, science has been used m this way, but 
even this analysis of yours is surety incomplete. There 
is a real distinction between two possible ways in which 
science operates. First, science may serve certain 
social and individual needs directly, by stimulating our 
intellectual and philosophical interest It may expose 
the false basis to many of the beliefs we have inherited 
from the past, and provide us with assured knowledge 
on which to reconstruct our view of life and of society. 
It assists, m fact, to sharpen our critical sense and 
to enlarge our outlook Secondly, however, science 
comes to society indirectly. It may be used by those 
who have made it their business to cater for more 
immediate practical social needs Before the results 
of science get to society by this route, it has to be 
worth these people's while to use it. For the moment, 
however, we will leave that. Meanwhile I would like 
to hear more of what you intend to do in your survey. 

J. H . Well, as I said at the beginning, I shall be 
trying to find out what science is doing in this country 
to cater for its social needs. And the way I propose 
to divide up the field is roughly this. I shall take 
obvious needs like food, clothing, building and shelter, 
transport, and health, and see what science is doing to 
help there. Then there is the relation of science to 
industry in general — where the funds come from, and 
how the research is planned and controlled; there is 
the assistance that scientists are giving in preparing 



for war, and the question of what the psychological 
side of science is doing to ease the mental tensions set 
up by society. And, of course, there will be something 
to say as to the scope of what we have just been dis- 
cussing : namely, science for its own sake — what is 
being done in the way of pure science in the Univer- 
sities, and of amateur science carried on as a hobby. 

H L Then does there not still remain the question 
of how science is actually organized to do all this 
work ? 

J. H. Yes, I was coming to that You have only 
got to think for a moment to realize that the work is 
carried out in the most varied ways Some is done in 
laboratories attached to private firms, some in Uni- 
versities, some in Government institutions, some 
through scientific and other societies, some in research 
laboratories financed by industries, some with the help 
of international organizations I shall try to see 
examples of all these types. In particular, I want to 
see if I can find out something about the imperfections 
and gaps in our scientific organization. 

H. L. Well, this survey of yours is going to be a 
big job, isn't it ? 

j ■ h. Yes, indeed — such a big job that I shall only 
be able to deal with a small part of each field. All the 
same, I think I shall be able to make a survey which 
will give a useful general picture of the whole subject, 
and will bring out the co-ordination of all the scattered 
work, as far as it is co-ordinated at all. And at the 
end I suppose you will want to come back and ask me 
some more of these troublesome questions ! 

H. L. Well, if I ask you troublesome questions, it is 
because science must needs be associated with trouble- 



some things But I should really like you to discover 
during your survey the answers to one or two diffi- 
culties I have You know how glibly people talk about 
science being open, published for all, and working for 
the benefit of humanity. I wonder if you are not likely 
to find that a good deal of research for private firms is 
conducted in secrecy, so that the scientific knowledge 
is kept within the factory walls and used for private 
profit only, while these same firms are busy, as you 
have agreed, m absorbing the fundamental scientific 
work which is done outside their walls in public insti- 
tutions. And then again, I wonder how much research 
is conducted primarily for national purposes — informa- 
tion and ideas which this country must keep to itself 
in order that British industrialists, and British War 
Departments too, may compete successfully against the 
foreigner. This may all sound very nasty, but I am 
raising the question because, if what I am hinting at 
is true, we must give up all this clap-trap about science 
always being the benefactor of humanity at large and 
international in all its aspects. 

J. H. Well, that grows naturally out of the pro- 
gramme I have just outlined. 

H. L. Then there is another point. You and I, 
Huxley, seem to be assuming that industry can absorb 
as much science as scientists can produce. I wonder 
how far you may find science running to waste. 
What I mean is just this. The scientific movement 
measures success in the application of its work when 
it produces the machinery^ for plenty — when, for 
instance, it makes four ears of corn grow where one 
grew before— but nowadays we are beginning to realize 
that success in industry often demands scarcity and 



high prices. You talk about scientific applications to 
agriculture, but at the same time politicians and 
industry are restricting production, and that, mark 
you, side by side with unsatisfied needs and even 
starvation all over the world. Does it not look as if 
those who are to supply the needs of the community 
are in a cleft stick ? They dare only use science in a 
very restricted form. 

J. H. Let me get this clear. Are you implying 
that science is responsible for over-production : in fact, 
that the world is suffering from too much science ? 

H. L . Oh, no. That is the wrong way to put it. 
There is plenty of scope for science. But just where 
science is most needed, the present order of society is 
incapable of absorbing it. Agriculture is a case in 
point, but there are plenty of other examples. 

J. H. Naturally, that is important, and I shall 
certainly keep an. eye open for examples of that sort. 
But meanwhile we live in a capitalist world, and science 
and scientists have to take the organization of industry 
as they find it. 

if. L . Yes, naturally. But I think it is important 
we should see the contradiction between some of the 
ideals that the ordinary layman and the scientist have 
about science and the way it actually functions Take 
this question of nationalism, for example. The 
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research is a 
Government organization which exists definitely to 
promote British industry as against the industries of 
other countries I am not complaining about that — it 
does its job very efficiently indeed — but I think it is 
important that we should see that science is being 
used for this nationalist purpose, and we must not 

Teddington. An aerial view, 193 

Gas masks are useful in peace as well as war. A new type of gas 
mask for mine rescue work designed as the result of research by the 
Safety in Mines Research Board: the air is breathed through a 
canister containing manganese dioxide and copper oxide to protect 
rescue workers from carbon monoxide and other poisonous gases 
formed after an explosion. With this type of mask, the rescuers 
need not carry oxygen cylinders to breathe with. (See pp. 159, 179-) 
From Safety in Coal Mines .* Some Problems of Research. 

By permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. 



pretend that it is not, by proclaiming that science is 

J. H. That, too, I suppose, is inevitable, so long as 
the world is organized into national sovereign states. 
And, of course, this has a further consequence — namely, 
that every nation has to devote a good deal of its 
scientific energy to research which is to be of use in 

H. L. I see. So that science here plays a vital part 
in a consequence of nationalism — namely, war. Are 
you, then, also proposing to look into this side of 
scientific research? That will be interesting, if you 
can discover much about it. 

J . H Yes, naturally that cannot be left out. But 
meanwhile do not let us forget that research which is 
undertaken or financed primarily for war needs may 
have results that are useful for all sorts of peace-time 
purposes. Aviation would never have developed as 
rapidly as it has if it had not been for the Great War. 
Research m the optical glass industry has a background 
of war-time ends ; but it gives us better field-glasses 
and camera lenses and microscopes in times of peace 
Gas-masks for use m coal-mines and industrial occupa- 
tions have been improved owing to research to protect 
soldiers and civilians from poison gas used for military 
ends. Or again, the need of understanding and curing 
the thousands of so-called “ shell-shock ” cases during 
the War was responsible for a remarkable advance in 
psychological science, which is now being of the greatest 
service in dealing with peace-time disorders. 

H. L. Well, it is not necessary to justify war that 
way. Actually, war follows naturally out of the 
struggle for markets, and I anticipate that you will 



see how science is being used to intensify the one and 
prepare for the other But let us pass to a less un- 
savoury subject, from the destruction of human life 
to its conservation. Do you propose to see whether 
science is being used to its full extent for the health of 
the community ? Is it the case that research into, say, 
industrial fatigue is conducted in the interests of 
the workers, or primarily for increased efficiency of 
production ? 

J. H. That is going to be rather a difficult question 
to answer. But I expect to have something to say 
on the more general problem of whether scientific 
knowledge, in this field of the nation's health, is really 
being used to the fullest possible extent, and as a 
matter of fact I can tell you beforehand that it is not. 

H. L. I guessed as much. And now, Huxley, let 
us hear a little more about the international aspect of 
science. It is peculiar that it should have this aspect, 
considering the fact that, as we have seen, it is used 
so much for national purposes. There would appear 
here surely to be two conflicting currents at work. 

/. H . Yes, that arises from what I said before. There 
is in science something that inevitably is universal, 
because it springs from the fundamental human 
impulse of curiosity, of wanting to know for the sake 
of knowing, v But there is also the desire to control 
events and things for use and profit, and this gets 
tangled up with industry and nationalism, while the 
other is always tending to transcend such limitations. 

H . L. Well, enough of theory — what about in- 
ternational science in practice ? 

J . H. Oh, there are, of course, plenty of examples 
ready to hand. For instance, one of the most efficient 



remedies for African sleeping sickness is a drug called 
Bayer 205. This was discovered in a German research 
laboratory, but finds its chief use in British, French, 
and Belgian colonies. Then there is the famous 
example of the synthetic aniline dyes which scientists 
produce out of coal-tar. The original discovery of the 
methods was made m England, but Germany was the 
only country to make commercial application of them 
for many years afterwards 

H. L. Yes, that is so But the reason for that is 
interesting We must remember that Britain at 
that period held a well-assured position m the world 
markets, while German manufacturers were struggling 
to secure a foothold. Thus they were on the alert to 
use science at once for that purpose, backed by the 
German State. Thus, in Germany, under the drive of 
her industrial needs, industrial research institutions 
came into existence earlier than here, where they were 
largely stimulated by the Great War. So when you 
say that science is international, is it not the case that 
it is simply those elements of science very remote from 
industrial application that are international? That 
is, of course, a great deal, as scientific journals testify — 
three-quarters of a million scientific and technical 
contributions every year ! 

J. H. Yes ; but in spite of all you say about 
nationalism m science, I do not think many laymen 
realize the extent of the international side of science — 
the interchange of brains from one country to another 
by means of research fellowships, exchange professor- 
ships, and so on; the congresses at which scientists 
of all nations take part ; the way in which a discovery 
made in one country is taken up almost at once in 



another. What is clear, I think, is that science is 
trying to work on a lot of different levels, so to speak — 
sometimes in the service of a single firm, sometimes 
in that of a single industry, or again m the service of a 
single nation or empire, and finally on the international 
level, where discoveries are announced freely, and 
fully published so as to be available to humanity at 

H . L. So to that extent science, like the scramble 
for trade, is riven by conflicting tendencies — inter- 
national publication, national secrecy, trade secrecy, 
the ideals of scientific men. 

J. H. Yes, I am afraid that is so And I shall try, 
if I can, to lay my finger on particular cases where 
competitive secrecy is interfering with scientific ideals. 

H. L. Do you propose also examining where the 
gaps he m the field of scientific study ? 

J. H. What exactly are you thinking of ? 

H. L Well, if one of the mam driving forces that 
determines the direction of research — I do not say it is 
the only one — is this need for help from science on the 
part of those who undertake production, then the scope 
of scientific inquiry is likely to be affected by this fact. 
For example, do scientists know why production has 
gone down to such a low ebb, in spite of the marvellous 
achievements of science? Before the War, it has 
been argued, we had crises associated with over- 
production, and now at the present moment, in spite 
of the refinements of science in production, we have a 
world-wide crisis, with actual under-production and 
widespread restriction of output. The Economic 
Conference brought that out, at any rate. Have 
scientists reached agreement on that issue, or do you 



think it is not even a suitable subject for scientific 
study ? 

J. H. Why, certainly, any subject is capable of 
being examined by the scientific method. For instance, 
most industrial research is aimed at making production 
more efficient. But why should not the State, through 
the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 
set going a really scientific investigation on the problem 
of how to stimulate consumption ? Consumption is 
just as much a problem for scientific research as is 
production Only, owing to our economic system, it 
has been nobody's business to apply scientific ideas 
to it. 

H. L. Yes, but I should like to see added to that 
problem this : should it be found possible to discover 
the underlying causes of all these contradictions, is it 
likely that those who have the power to act so as to 
resolve them, will agree to taking the necessary steps ? 
It may hit them badly, you know. Even scientists 
themselves are not likely to be unbiased m such 

J. H. I quite agree. , It means that we must 
regard society itself as a proper object for scientific 
treatment, which is a rather revolutionary idea. At 
the moment, for instance, educational policy has no 
scientific basis, but is determined by all sorts of un- 
scientific motives, such as political pressure, religious 
feeling, and mere tradition. And then there is the 
point you make about general bias. Now that is 
something so unconscious with most people that I 
do not thmk they are even aware of it. Even scientists, 
with a few exceptions, are not aw T are of the fact that 
they are biased, and would be indignant if you told 



them that they were. And of course when people get 
indignant about anything, it is generally a sign that 
they have not thought scientifically on the subject. The 
scientific movement is an outgrowth of society, and 
cannot help being influenced by the form of the society 
from which it springs. 

H. L Yes. For that reason the more fundamental 
social problems have been kept m scientific darkness : 
the light has not been turned on problems of social 
structure, causes of war, the social bias m education, 
the basis of religious belief, the rationale of sex, and 
so on. In fact, our form of society has rendered them 
almost taboo to anything that could be called scientific 

J. H. Yes, what we need now, it seems to me, is a 
change of outlook — a feeling that science should be 
asked to help m tackling such problems, that we ought 
to arrange for more of the best brains to go into the 
study of society, that the Government ought to organ- 
ize research on social subjects as it already does on 
industry and agriculture and health. That would be 
a revolutionary change. 

H. L. It would indeed. But you may recollect 
that you agreed that institutions reflected the bias of 
the society in which they developed. Government 
and the State are such institutions : they tacitly 
assume the permanence and the structure of present- 
day society, and therefore their use of science necessarily 
also reflects their bias. 

J. H. Yes, that is true enough ; but you must 
have a beginning somewhere, and, whatever you say, 
a change of the sort I suggested would be revolutionary. 
What is more, there are signs that at last the scientists 



themselves are coming alive to the existence and 
importance of this problem. For instance, the British 
Association has just decided to devote a large part of 
its time at this year's meeting in Aberdeen to con- 
sidering the social bearings of scientific work Do 
you not think that is an interesting symptom ? 

H . L. Well, it is clearly a very important matter 
and one that strikes radically at the whole problem of 
the use of science m society It is as critical for science 
as it is for society. 

J. H. Yes, I agree But meanwhile I shall have 
to get on with my survey, and I think we must leave 
this question to be dealt with m our final discussion, 
with all the facts m front of us It may turn out that 
this is, after all, the most important social need for 
which science could possibly cater. 

H. L. Well, it is not becoming for scientific men to 
talk of luck, but you will certainly need it ! Good-bye. 




F OOD is not merely a social need * it is a biological 
one. All the same, as society grows in size and com- 
plexity, the needs connected with food get more varied 
and more elaborated. To-day a large portion of the 
population live m big towns, so that the transport and 
distribution of everyday articles of diet, especially 
perishable ones like milk or fish, have become a serious 
problem To-day, too, people want food from all 
over the world — think of West Indian bananas, New 
Zealand mutton, Californian grape-fruit, Argentine 
beef. And this involves even bigger problems of 
transport and distribution. Then, with the growth of 
transport facilities, the natural tendency has been for 
food to be grown intensively, often on an enormous 
scale — as on the Canadian wheat-farms or the South 
American cattle-ranches — in the regions of the world 
best suited to its production, and then exported. 
Food-production is now largely a capitalist business 
enterprise carried out on a world-scale. And this, 
of course, has sharpened competition. The result is 
that there is a premium on certain kinds of improve- 
ments at every stage of the business — the making of 
new varieties of food-plants and food-animals, the 
technique of growing and rearing them, their storage 
and preservation in transit ; and at every point science 
has been called in to help in making these improvements. 




In a single chapter I obviously cannot cover all 
these applications of science to this great problem of 
our food. So I shall take one or two threads and see 
where they lead. 

My story ought to have begun with a visit to the 
Abbe MendeF s garden m the monastery at Brno, in 
Czechoslovakia. But Mendel died before I was born, 
and even if I had been privileged to visit him and see 
his work, I could never have foreseen all that has grown 
out of it. So I will begin with the School of Agriculture 
in Cambridge, where I called on Sir Rowland Biffen. 

Mendel's work was published in 1865, and lay un- 
noticed between the covers of a rather obscure scientific 
journal for thirty-five years When it was unearthed 
again m 1900, it was immediately seen to be of out- 
standing importance to the science of heredity. Among 
the men who saw its importance was William Bateson 
of Cambridge, and it was through his insight and 
enthusiasm that Cambridge soon became a centre for 
research in this new branch of science. 

The essence of Mendelism is that hereditary char- 
acters are determined by definite unit particles which 
are handed on from parent to offspring m the re- 
productive cells, and that, owing to the microscopic 
machinery of those cells, the hereditary units can be 
shuffled and re-dealt in new ways. This is quite 
contrary to the older ideas of heredity, which usually 
assumed that the characters of the parents became 
permanently blended in the offspring, more or less 
as coloured mk blends with water. Mendelism showed 
that there was no blending, but that, by means of 
properly-planned crosses, the various characters of 
different races can be taken to bits, so to speak, and 



reassembled almost at will in all kinds of new and pure- 
breedmg combinations 

For obvious practical reasons of space and time, 
most of the early work on this new branch of science 
was done on small and, if possible, quick-breeding 
species — mice, primroses, flies, sweet peas, and the 
like — irrespective of their usefulness or uselessness to 
man. But soon it became clear that Mendel’s laws 
were general, and that they applied to every variety 
of character m every kind of animal and plant ; and 
then, naturally, scientists began to try to apply their 
knowledge to practical ends. 

Thus Biffen's very practical work grew naturally 
out of the pioneer studies of Mendel and Bateson. If 
they were right, then it should be possible to build 
up new varieties of plants and animals by deliberate 
crosses, instead of confining yourself to slow selection — 
just as modern chemistry deliberately makes new 
substances by basing itself on the atomic theory, 
instead of mixing things in hit-or-miss fashion in a 
test-tube. This is what Biffen set himself to do with 

Let me take one example of his work. He aimed 
at combining resistance to rust disease, which he found 
in an otherwise poor strain of wheat, with the high 
yield of one of the best cropping strains. So he 
crossed the two : — and the offspring were all susceptible 
to disease ! This would have been discouraging to 
the older breeders — but not to a Mendelian, who knows 
that characters can be masked for a generation, but 
can still be bred out pure in later generations. In 
his crosses he introduced also the character of “ hard ” 
grain, rich in gluten, which the millers asked for, and 



strong straw to prevent the plants from being too 
easily “ laid ” by storms, and succeeded in combining 
the characters he wanted after several generations of 
planned crossing and selection. 

The tw T o mam strains he manufactured thus were 
called Little Joss and Yeoman. Although not put on 
the market till 1912 and 1917 respectively, by 1927 
they occupied about a third of all the world’s wheat- 

However, Yeoman does not suit all soils, especially 
clays and light sands; and now one of Biffen’s chief 
aims is to make new types of Yeoman — by breeding in 
new features from other strains — which will suit every 
kind of wheat land in Britain. It is on this problem 
that he is mainly busy. Besides that, he is trying to 
manufacture a spring wheat suitable for this country. 
Spring wheats are not necessary with our mild winters ; 
but the introduction of sugar-beet, which is not har- 
vested until November or December, has made it 
desirable to have a spring wheat to put on land that has 
been under beet the previous year. 

I shall come back to Biffen and his wheats in a 
minute ; but first let me take you to Professor Crew’s 
Department at Edinburgh, which is designed to do for 
the breeding of animals what Sir Rowland Biffen’s 
Institute aims to do for that of plants. I asked Crew 
what he thought were the most important practical 
results that his laboratory had achieved, and he 
answered, Bull-dog calves, for one thing, and the 
inheritance of milk-production for another. Bull-dog 
calves are a form of monstrosity which occurred with 
increasing frequency m the Dexter breed of cattle : 
they sometimes occurred to the tune of 20 or 25 per 



cent, of all births, and some breeders were giving up 
their herds. Crew undertook to analyse the matter on 
Mendelian principles. He showed that you were bound 
to expect a high percentage of these monstrosities if 
you followed certain principles of breeding. What is 
more, he showed that if you followed certain other 
principles, you would no longer get any “ bull-dogs ” 

The investigation on milk-production began with an 
examination of all the herd-books which the Depart- 
ment could get from breeders — a task which obviously 
only a big central institution could undertake. The 
milk records of thousands of cows were studied, and 
also their pedigrees. This showed, as clearly as any 
paper analysis without actual breeding experiments 
can show, that the tendency to high milk-production 
was due largely to what scientists call sex-linked 
inheritance, which is a special case of Mendelian 
inheritance. A sex-linked factor means something 
which a father transmits to all his daughters, but to 
none of his sons. A male, on the other hand, can only 
receive it from his mother. A well-known example 
from human beings is excessive bleeding or haemophilia 
— the disease which the Russian Tsarevitch had. He 
got the hereditary factor for bleeding through his 
mother, and if he had lived and married, could only 
have passed it on through his daughters. 

Most hereditary factors, of course, are transmitted 
equally from father or mother to all offspring of either 
sex. You will readily see that if a sex-linked factor 
enters into milk-production, breeders must use quite a 
different system of breeding from the ordinary. For 
instance, if you find a bull which sires a large number 



of high-yielckric cows, instead of keeping his sons to 
breed from, as yon would naturally expect, you must 
reject them all — for none of them will have inherited 
the father's good qualities 

What Crew would like to do is to test this out by 
actual experiment ; but this would take years and be 
pretty costly, and at the moment he cannot get the 
money for such an experiment However, it is clear, 
I think, that he is on the track of something which could 
put up the average milk-yield of the cows of this country 
by anything fiom 20 to 40 or perhaps even 50 per cent. 
And the work which first gave us our understanding of 
sex-linked factors and enabled Crew to spot one when 
he saw its results in the herd-books, was carried out at 
Cambridge University on moths and at Columbia 
University on flies 

Now let us go back to Biffen and his wheats. It is 
not enough to breed new varieties which seem all right 
on the experimental plot. They must be tested out 
under commercial conditions before they can be safely 
recommended to farmers. Biffen's own department 
cannot very well do this, and as a matter of fact the 
business is entrusted to the National Institute of 
Agricultural Botany. 

Testing is just as important in its way as breeding, 
for each variety will behave differently m different 
conditions of soils and climate ; and the Institute, with 
its six testing stations in different parts of the country, 
helps with this. It would be a good thing if there 
were more stations, covering the country still more 
thoroughly, but meanwhile the Institute supplies this 
necessary link m a pretty adequate way. 

Then we must not forget the soil. There are a few 



soils which are rich enough to dispense with chemical 
treatment, but with most soils you must put fertilizer 
on if the plant is to take out all it needs for optimum 
growth. The fundamentals of this branch of science 
are studied at the big Experimental Station at Rotham- 
sted, directed by Sir John Russell, and many detailed 
soil problems are being worked out at the Experimental 
Farm belonging to Imperial Chemical Industries at 
Jealott’s Hill. 

I have not space to say much about this work, except 
that it is extremely important. It is only by careful 
studies, year after year, that we can find out how to 
bring land to its full yielding capacity and keep it there. 
And our present knowledge, if properly applied, would 
make it possible to bring off much bigger crops, 
especially with plants other than wheat, — such as oats 
or potatoes ; and also with grass. But grass is animal 
food, not human food, and that brings me back to the 
question of how science can help with live-stock 

With regard to animals, the problem is more com- 
plicated than with plants, because there is an extra 
link in it — namely, the plants which the animals eat. 
Let us look at some of the points that arise. You may 
have the most wonderful breed of cattle or sheep in the 
world ; but if you put them on poor pasture they will 
not do well. In fact, on really poor pasture they will 
do a good deal worse than much inferior stock, because 
to live and grow at all they need more and better food 
than the mediocre beasts. The pasture, in its turn, 
may be poor because it consists of poor kinds of grasses, 
or because it is growing on soil which is deficient in 
some important substance, like iron, or lime, or phos- 



phorus. Further, the soil may be naturally deficient 
in the substance — for instance, there are big areas of 
the middle west of America where (owing to the ice- 
sheets of the glacial period) there is practically no iodine 
m the soil, and therefore human beings are unusually 
prone to develop goitre, and pigs are often born hairless 
and soon die. Or man may have caused the deficiency 
by constantly taking stuff out of the soil m the shape 
of the lime and phosphorus m the bones and meat of his 
animals, the iron in their blood, and so on, and never 
putting any back in the shape of fertilizer. 

Two splendid Institutions I visited are especially 
concerned with these problems — the Welsh Plant- 
breeding Station at Aberystwyth and the Rowett 
Institute for the Study of Animal Nutrition at Aber- 
deen, both of them largely financed from State funds. 
Let me begin with the latter. From its start m 1922 
the work here has been directed by Dr. John Orr, and 
has had the general purpose of finding out the relation 
between diet and disease, both m animals and in men. 
The researches started on these lines have not only 
revealed how to cure a number of obvious diseases, but 
have also shown that many animals and people who 
could never be classified as diseased are really suffering 
from slight deficiencies of diet, and that their health 
and vigour can be increased — often starthngly increased 
— if the diet is corrected. So that, instead of the rather 
negative idea of remedying obvious disease, the positive 
aim of promoting health through diet is gradually 
becoming dominant in the Institute. 

I will only give one main sample of the work done 
here — the kind of laborious work which obviously can 
be undertaken only by a national institution with a 



long-term policy and regular funds at its disposal. It 
concerned the nature of the diet afforded by different 
pastures to the live-stock of this island. To start with, 
a pasture survey was made. Samples of herbage from 
nearly 400 different localities were taken and carefully 
analysed chemically. One thing that early emerged 
was that almost any pasture, even the best-looking, 
could be improved both m the quantity and quality 
of its yield by adding the proper fertilizers. The next 
and perhaps more important point was that the great 
bulk of the hill pastures, which occupy such enormous 
tracts of our country, especially in Scotland and Wales, 
were badly below standard in regard to the amount of 
lime and phosphorus m the herbage they grow; and 
further, that this lack of the minerals necessary for 
bone-growth and for health in the animals pastured on 
them was almost always linked up with a deficiency m 
the nitrogen needed to build up flesh. 

It was further pretty clear that, in general, low 
mineral content of the pastures went hand in hand with 
a high incidence of disease in the stock — mostly sheep — 
which grazed them; but to get accurate information 
on this, the Institute found it necessary to buy a farm 
of its own in Argyllshire, where careful experiment has 
been going on for nearly four years. This farm, in the 
mineral content of its herbage, is near the average of 
hill pastures. The experiments have shown that sheep 
on this farm not only did not get enough lime and 
phosphorus for healthy growth at any time of the year, 
but in the winter months were not getting enough sheer 
nourishment, as measured in the energy-units that 
physiologists call calories. In winter-time, to get full 
health and reasonable growth, it was necessary to 



supplement the herbage with extra nutriment such as 
maize, and also extra minerals — or else to treat the soil 
beforehand with a fertilizer which would supply the 

Further, it appears not only that a large area of the 
Scottish hill pasture is deficient m lime and other vital 
substances, but also that the deficiency has been getting 
steadily worse for the last fifty years or so. It seems 
clear that by a proper use of mineral fertilizers on the 
pastures, or by extra mineral-containing rations for the 
stock, the carrying capacity of hill pastures could be at 
least doubled — that man could make two sheep grow 
where only one grew before. 

As a startling example of what proper feeding and 
careful management can do, I might mention that this 
year a cow at the Institute was made to rear no fewer 
than eleven calves m a single milk-period, in place of 
the two to four which is the usual number ! 

But before mentioning any more of the thoughts 
which come into one's head about the Row r ett Institute's 
work, I would like to tell you something of what I saw 
at Aberystwyth under the guidance of its director, 
Professor Stapledon. 

Professor Stapledon is an enthusiast about pasture 
plants in general and grasses m particular. I should 
imagine that he know r s more about grasses and clovers 
than any other man m the world. I have not the time 
to do more than just mention the special bits of research 
that are going on at his Institute : an experiment with 
red clover involving half a million artificial crosses 
between different strains; work w r hich is aimed at 
providing a new r type of white clover better than the 
ordinary Dutch strain ; breeding and selection expert- 



merits with oats and different kinds of grasses. These 
last, by the way, have an interest of a general kind. 
Most researches of the sort set out to breed a variety 
which will give bigger yield or better growth in the most 
favourable conditions. But Stapledon, with the Welsh 
hills all round him, has his eye on the uplands, and his 
work is to select for unfavourable conditions — to make 
it possible for a richer kind of grass to grow m place of 
the usual moorland bents 

But the most obviously exciting work is going on 
high up in the mountains. Long years of careful 
research on a comparatively small scale had convinced 
Stapledon that he could change the whole character of 
the hill vegetation for the better. Last year Sir Julien 
Cahn gave a considerable sum of money to put these 
ideas to the test on a large scale. With this money 
Stapledon purchased two tracts of land, one between 
900 and 1300 feet up, another bigger one above the 
1500-foot level. Both are just rough mountain pasture, 
yielding only a scanty nourishment to sheep even in 
summer. In winter the flocks from such areas have to 
be sent down and boarded out at so much a head on the 
pastures of lowland farms. 

At the time of my visit at the end of September, the 
upland pastures were all turning ashen brown. Here 
and there, however, areas of summery green showed 
in the autumnal landscape. These were patches which 
Stapledon had treated according to his methods only a 
short six months before. They were covered with 
typical lowland grasses, which continue leafing much 
later than the types adapted to the bleak moorlands, 
and with a good proportion of clover. 

Briefly, Stapledon has discovered that practically 

mperial Bureau of Plant Genetics : Herbage Plants . 

Turning rough mountain moorland into rich pasture. The first step— breaking up the existing surface. 
Photograph taken at 1200 feet above sea-level. ( See p. 44.) 

lly courtesy oj Professor 7 ?. ( ', . Stapledon , Welsh Plant Breeding Station, Aberystwyth. 



any hillside, at least up to the 2000-foot level, can be 
turned into pasture of lowland type by combining three 
procedures. The first is to get rid of the existing 
vegetation and to break up the soil; the second is to 
sow with the right mixture of grass and clover seeds, 
and the third is to supply the right blend of mineral 
fertilizers. Once this is done, proper grazing, with 
the occasional addition of fertilizer, will keep the 
pastures m condition. 

Each of these three procedures has its long back- 
ground of scientific and technical research. The first 
would be impossible without the development of the 
caterpillar tractor in the last ten years or so, to pull 
agricultural implements over otherwise inaccessible 
hillsides The right kind of tractors are already 
available ; but the right kind of implements is now the 
practical core of the problem. Ploughing would do, 
but is expensive anyhow, and the ploughshares often 
get broken on stones. Harrowing is another method; 
scraping, as for aerodrome surfaces or road-grading, 
another. Up in one corner of the moor is a collection 
of different types of implements that are being tried 
out. Perhaps a special one will have to be designed. 
But the finding of the right method here is now merely 
a matter of time and experiment. 

Then there is the second procedure — of sowing the 
right seed mixture. The background to this is long 
experience, and also years of rigorous selection, by 
which Stapledon has manufactured types of lowland 
grasses which will stand up to hill conditions. And 
back of the third procedure — of supplying the right 
fertilizer — is nearly a century of experiment, beginning 
with the pioneer work of Lawes and Gilbert at Rotham- 



sted in the early Victorian era. None of the procedures 
alone, or in couples, will do. All three are needed to 
establish the richer and more lasting pasture. 

The lowland type of pasture thus established has all 
sorts of advantages. For one thing, it is more nutritious 
in itself ; and, perhaps more important, it begins pro- 
viding nutriment much earlier in the year and goes on 
providing it much longer. With such pastures avail- 
able, the hill fanners would be able to graze many more 
sheep on the same land, and to keep them all the year 
round, instead of incurring the trouble and expense of 
boarding them out in the lowlands in winter. And 
there would be other advantages concerned with rearing 
fat lambs for sale at the best time for the market. 

When you consider that nearly a quarter of the area 
of Great Britain consists of mountain and rough hill 
grazings, you will realize what a staggering change 
could be made by putting the results of these researches 
into practice. Even if the results were only applied 
up to 1500 feet, the change would be enormous. 

And now I ought to say something as to the general 
ideas which I got from what I have seen. In the first 
place, the fundamental research is, without doubt, well 
organized and ably directed In plant and animal 
breedmg, grass research, animal nutrition, soil science, 
fisheries, food storage, the study of the animal and 
plant enemies and parasites of crops, our British labor- 
atories, such as those at Cambridge, Edinburgh, 
Aberystwyth, Aberdeen, Hull, Rothamsted, South 
Kensington, JealotCs Hill, backed up by the agri- 
cultural colleges and the University departments 
concerned with agriculture, are doing work of out- 
standing quality— original and vitally important. 



But practically all the research men I have talked to 
showed an interesting mixture of optimism and pessim- 
ism. They all knew the scientific importance of their 
own work, and were convinced of its possible value for 
practice ; several of them said to me that a doubling of 
the present amount of food grown in this country was 
not only perfectly possible, but a modest estimate of 
what could be achieved by applying the scientific 
knowledge which exists That, by the way, would 
make these islands self-supporting in regard to most 
foodstuffs (though not wheat) 

But m contrast with this optimism as to possibilities 
was a certain pessimism as to actualities What is the 
good of doubling the number of sheep m the country if 
sheep prices may fall so low as to wipe out any reason- 
able profit to the farmer ? What is the good of invent- 
ing new brands of wheat that will make it possible to 
grow more bushels of wheat to the acre or to push wheat 
cultivation nearer the pole, if the world's wheat- 
producers have on their hands vast surpluses they 
cannot dispose of profitably and are clamouring for a 
restriction of output and cultivation? What is the 
good of inventing new methods of cold storage which 
enable ships to ransack the recesses of the Arctic Ocean 
for fish, if a large proportion of the annual catch is 
thrown away or disposed of for manure ? 

Then, of course, there is the conflict between home 
and empire. What about New Zealand mutton and 
Australian beef if we double our own live-stock, or 
Canadian wheat and apples if we increase the home 
output ? And there still remains the problem of the 
balance between agriculture and industry. If we are 
to go on exporting coal and steel and machinery and 



motor-cars to other countries, they must be paid for 
by our taking something in exchange from those coun- 
tries : foodstuffs are one of the biggest items in that 

Then there are the conflicts of interests at home 
There is the interest of the breeder of pedigree cattle of 
a certain breed against the general livestock interest; 
that of the seedsman as against the fanner ; of the wool 
merchant against the sheep-breeder ; of the middle-man 
as against the producer and the consumer — one could 
go on almost indefinitely 1 

The outlook, mind you, is not all black. Much of the 
scientific results could be applied to-morrow to bring 
down cost for the farmers, and so make it possible for 
many more of them to make a decent assured profit, 
instead of scraping along in a hand-to-mouth way, or 
even falling over the edge into failure. But that is 
looking at the problem from the producer's angle only : 
the consumer is another matter. And there for the 
moment the trouble is serious. You have very large 
sections of our 40 millions of people not getting all they 
would like to eat, and quite considerable sections 
definitely getting too little for full health and growth 
and energy ; and yet there is restriction of output and 
even destruction of food, as when herrings are thrown 
away or milk poured down the drains to keep the 
price up. 

That, however, is not the fault of science, but of our 
economic system, and how that is to be remedied is a 
question for economists and administrators. Mean- 
while it does lie like a barrier across our hopes for a well- 
nourished, healthy nation. But the hopes are there, 
and if the barrier of the economic system seems strong, 



the basis of the hope is strong too ! And that basis is 
the certitude that science, if its existing knowledge were 
properly applied, could at least double the amount of 
food we produce m these little islands, and could put 
up world-production to a level at which there would be 
enough and to spare for the 2000 million human beings 
m existence. 




I N this chapter I want to say something about science 
in its relation to the art and business of building 
and construction, and I want to begin by asking you to 
think of the rather curious contrast between the motor 
industry and the building industry. Here, as else- 
where, the Great War makes a convenient landmark. 
In the years since the end of the War, the quality and 
convenience of motor-cars have been improved out of 
all recognition, their price has in general gone down, 
and the supply has been adequate to meet the demand. 
With houses, on the other hand, the supply has been 
far from adequate, their price has in general gone up, 
and their quality and convenience have remained 
stationary, or at best been slightly improved. 

This contrast is undoubtedly linked up with the 
contrast in the method of production in the two cases. 
With motor-cars, the outstanding features are rapid 
mass-production in the factory on the one hand, and 
on the other intensive research and invention, with 
speedy utilization of their results. With houses, on 
the contrary, the structure is slowly built up on the 
site, and it is fair to say that traditional methods both 
of production and construction have remained in the 

There is, however, a further fact. There have not 



been wanting men to notice this contrast, and to try 
to remedy it by applying the methods of mass-pro- 
duction and modern technology to housing. At one 
time, for instance, it was steel houses that were going 
to revolutionize the industry, at another cottages made 
of concrete cast m moulds. But so far none of these 
attempts has been wholly successful. Some of the 
reasons for this have at first sight seemed to be uncon- 
nected with the merits of the schemes — for instance, the 
resistance of the building trades unions to the schemes 
for providing steel houses, on the ground that they 
would not only throw the traditional building crafts 
into chaos, but would also largely substitute unskilled 
for skilled labour. But m the final reckoning, the 
reason for the failure of these projects is that they have 
deserved to fail — because they have not provided an 
article suited for its purpose. 

One frequent trouble with the steel houses, for in- 
stance, was corrosion of the steel skin. Men used to steel 
construction m other fields, such as shipbuilding, reply 
that they have got over the corrosion trouble there. 
To do so, however, means constant painting at frequent 
intervals ; and to have an army of painters going over 
all the houses in a neighbourhood as often as they go 
over a ship's hull would mean a radical change in out- 
look on the part of builders, local authorities, and, most 
of all, of the occupiers of the houses, to whom it would 
be an infernal nuisance, let alone preventing them 
growing creepers up their walls. Another trouble was 
condensation : the houses were cheap to put up, but 
when they were lived in, it was found that moisture 
often condensed on their ceilings and walls in a most 
unpleasant way. 


In other words, the problem had been looked at from 
the standpoint of cheap construction only ; the comfort 
and convenience of the user had not been properly taken 
into account. 

So far, that has been the trouble with all attempts to 
apply mass-production to housing ; the promoters have 
forgotten to think of all the needs which a good house 
stands for. Of course, shelter is the most obvious need 
catered for by a house. But shelter does not mean 
merely having a roof over your head : it means also 
being protected from cold and wet; and, further, it 
means privacy — protection from the distractions of the 
rest of the world, and especially from noise. 

The old type of house, produced by traditional 
methods without any thought of science, did on the 
whole stand up to all these demands. When properly 
built, its thick walls of brick or stone allowed only a 
slow passage of heat, so that rooms could be kept warm 
in winter and cool in summer ; they did not allow the 
rain to come through, nor permit much condensation 
of moisture inside ; and on the whole they cut off noise 
very efficiently. On the other hand, such houses took 
a long time to put up, and used a very large amount of 

The one really radical change in building methods 
which is based upon science is the modern framed 
building of steel or reinforced concrete. This makes 
possible a considerable economy in construction by 
demanding less material in the walls : the frame takes 
all the weight, and the walls, relieved of bhe need for 
providing support, can be made much thinner. But 
when you try to effect this economy, you are at once up 
against difficulties. If you economize on outer walls. 



you are likely to lose heat too quickly ; if you economize 
on inner walls, you are likely to get noise passing too 
easily from room to room (Where the building is a 
block of flats, this is especially serious : members of a 
family tolerate each other's noise much more readily 
than they do the noise made by the family next door ») 
In addition, the new construction brings new difficulties 
of its own : the pipes, steel beams, and so on which run 
long distances through the building, provide excellent 
channels along which sound can travel The result, 
in some otherwise admirable modern buildings, is a 
nightmare of noise. 

Last week I visited the Building Research Station 
out at Watford, which is one of the research institutions 
under the Department of Scientific and Industrial 
Research ; I saw the work that was going on there, and 
had a long talk with the Director, Dr. Stradling. His 
job, as he explained to me, is first and foremost to see 
the problem as a whole. There is a very real need for 
economy m construction if we are to have decent 
houses at a reasonable price. There is a need for 
rapidity in construction, not only for economy's sake, 
but also because the country needs a great many new 
buildings, and needs them quickly. But the materials 
and the design must be such that damp or sound does 
not pass through too readily, that the fabric is resistant 
to decay and corrosion, that moisture does not condense 
inside, that there is decent ventilation, and that the 
general layout is convenient. 

The excellent building methods of earlier centuries 
were the result of good craftsmanship based on tradition, 
and the craftsmanship and the tradition were essentially 
local, and represented experience m dealing with locally- 



favoured building material. The effect of modern 
conditions has been a mix-up. Ease of transport and 
communications not only brings slate to areas where 
tiles have been traditional, bricks to regions accustomed 
to build in stone, and so on, but also brings the building 
craftsman from one area to another where his particular 
skill no longer applies. Traditions were once adapted 
to materials . now they are all jumbled higgledy- 

Stradling illustrated his point from plastering. 
There are many sources of lime in Britain. The different 
limes come from different natural deposits and possess 
different physical and chemical properties — m the rate 
of setting, for instance — and hence each requires a 
different technique in the handling. 

In the old days there were as many traditions of the 
plasterer's craft as there are different varieties of lime 
in the country. To-day the plasterer, confronted with 
some new brand of lime he has not been brought up on, 
may make little mistakes which yet may have disas- 
trous results — such as the cracking off of all the plaster. 
The modern pressure on speed m construction also 
introduces a variation on all traditional methods, and 
often makes little errors more serious in their results 

Stradling was quite definite as to the right line to 
pursue For one thing, he believes that good crafts- 
manship is still, and will for some time continue to 
be, the basis of good building. The time may come, 
he agreed, when houses can be mass-produced — the 
different ingredients, such as steel frame, walls, glass, 
plumbing, and so on, made on a large scale, in different 
factories, and then assembled, rather as a car is 
assembled, by a specialist firm ; and people will discuss 


the date and brand of their houses as they now do of 
their cars But before that is possible, a great deal of 
research will have had to be undertaken, let alone 
changes in business organization and social outlook. 
Meanwhile we must pm our faith to craftsmanship, and 
craftsmanship means a good rule-of-thumb ; after that 
has been mastered, it is possible to think of beauty. 

But — and this is where research comes in — there is 
no reason for a rule-of-thumb to be unscientific. The 
first need to-day m building research is to find out the 
scientific bases for traditional methods The second 
is to get really accurate standard specifications for 
materials. The two points, of course, link with each 
other, for a good tradition can only grow up with a 
uniform material to work on. 

To go back to our example of plastering, a great deal 
of research has recently been going on to find the best 
mixtures which will combine ease of working, strength, 
rigid setting, and other desirable properties — with a 
good deal of success. But this does not dispense with 
the need for rule-of-thumb In fact, you want the 
rule-of-thumb procedure very carefully laid down, so 
that craftsmen accustomed to other traditions shall not 
make little mistakes which may upset the whole process. 

If you have standard materials, you can work out a 
scientific method of treatment for them; and if you 
have this scientific basis, you arrive at a rule-of-thumb 
which can be reasonable, communicable, and flexible, 
instead of rigid, traditional, and obstinate. 

So that perhaps the main aims of the Station are to 
get materials standardized, so that architects, builders, 
and craftsmen shall know what they are dealing with, 
and to work out the scientific basis for the treatment 


of the materials, on which to build up a new and 
intelligent tradition of craftsmanship. This must be 
done for quite new materials and processes, like con- 
crete and steel construction, just as much as for old 
ones, like lime or brickwork. 

But a great deal of research is also going on here 
in special fields affecting the comfort of the house-user, 
such as those w T hich concern warmth and noise. One 
bit of work of this type concerns what has been called 
sun-planning — siting and designing a house so as to 
get the maximum amount of sunshine. This can be 
dealt with if a specialist is called in who knows all about 
calculating the exact direction of sunshine at different 
hours of the day and different seasons of the year in 
different latitudes; but a much simpler method has 
been devised at Watford by using a scale model of the 
building. The model is put on a board which can be 
tilted to represent the surface of the earth in the 
latitude of the site. The sun is represented by a lamp. 
This is made to slide up and down a board to represent 
the position of the sun at any time of the year, while 
the board is made to rotate to represent the effect of the 
earth spinning on its axis every twenty-four hours. 
By means of this, the amount of sunshine which will 
fall on the outside of a house and get in through the 
window at any hour and any day in the year can be at 
once made visibly apparent. 

Then, in the grounds of the Station is an “ experi- 
mental house ” for work on heating. But even though 
it was specially designed for the work, the variations in 
our English weather made it difficult to carry out the 
necessary researches, and now they are going to put up 
an experimental house inside another house, or rather 

Science in the service of comfort and health. The heliodon at the 
Building Research Station, Watford: an instrument for determining 
the exact amount of sunshine which a house will receive at any hour 
or any day in the year. The sun is represented by the electric-light 
bulb on the right. The time of day is marked on the circle on the 
table. ( See p. 56.) 

By permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. 


inside another set of walls and roof. Then they will be 
able to make artificially whatever weather they like 
outside the experimental house by controlling the 
temperature and moisture and other atmospheric 
conditions in the space between it and the outer shell. 
Valuable information is already being obtained as to 
the heat-retaining qualities of various types of panel- 
lings and so on. 

In addition, attempts are being made to reduce 
problems of human comfort to scientific terms. Our 
human bodies are sensitive not merely to the tem- 
perature, but also to humidity, air currents, and other 
factors. A rather elaborate apparatus has been devised 
to give a definite measure of as many of these factors as 
possible ; and with this, measurements are being made 
under various conditions of ventilation and heating 
system. This particular work is only m its infancy, 
and much co-operation will be needed with bodies 
like the Medical Research Council ; but it is bound to 
throw a great deal of light on all the new problems 
arising from the introduction of new types of heating 
like gas-fires, and those like central heating and electric 
radiation which demand no draught, and therefore 
dispense with chimneys and flues — and in general is 
certain to make life more comfortable. 

The sound problems are just as interesting. The 
testing on the practical side is done at Watford, but the 
fundamental research is mostly being carried out at 
the National Physical Laboratory at Teddmgton, and 
also in the laboratories of Metro-Vickers at Manchester 
and in other laboratories which I did not have an 
opportunity of seeing. 

In this field, again, questions of human comfort are 


much to the fore. It is an interesting fact that if we 
take a series of sounds increasing in intensity, and if to 
our ears and brains the steps in increasing loudness all 
seem to be equal, the actual physical energy needed to 
make the sound has to be multiplied by the same 
amount each time. For sounds of intensity one, two, 
three, say, the amount of physical energy will be 
one, ten, a hundred. However, this rule is only 
approximate * it is slightly different for different kinds 
of sounds, and does not hold for very faint and very 
loud sounds. Research linking the physical side of 
sound production with the physiological side of our 
hearing of it is in progress, and will be of the greatest 
importance if ever we seriously set about tackling the 
business of reducing the unnecessary noise generated 
by our so-called civilization. 

Immediate results are also being obtained in pre- 
venting reverberation and echoes. One room at 
Teddington has been deliberately built to give an 
abominable reverberation. The intensity of the re- 
verberation can be measured ; then a definite area of 
some material designed to prevent reverberation is put 
on the walls, and the noise again measured. In a very 
few years there should be no excuse for reverberating 
noises m a building. 

Echoes are studied by means of tiny models repre- 
senting sections along and across a theatre, or concert- 
hall, or whatever the building may be. By an electrical 
device, a wave of disturbance in the air is set up at a 
spot corresponding to the stage m the model, and can 
be actually photographed as it travels to and fro within 
the model ; and this shows just how the design can be 
corrected for echoes and dead spaces. 



The worst problems, however, are those of sound 
transmission through partitions : here large-scale work 
is beginning. It is very laborious, but in a few years 
there ought to be really valuable results. 

The National Physical Laboratory reminds me that 
the construction of buildings is not the only kind of 
construction. There are bridges and all sorts of other 
engineering structures to be thought of For the 
erection of these, of course, all kinds of scientific 
research, from pure mathematics down to elaborate 
testing of stresses and strains, is absolutely necessary. 

One series of researches at the National Physical 
Laboratory is dealing with a new process in steel- 
working — the making of joints by electric welding 
instead of riveting. In electric welding an electric arc 
is used, and actually melts the two bits of steel together 
But as yet little is known as to the limits of strength 
of joints made m this way and the best methods of 
using the procedure. Elaborate tests are now being 
made, and we shall soon know the safety factor, and 
consequently where the new invention can rightly 
be used. Similar tests on bolting and nvetting and on 
steel-frame joints m general are bemg carried out on 
full-scale models in the Civil Engineering Department 
of Birmingham University. These, with other tests 
at Watford, which are made on a large-scale steel frame 
erected as for a building, are part of a big scheme of 
research which should lead to an appreciable reduction 
in the cost of steel construction. 

Then new alloys are being tested out, not only for 
steel construction (the new steels are really more 
essential for other branches of industry), but also for 
plumbing. Some of the new lead alloys on which the 


Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association is working 
are likely to do away with many troubles that now beset 
the builder or the householder. 

Coming back to the Station at Watford, I must try 
to bring before you some of the particular bits of 
research I saw going on there. One very simple experi- 
ment concerns the testing of brick. Brick samples 
from all over the country are stuck upright m the soil, 
half buried, and left there for a year. The effect on the 
spectator is that of a large cemetery on a small scale; 
and the effect on some of the bricks is very serious ! 
If they happen to be under-burnt, or to have certain 
kinds of salts m their composition, they crack and split. 
There are plenty of other tests on bricks too, the 
general aim being to ensure a higher quality and a more 
uniform standard. 

Then there are researches on the weathering of stone. 
Gradually a series of laboratory tests is being worked 
out which will enable an accurate prophecy to be made 
of a stone's resistance to ordinary weathering and to 
corrosion by noxious gases (it will be news to most people 
that even in the country noxious gases do the greater 
harm : they get blown there from the towns !). These 
tests are not only more reliable than the estimates given 
even by the most experienced stone-masons and 
architects : they are sometimes right when experience 
is wrong. 

Then there was some fascinating work in progress on 
the subject of pile-driving. At the moment, concrete 
piles are much in vogue ; but when they meet a hard 
layer, sometimes they splinter and mushroom out at 
the foot, or break slantwise so that the top half is 
forced down alongside the bottom half. To avoid these 



accidents, which at best cause the loss of the piles, and 
at worst may endanger the safety of the construction 
they are to support, it is necessary to know just what 
forces a pile will stand, and to just what forces it is 
actually subjected. Now, quartz, as was found out by 
pure physicists m academic laboratories, has the curious 
property of altering its electrical resistance under 
pressure. So quartz crystals with wires attached are 
cast actually m the interior of a concrete pile, and then 
the pile is driven with different degrees of force through 
material of different hardness An electric current is 
sent through the quartz all the time, and its variations 
are automatically recorded by the aid of a special 
cathode-ray tube. Help m the design of this and the 
rest of the electrical part of the apparatus was got by 
the Building Research Station from the Radio Research 
Station, another of the institutions under the Depart- 
ment of Scientific and Industrial Research, a fact which 
excellently illustrates the advantages of proper co- 
operative organization m research. 

Bang comes the pile-driver on the head of the pile; 
the quartz is squeezed; the flow of electric current is 
altered ; the alteration, translated into terms of light, 
is recorded on a photographic film ; and from the amount 
of the alteration, the exact pressure inside the pile can 
be accurately calculated. In a year or so there will be 
no excuse for broken piles. 

Then there is the special laboratory, recently finished 
for research on concrete — much the best-equipped in 
the world. Its atmosphere is maintained under 
constant conditions of temperature and humidity — a 
necessity for the scientific study of a material like con- 
crete, which alters its properties with the temperature, 


and especially with the amount of moisture it contains. 
So far the mixing of concrete, even on the largest scale, 
has been rather a haphazard business ; in this laboratory 
trained chemists are working out the exact changes in 
its composition and properties which are brought about 
by altering the proportions of its ingredients and the 
temperature at which it is melted in the kilns. For 
this, miniature furnaces are needed in which the 
temperature can be controlled and recorded. By 
means of an electrical regulating device (again made 
possible by earlier research in pure physics), these 
furnaces can be held at temperatures up to nearly 
3,ooo 0 F. with a variation of less than a degree ! If 
they take advantage of the results of this work, manu- 
facturers will soon be able to produce concrete to any 
particular specification as required. 

A queer little piece of research began with the 
accidental noting of the fact that certain types of slate 
exposed to high temperatures swell up rather like a 
Pharaoh’s serpent. These are mostly of poor quality 
as slate, but the new porous material produced from 
them by heating can be profitably used for lightening 
concrete and other heavy materials. 

It is quite clear, I hope you will agree, that research 
is doing a great deal for building. It is laying the basis 
for a craftsmanship based on scientific knowledge 
instead of half-conscious tradition. It is making it 
possible to prepare standards for all the multitude of 
materials and objects used in building. This might 
enable us to reduce the waste of mere variety, and 
to raise quality; we might also have many more 
standards not only laid down on paper, but actually 
enforced through by-laws and regulations. It is 


helping with the introduction and testing of new build- 
ing materials, like steel, concrete, synthetic stone, and 
the like. It is paying attention to fundamentals of 
housing comfort such as heating, ventilation, and 

But with all this there remain the obstinate facts of 
the housing situation. Many of us cheerfully abuse 
the Soviet system for the terrible overcrowding still to 
be found in Moscow and other big Russian cities ; but 
we are prone to forget the overcrowding to be found 
in our own country. 

I saw it stated the other day that one-fifth of our 
population is living m slums — or in poverty verging on 
slums : that is, eight million human beings. I need not 
remind you of the vast areas scheduled for slum 
clearance under the present Ministry of Health campaign. 
Sir Hilton Young said that he could foresee, from the 
returns already come in, that in five years, two hundred 
thousand houses would be cleared and considerably over 
one million people re-housed. And many authorities 
do not consider this nearly enough. 

The trouble about slums and poor housing in general 
is primarily economic. Excellent houses can be built 
all right ; but to let them to working-class families at an 
economic rent is another story. When one begins to 
look into the reason for this, a whole tangle of causes 
appears — the demand of the ground landlord and the 
owner of houses for returns on their property ; taxation 
and rates ; unplanned cities with transport difficulties 
for their army of working people ; the rate of wages, 
and so on. In the main, I think it is fair to say that 
there is an acute conflict between two views : the views 
of those who regard housing as a social service on a par 


with roads and water-supply and sanitation, and those 
who regard it as a commodity to be supplied at a 
profit, the profit coming first, and all other considera- 
tions being secondary. 

To mitigate the abuses arising out of the crude 
application of this second view, you may insist on a 
certain amount of state or municipal control of con- 
ditions. This is the view which the Minister of Health 
has just voiced, when he said that to make a profit out 
of insanitary slum-dwellings was on a par with selling 
diseased meat. The full-blown advocate of the social 
service idea, however, believes that proper housing is so 
vitally important not only for people's physical health, 
but also for their happiness and their general back- 
ground of life and thought, that if private enterprise 
cannot provide it on terms satisfactory to itself, the 
state or the city must step in (as the city authorities 
have done m Vienna) and provide it out of general funds, 
just as they do roads or sewers or street lighting or 
education. Why not, for instance, treat housing as a 
public utility on a national scale, and establish a 
National Housing Corporation on the same sort of 
pattern as the British Broadcasting Corporation ? 
I am afraid a lot of you will be thinking that I am stray- 
ing beyond my province into that of th^ economist and 
the politician. But really I am not. / The more I see 
of the way science is or is not being applied to practical 
social needs, the clearer it becomes how much the 
question is mixed up with economics and politics. 

/ However great may be the possible applications of 
Scientific research, some form of pressure is needed to 
translate possibility into actuality., /Sometimes private 
profit provides the driving force, as with most industrial 

> ; V '■ ii I V. 

, H • , 

" wm mns mi, 

with this home for apes — at the London Zoo. {See p. 66.) 
By courtesy of Tecton, the architects. 


applications of research ; sometimes military needs, as 
with naval construction, poison gas, or new types of 
fighting aeroplanes ; sometimes it is a more or less pure 
social aim, as with medical research. With building, 
private profit combined with a certain amount of 
government organization of research is capable of 
showing how to build cheaper, better, and more com- 
fortable houses ; but can it get them universally built ? 
The upholders of private enterprise say “ Yes.” But 
there is a strong body of opinion which says “ No,” and 
believes that other kinds of driving force are necessary 
before the results of research can be fully translated 
into practical applications — and with this latter opinion 
I am inclined to agree. 

During the discussion between Professor Levy and 
myself, in the last chapter, a point cropped up about 
the absence of state-aided Research Councils m the 
fields of economics and social science. Is this where 
a partial remedy lies for building ? Of the existing 
research on building, an important section is con- 
cerned with the comfort of the users — of you and me 
and all the rest of the population who have to live and 
work in buildings. The rest of it is concerned with 
cutting down costs of production — production of the 
actual tangible building with its fittings. But the cost 
of a building to the man who lives or works in it depends 
on a great many other things as w ell — notably on the 
cost of the land on which it is built, the costs of develop- 
ing the site with roads and light and water-mains, the 
rates and taxes, and so on. We want research on such 
problems too. At the moment, we have no knowledge 
of even the basic facts : for instance, there is no full 
national survey of land ownership in existence. 



Then, the convenience of a building depends a great 
deal on its surroundings, which means proper planning. 
Land ownership, town planning, the system of rating — 
all these are factors m the cost and convenience of 
building; it may be suggested that fifty years hence 
state-aided building research will have concerned itself 
with these as well as with problems of building con- 
struction and design; and that by then our social 
needs in the matter will be properly catered for, in the 
erstwhile slums as well as in high-class residential 
districts, and there will no longer be the lamentable 
contrast between the accommodation provided for the 
gorillas at the London Zoo and the human population 
of our towns. 



T HE clothing industry, like that of building, is for 
the most part traditional. In the building industry 
there is one section — that of frame-construction with 
steel or reinforced concrete — where there is no link 
with traditional methods The same is true of cloth- 
ing : the only wholly untraditional section is the 
artificial-silk industry. In some cases, old methods 
have persisted into the present century. While visiting 
the Professor of Leather Chemistry at Leeds University, 
I saw hanging on his wall a photograph of a tan-pit at 
Falaise m Normandy taken some thirty years ago. 
The pit is known to have been a going concern in the 
eleventh century (m fact, the father of William the 
Conqueror fell m love with the daughter of the tanner 
who worked it, and William the Conqueror was the 
result , so that tan-pit had a strong influence on 
English history). It had been operated unchanged till 
the photograph was taken ; and for all I know may still 
be going strong 

But while the making of fabrics out of vegetable 
fibres like cotton or flax, and animal fibres like wool, has 
come down to us from antiquity, the modern methods 
of achieving these ends have been radically trans- 
formed. A Roman building foreman would have 
understood most of the work of a building foreman 



to-day. But a Roman woman, expert with her spin- 
ning-wheel, would not be able to recognize spinning 
when she saw it going on m a Lancashire mill, any 
more than an African weaver would understand what 
a modern power-loom was doing. Thanks to new 
sources of power (m the shape of water-power, steam, 
and electricity) and to mechanical invention (in the 
shape of astonishing machines), the tradition of textile 
manufacture has been changed much more than has 
the tradition of building. None the less, the industry 
still operates almost entirely with traditional materials, 
and for the most part by means of methods which, 
when not traditional m the narrower sense, have been 
improved by invention rather than by science. There 
have been thousands of years of experience behind the 
traditional practices, and enormous financial premiums 
on successful inventions, so that it might at first sight 
be thought that there would be little room for new 
improvements based on the method of science. It 
will be my business in this chapter to discuss whether 
this is so or not. 

In the past there have been, of course, very real 
advances in textile processes which have been due to 
science. I will take only one example — bleaching. 
How many people realize that up till the late eighteenth 
century it took a whole summer to bleach a piece of 
cloth? The cloth, after being treated with a caustic 
substance, was spread out on the grass, so that big 
bleaching fields were needed. Then, however, the 
chemists discovered chlorine gas and its bleaching 
properties, and now, by the aid of compounds contain- 
ing chlorine, bleaching can be done in a short time and 
in the small space provided by a factory. This is lucky, 


for otherwise about half the countryside of England 
would be covered with pieces of cotton and linen 1 — in 
other words, modern output would be altogether 

In the course of my tour I saw a number of places 
in which science is being used to study the processes 
concerned with our clothing — some of these were 
Research Associations under the Department of 
Scientific and Industrial Research — one for cotton, one 
for wool, one for leather, and one for that rather 
different aspect of the problem, laundenng. Others 
were University departments — for leather chemistry 
and for textile research. Others were private firms, 
such as one engaged in improving the machinery for 
making boots and shoes, and another doing the same 
for knitting machinery. Then other laboratories which 
I have visited earlier were incidentally concerned with 
other aspects of this problem — for instance, the Animal 
Breeding Research Department at Edinburgh with 
rabbit-breeding for fur and sheep-breeding for wool, and 
the Rowett Institute at Aberdeen with the food of sheep 
and the quality of their wool ; and there are plenty of 
other laboratories which I had not the time to visit — 
concerned with linen, with real silk and artificial silk, 
with boot- and shoe-making, with cotton-breeding and 
cotton-growing, and with that very important branch 
of the industry, dyeing. 

The first thing that struck me with all this array of 
research is the amount of it that goes to improve 
traditional methods and standards by giving them a 
scientific foundation. I said something about this in 
the previous chapter, and pointed out how important 
it was in relation to building. It is, I am sure, equally 



important for all industries, and especially for those 
with a strong traditional basis. 

For one thing, it prevents tradition from being dumb 
and unintelligent, and provides a method for com- 
municating its results; for another it improves the 
accuracy of traditional methods, and so helps both to 
standardize them and improve them. The skilled 
craftsman accustomed to carrying out some process, if 
asked how he is sure the conditions are right, will 
often tell you he just knows , by experience. He could 
not explain his knowledge to another person, nor could 
he write down just what was necessary if the con- 
ditions were to be reproduced : he simply knows when 
they are right. Generally he does know in an almost 
uncanny way, considering that he is unprovided with 
accurate instruments and methods to give him any 
precise measurement — and often in this way he knows 
things which we cannot yet measure and describe 

But whenever it is possible to introduce scientific 
methods of measurement, it is found, as a matter of 
hard fact, that the standard of accuracy goes up. It 
goes up even for the individual craftsman; but it 
goes up still more for the industry as a whole, because 
then you have measurable standards which can be 
written down and be used as a common basis for 
correcting the individual prejudices and personal 
foibles of different craftsmen. 

I should like to give a few examples of this from 
different sides of the field of my subject. Take 
laundering as a concrete example that comes right 
home to everybody. In a modern laundry, your 
collars, after washing, are passed round a metal roller, 


7 * 

heated by gas. This ought to be at a particular tem- 
perature to give the best results, and the temperature 
ought not to vary more than a small amount if you 
are to avoid various undesirable effects, such as 
collars getting scorched, or going limp afterwards, and 
so on. The traditional, and still widely practised 
method of telling the temperature, is to spit on the 
finger, transfer the spit to the hot roller, and tell from 
the particular. sort of crackling it makes if conditions 
are right. With an experienced man this gives really 
remarkable results , but at the very best, as scientific 
research found, you have to expect a variation of not 
less than fifty degrees or so either way. Science then 
went further, and designed an automatic temperature- 
regulator, which can be set to keep the machine at any 
desired temperature, with only about five degrees 
variation There is no excuse for collars spoilt by 
wrong temperatures now. 

Just the same sort of thing has been done for the 
temperature of the finishing machinery used for wool. 
Finish used to be a very tricky quality. But now it is 
possible to reproduce a finish over and over again by 
means of having accurate control of the conditions. 

Then take leather research Here an enormous 
amount of work has been done, not only to standardize 
the tannin content of various substances used for tan- 
ning, but also to standardize the physical and chemical 
conditions under which tanning should take place to 
give the best results ; by means of chemical indicators 
and the like, the tanning expert can now make accurate 
tests all the time to see if his vats are providing the 
best conditions. In the same way, it has been found 
with wool that the conditions under which the wool is 


7 2 

to be “ scoured,” or freed from its natural grease and 
from dirt, have got to proceed within certain definite 
limits of temperature and of alkalinity if the wool is 
not to be damaged ; and science can not only measure 
these limits, but can also produce fool-proof gadgets to 
test for them in the works. 

TemperaTure Dirt- removing power 

rtJka/i- Soap Qsho Dirk-suspend/ng power . 

[By courtesy of the British Launderers * Research Association. 

Science in the laundry industry. A diagram showing quantita- 
tively the best conditions for carrying out the washing process. 
The temperature and the ratio of alkali to soap must be changed as 
indicated in order to get a proper balance between dirt-suspending 
and dirt-removing power. The shading indicates the progressive 
removal of dirt from the fabrics. 

With cotton, too, we find the same steady improve- 
ment in technical process as a result of the accuracy 
which only scientific research can provide in com- 
municable form. Different cottons are now laboriously 
standardized in relation to the length of their fibres — 

Planned design in the woollen industry. A new type of wool-spinning machine, with a ring spii 
frame, designed by the staff of the Wool Industries Research Association at Leeds. ( See p 73.) 

By courtesy of the British Research Association for the Woollen and Worsted Industries . 

Scientific accuracy in the shoe industry. An instrument for 
measuring feet, designed to supply manufacturers with the informa- 
tion they need as regards the classification of types of feet and the 
specification for properly-fitting shoes for each type. 

By courtesy of the British Boot, Shoe, and Allied Trades Research 

Applied physics and the woollen industry, Left, a sunlight lamp 
employed to test the fading of dyed patterns. Centre, a matching 
lamp, for comparing colours. Right, an ultra-violet lamp, for 
detecting certain qualities in fabrics. 

By courtesy of the British Research Association for the Woollen and 
Worsted Industries. 


both its average, and the amount of its variation from 
the average; on such data, which need a special type 
of mathematical treatment before you can employ 
them, pronouncements can be made as to the precise uses 
the different cottons should be put to, and the details 
of their spinning. Or again, cotton fibres could never 
stand up to the strain to which they are subjected in 
the machines if they were not first strengthened by 
being dipped m size ; and there again science is helping 
a great deal to standardize and improve the treatment. 

I have spent a good deal of time on this point, 
because it is very important. This sort of research is 
rarely spectacular ; but it is absolutely necessary. It 
is the only way in which an industry, especially an 
industry of long standing which has grown up in the 
pre-scientific era, can improve the efficiency of its 
established processes to any large extent and with any 
reasonable speed, and the increase of efficiency may 
be considerable. At the Wool Research Association I 
saw a new carding machine which was the result simply 
of a painstaking scientific analysis of all the factors 
that enter into the operation of carding wool, followed 
by the designing and building of a machine meant to 
cope with all the problems m the most efficient way. 
The result was a machine which was not only more 
efficient and quicker in its working, but also took up 
only one half of the space of the old machines ; an even 
greater saving of space and increase of efficiency is 
being achieved with a specially designed new spinning 
machine. Think what this means to a factory owner ! 

But I must not continue longer on this aspect of 
research, for there are plenty of others of interest. 
Science, for instance, can be applied in the interest of 



workers in the industry or of the consumer of its pro- 
ducts. Everyone knows how aggravating it is when a 
nice new bathing-dress shrinks so that you can hardly 
get into it, or splits so that you begin to get out of 
it in the wrong place. This trouble has been much ac- 
centuated by the spread of sun-bathing, and the research 
workers at the Wool Research Association have been 
looking into it scientifically. Their findings were quite 
definite. It is not merely or mainly the sea- water and the 
drying that are to blame. One chief cause is the ultra- 
violet rays in sunlight, which damage the intimate struc- 
ture of wool much as they do the intimate structure of 
the living cells of our bodies. The other is the presence 
in sea-water of certain kinds of bacteria — quite harm- 
less from the point of view of causing disease — which, 
when nicely warmed up by the heat of the sun outside 
and of a human body inside, get very active, and 
begin to rot the wool The workers at the Research 
Association have now got an antiseptic which will dis- 
courage the germs; they have a treatment to make 
wool much more resistant to ultra-violet; and they 
also have a new process (it too based on scientific 
research) for preventing shrinkage. Bathers should be 
happier next year. 

In another room at the same institution a vigorous 
anti-clothes-moth campaign is being carried on, with a 
good deal of success. Some of the work is being done 
in connection with the Forest Products Research 
Station, and boxes of cedar and other Empire aromatic 
woods are being tested for their qualities in keeping 
moths away. 

Then there is the comfort of clothes. This depends 
largely on the ease with which air can get through 


the fabric — as everyone knows, the thinnest sheet of 
an impermeable stuff is much more uncomfortable 
than a thick layer of some cellular material. So xnstru- 
ments have been devised to test this property of fabrics 
in a quantitative way. Air is blowm through a vertical 
tube under standard pressures, first without and then 
with a piece of the fabric interposed m the path of the 
air-current. In the tube is an ingenious device— a 
little metal object with screw vanes, which is supported 
by the air-pressure as a celluloid ball can be suspended 
m the jet of a fountain The resistance offered by the 
fabric is measured by the difference m the height at 
which this object is held up in the tube by the air- 

By such means we can get a fixed rating for the 
permeability of a fabric to air; and fixed ratings are 
the first step towards improved standards. Similar 
work is being done by the Boot and Shoe Trade Research 
Association — only here the problem is more com- 
plicated, as you want to raise the standard of leather 
both for ,St. vf'# ; the passing through of water, and 
for c. Y'~, '■'«'? * e that of air 

If I had space I could describe a rather amusing 
piece of work carried out by the Wool Research 
Association which started with a complaint from a 
woman who had been cooking, and whose jumper 
changed colour only on the front — the side towards the 
heat — and led to improved methods of preventing 
white flannels from turning yellow. But I must pass 
on to an interesting point about the workers. Spinners’ 
cancer is an all-too-prevalent disease among spinning 
operatives. It is probably due to a certain kind of 
mineral oil used on the bar of the machine, with 


which they repeatedly come in contact in their work 
Cancer-research workers have found that mixing 
lanoline (itself derived from sheep fat) with mineral 
oils reduces the chance of these oils giving cancer to 
mice, and, of course, the next step will be to try 
the method out m the mills The pleasant irony 
of the situation is that lanoline is itself a product 
of the fat got out of wool m cleaning : the fat has to 
be taken out of the w T ool, and the disposal of it is 
quite a problem It is interesting to find that alcohol 
derived from this same fat is now being used to clean 
off the mineral oils used in combing wool — and the 
action seems to be more or less the same here as with 
that of lanoline m the case of cancer. 

Next we come to cases where science has made 
possible rather big jumps, instead of helping the 
gradual improvement of processes. I spoke earlier of 
the big jump in bleaching methods made possible by 
the discovery of chlorine gas But chlorine bleaching, 
if excessive, will damage the fabric ; so it is important 
to have a quantitative test for its effects Now, in 
the course of research on cotton, it was found that the 
cellulose material of which the cotton fibre is composed 
can be dissolved in a chemical substance called cupr- 
ammonium sulphate. What is more, it dissolves in a 
different way according as to whether it is unaltered 
cellulose or cellulose damaged by such processes as 
over-bleachmg, so that its fluidity is different in the 
two cases. This had provided quite a big improve- 
ment for the launderer. By putting into cuprammon- 
ium sulphate samples of cotton fabric bleached in 
various ways, and then measuring the ease of flow of 
the resulting solutions, you can get a direct measure 



of the damage, if any, done by the bleaching ; and so, 
of course, improve and standardize the processes used 
for bleaching m laundries. The basic fact here, let 
me repeat, was discovered in the course of general 
research into the physical and chemical constitution 
of cotton fabrics. 

Now let me skip to something quite different. Most 
people whose memories date back to pre-war days 
probably think of a tannery as a nasty smelly place 
which they would much rather not have in their 
neighbourhood This was largely due to the fact that 
in one of the fundamental processes of preparing 
leather out of hides — bating or puering, as it is called — 
the dung of animals was a necessary and considerable 
ingredient. Dog’s dung was the usual material, but 
for certain purposes other equally unpleasant sub- 
stances like fowl and pigeon dung were favourites. 
Then, about twenty years ago, an English chemist. 
Wood of Nottingham, got busy. He discovered that 
the substance in the dung which was responsible for 
the desired effect was trypsin, the well-known ferment 
which we and other animals produce to digest the 
protein part of our food; and now a preparation of 
trypsin made from the sweetbreads of animals is 
almost universally used m tanneries in place of dung, 
with not only a great increase in cleanliness and 
decrease in smelliness, but also a definite improvement 
m results, because you can be more accurate when 
using a pure substance. 

Or take another very different example of a big 
change as the result of scientific research — the crease- 
resisting cotton (“ creaseless cotton” as it is often 
popularly called), put on the market recently by 

7 8 


one of the big cotton firms. The history of this 
fabric is interesting. In order to achieve its pro- 
duction, the head of the firm engaged the services of 
two scientists, a physicist and a chemist He took 
in one hand a piece of wool fabric, m the other a 
piece of cotton fabric of the same size and weight, 
and crumpled both pieces into a ball Then he 
opened his hands again; the wool, with its natural 
elasticity, uncreased itself, but the cotton stayed 
crumpled. “ I want you,” he said, “ to make cotton 
fabric which will behave like the wool ; take ten years 
if you like ” They tried everything, from india-rubber 
to gum and back again ; and tried them scientifically, 
not just hit-or-miss. Eventually they got a synthetic 
substance whose molecules would slip nicely into the 
cotton fibres and give them elasticity. But instead of 
ten years it was fourteen before the new fabric was on 
the market. This well shows not only what slow 
slogging research, backed by scientific methods, can 
do, but also what a long and difficult job it can 

And of course there is rayon itself — artificial silk. I 
have not space to say much about this active new 
industry, except that it is very much the child of 
science. When people first had the idea of making 
artificial fibres by dissolving cellulose and squirting it 
through holes under pressure, the process itself de- 
pended on facts and methods discovered m laboratories 
of pure chemistry. Then, the product in those early 
years was far from satisfactory — it curled and crinkled, 
it dyed patchily, it shrank, it went to pieces under very 
slight provocation. Constant scientific research on all 
the processes involved has turned it into the really 


lovely material available to-day — a new gift of science 
to the world. 

Before going further, I would like to give one more 
example, to show how research is being focussed on our 
problem from very different angles. One of the 
research workers in the Animal Breeding Research 
Department at Edinburgh is engaged in applying 
Mendel's principles of heredity to practical rabbit- 
breeding. He showed me a whole series of the latest 
types of rabbit pelts for use m the fur trade. There 
was one which, until you actually handled it, was an 
excellent imitation of silver fox— the same dark hair 
with white ticking. He had made this himself, by 
introducing the hereditary factor for dark colour from 
one breed, and the factor which causes the white 
ticking from another breed of quite a different colour. 
Then there were really wonderful imitations of sable. 
These he had not created himself ; but he had cleared 
up a puzzle of why they never bred true, and shown 
breeders how to produce 100 per cent, sables by breed- 
ing two quite different-looking pure breeds together. 
This was again an application of simple Mendelian 
principles. Imitations of silver fox and grey squirrel, 
of marten, of plush, of caracul— all these he showed 
me too. Furs are only a small branch of clothing; 
but they are important for their social implications : 
cheap furs, like artificial silk, make it possible for 
women with small incomes to feel smart and fashionable. 

So I could go on, only that I have not space. I 
must, however, just mention one line of research that 
is giving the most fundamental and revolutionary 
results — and that is the application of X-ray photo- 
graphy to textile fibres. X-ray photography is a 



method for revealing to us the invisible fine structure 
of substances — the way their actual atoms and mole- 
cules are arranged. It is a rather new branch of 
science, that owes more to Sir William Bragg, who 
wrote the introductory chapter of this book, than to 
any other man. The story of its applications, in pure 
physics, in the steel industry, in the wool trade, in 
general biology, is so fascinating that I shall try to 
tell it more in detail in a later chapter, when I come back 
to the interaction between pure and applied science. 
Here I will only say that it is allowing us with the 
eyes of the mind to see right inside the wool fibre and 
understand its intimate structure, and that this is 
helping the wool-chemists to a new understandmg of 
their work, and opening up the way for all kinds of 
new tricks for the practical man to play on wool 
fibres. To take but two examples : in all probability 
this new knowledge will soon help to a final solution 
of the old problem of making unshrinkable woollens; 
and, since human hair differs only m detail from 
sheep's wool, it has already thrown light on some of 
the troublesome problems of permanent waving which 
afflict ladies' hairdressers. 

But now I want to get on to a more general sub- 
ject — about the relation of science not merely to 
textile processes, but to the textile industries them- 
selves, looked at as part of the social and economic 
structure of the country. And here we find ourselves 
in what is really a very queer world of actions and 

In the first place, science itself is changing the raw 
materials available for clothing. It has produced 
altogether new materials, like rayon. It has helped, 


by means of breeding and selection and agricultural 
research, to produce more of the old materials, and in 
better qualities. The production of cotton has been 
pushed up until there is a glut, even of the best kinds, on 
the world's markets. In the chapter on food, I pointed 
out how the sheep-carrying capacity of this country 
could easily be doubled; and this concerns wool just 
as much as it does mutton. Recently, large-scale work 
on the improvement of flax has been begun, in Russia, 
this country, and elsewhere. There is no reason to 
doubt that the silk-producmg capacity of silk-worms 
could be doubled by similar breeding work. 

Now, all these different lines of work exert violent 
effects, actual or potential, on the various textile 
industries. The work on flax is bringing about a 
renaissance of linen, and so depressing the chances of 
cotton. Then, with all respect to the admirable 
qualities of modern artificial silk, most people would 
prefer real silk — if they could get it cheap; so any 
improvement m the genetic qualities of silkworms will 
improve the position of silk as against rayon in the 
struggle for markets Rayon itself has so far effected 
the most revolutionary change : not only has it pro- 
vided a new cheap material which is a direct rival to 
other textiles (a process has been worked out for using 
whole cotton plants as the raw material for rayon 
products ! ), but it has also had a profound social 
influence. It has made it possible for girls with small 
incomes to make a brave bid for equal smartness with 
their more fortunate sisters m wealthier sections of 
society, which was impossible fifty years ago, and so 
has helped a great deal in the breaking down of class 




New machinery may also help in changing fashions. 
At Leicester, I saw a machine designed to make 
possible a new kind of stitch in the knitting of under- 
wear. While the needles flick in and out at terrific 
speed, some of them are made to move sideways and 
transfer the thread to their neighbours ! The fabric 
made m this way has not yet been put on the market ; 
but when this happens, it will doubtless set a new 
fashion in underwear, as has already been done in the 
past by the introduction of other new types of stitch. 
So here we may say that the machine-designer sets the 
pace for fashion and comfort, and by so doing may 
give an advantage to one material over another. 

While on the subject of fashion, let us also remember 
that it is now the fashion to wear much less clothing 
than our ancestors did But this is not merely 
fashion — it is also based on medical and physiological 
research, which tells us that it is healthier to wear 
light clothing, and so stimulate our skm to work at 
keeping us warm, than to muffle ourselves m layers of 
material and make no demands upon our skin. And 
naturally this reduction in the amount of clothing worn 
makes the struggle between the various textile industries 
more acute. Then there is the modern attitude of 
mind, which prefers quick changes of fashion to wear- 
ing qualities in dress. This, too, makes for violent 
fluctuation and more acute competition as between 
different fabrics and raw materials. 

One important result of this competition is that 
much research is going on to find new uses for the 
different raw materials of clothing. With cotton, for 
instance, an enormous amount is used for incorporating 
with rubber to give wearing properties to motor tyres ; 


for this, specially strong fabric is needed. Then again, 
new types of fabric are demanded for aeroplane wings. 
Another new use for cotton is for insulating the parts 
of electrical machinery Here there is a growing 
demand. And doubtless the “ creaseless ” cotton I 
mentioned before will find all kinds of new fields to 

Wool, too, claims a share m the manufacture of 
insulating material ; and, if certain difficulties are got 
over, may be a dangerous rival to cotton m this field. 
Then there is rayon, which is finding an outlet in the 
manufacture of the wrapping material cellophane as 
well as m clothing — and so on. So, in a way, while 
science is making it possible for each of the separate 
industries involved m clothing to become more efficient, 
and to carry on m competition with its rivals, it is 
also aggravating that competition, and causing rapid 
and violent fluctuations in. the industry as a wffiole. 

Once more, in fact, w r e are brought up against 
economic and social problems — in this case against the 
problem of planning. Without the large-scale planning 
of industry, science is liable to cause as many diffi- 
culties as it relieves / That is not a reason to cut 
down the role of science, but rather to enlarge it It 
means that w T e w T ant scientific methods applied not only 
in the fields of technolog} 7 and production, but also in 
those which affect the organization of particular 
industries, and indeed the economic life of the nation 
as a whole. 



P EOPLE are very prone to take things for granted 
m matters of health, both in regard to the treat- 
ment of disease and the day-to-day business of keeping 
well ; and so you sometimes find a tendency to grumble 
at what science has not done in this supremely important 
field, instead of being thankful for what it has done. 

And what it has done already is something pretty 
revolutionary. Let me remind you of some of its 
achievements. Before the nineteenth century there 
were no anaesthetics. People were often made drunk 
before an operation, and even then generally had to 
be held down while the sawing and cutting were going 
on. The pain and shock were so great that patients 
sometimes died of it. 

With the progress of chemistry, chloroform was 
discovered, and other anesthetics such as ether, 
laughing gas, and so on Their general introduction 
into surgical practice was undoubtedly one of the 
biggest steps ever taken to alleviate human suffering. 

Later on came the local anesthetics like cocaine 
and its relatives, which have done so much to rob a 
visit to the dentist of its terrors, and at the moment 
research is busy with a whole new batch of anesthetic 
substances, which seem destined to rid anesthesia 
of some of its present minor discomforts and dis- 



advantages, and make major operations a less serious 

But anaesthetics are no good if operations are 
dangerous for other reasons; and people often forget 
how intensely dangerous they were, right up to the 
middle of last century. With the huge increase in 
population, and the consequent growth of big towns 
and big hospitals, new possibilities were opened to those 
enemies of the human race — germs. And, as a result, 
infection and suppuration spread through hospitals like 
wild-fire. The slightest wound or even scratch often 
proved fatal, and the death-rate was appalling. 
Descriptions of the hospitals of those times are heart- 
rending, and almost incredible to-day 

The reason for the terrible state of affairs was merely 
ignorance. Nobody knew what the enemy was. Germs 
had not been discovered It remained for the great 
French scientist Pasteur to prove their existence and 
to show that there was no such thing as their spontaneous 
generation, and then for the great English scientist 
and doctor Lister to apply Pasteur's ideas in medicine. 

As a result of this new knowledge and the technique 
which has grown out of it, there is to-day less danger 
of infection as the result of an operation than there is 
from the little accidents of normal existence, and lives 
are being saved every day by wonderful operations 
which could not even have been dreamt of before the 
days of Pasteur and Lister. 

Treatment, too, has been completely revolutionized. 
Gone are the days of bleeding as the universal remedy 
for all ills ; gone, too, those when “ a bottle of medicine ” 
was all that medical science had to offer to a patient. 
Treatment with ultra-violet and other kinds of light. 



special injections for all kinds of conditions, scientific 
dieting, remedial exercises based on scientific know- 
ledge, prescriptions of ductless gland extracts and 
vitamins — these are some of the modern methods of 
treatment that simply were not available half a 
century ago. 

Let me give one example of the advances m treatment 
which science has made possible. I went round some 
of the wards of the London Hospital, that gigantic 
institution with nearly a thousand beds, in company 
with the director of its research unit — or Medical 
Unit, as it is officially called. One of the wards I 
visited was for patients on special diets, which included, 
of course, sufferers from diabetes. One of these was a 
child of eight. He had come in on the Friday with 
hardly any flesh on his bones, and in a state verging 
on coma — the normal state of diabetics when the 
disease reaches a certain stage of seriousness By 
Monday he was cheerful and active in his mind, and 
had put on nine pounds — nine pounds in three 
days ! 

This sort of spectacular result is being achieved all 
the time with diabetics. The possibility of its achieve- 
ment is due entirely to the patient researches of 
physiological science, which showed that diabetes was 
due to a disorder of the pancreas, and culminated in 
the discovery of insulin, the active chemical substance 
produced by the gland, which can be made from the 
pancreas of animals and used to remedy the patients' 
own deficiencies. 

This brings me to the further question — what 
research is doing now to help us towards better health, 
and I might as well go on with the London Hospital 


and its research unit. These research units are now a 
feature of many big hospitals The men working in 
them take their share of looking after the patients in 
the wards, but otherwise devote their time to laboratory 
research instead of teaching or private practice. The 
aim, of course, is to have as much scientific research 
as possible going on m close relation with the day-to-day 
needs of practical medicine There is generally also a 
clinical laboratory attached to a hospital, in which 
are made all the laborious routine tests and anafyses 
(themselves made possible by past achievements of 
science) which are needed for proper diagnosis and 
treatment — chemical and biological analysis of blood 
and urine, tests for the presence of bacteria, and so 
on. Here, also, research is generally going on, and 
when a full-time regular research unit exists also, a 
fruitful liaison can be achieved 

At the London, for instance, as well as fundamental 
work on kidney trouble, diabetes, anaemia, and other 
chronic diseases, research is m progress on new methods 
of estimating the amount of haemoglobin m blood. 
Haemoglobin is, of course, the stuff which not only 
gives blood its red colour, but confers on it its unique 
oxygen-carrying capacity ; so it is very important 
to have an accurate measure ot it This new apparatus, 
which works with the aid of a photo-electric cell, is 
more accurate and dependable than any of the old 
methods, some of which, it now appears, gave results 
that were often quite seriously out. The new apparatus 
vail be a real help m many kinds of disease. 

Parrot-disease, or psittacosis (which is merely the 
Greek for the same thing), is serious, and often fatal 
(you probably remember the scare about it not so long 


ago), but luckily rare. However, it is interesting as 
being one of the diseases caused by what are known 
as filterable viruses, about which I shall have something 
to say later. Owing to there being research workers 
on the spot when a case of parrot disease came into the 
wards, research was started on the subject, and, as I 
was privileged to see with my own eyes down a micro- 
scope, has led to quite new discoveries concerning 
the cycle of growth and development which the virus 
goes through in the living body. 

But I must not spend too long m one place I want 
to speak also of the work that is going on in laboratories 
of pure science, remote from hospitals and patients, 
and yet with a bearing on our health. 

I will give you one excellent example of the way in 
which pure research, which at first sight seems altogether 
useless and impractical, may link up with extremely 
practical results. When I have occasion to go to 
Cambridge, I generally try to pay a visit to the Strange- 
ways Research Laboratory to see what new results 
my various friends there are getting. The Laboratory 
in its present enlarged state is a memorial to Dr. 
Strangeways, who for some years carried out there 
his pioneer work on tissue-culture — that is to say, 
the cultivation of fragments of living tissue outside 
the body. 

As most people know, the technique of this method 
has now reached a high pitch, and has enabled us to 
prove a number of interesting general facts, such 
as the immortality of tissue cells. The tissues of a 
fowl, for instance, die because of something concerned 
with their organization into a body : when cultured 
outside the body, they can go on growing apparently 


indefinitely, and certainly for much longer than they 
would have if left m the hen. 

At the Strangeways there has been developed a 
rather new line — of cultivating the early rudiments of 
single organs taken out of embryo chicks and seeing what 
will happen to them. They have, it is found, an 
extraordinary power of carrying on with their develop- 
ment on their own For instance, the fragment of 
tissue m the centre of the thigh-region of a very young 
chick embryo will not only turn mto cartilage and then 
into bone just as it would have if left in its natural 
place, but will turn quite definitely into a thigh- 

This suggested studying the machinery of bone- 
formation, by altering the chemical composition of the 
fluid in which such fragments w^ere kept. This w r as 
done m conjunction with a research worker at the 
Lister Institute in Chelsea And, to cut a long story 
short, the experiments have helped us to undeistand 
the means by winch lime and phosphorus are built 
up into normal bone; and this, m turn, is throwing 
light on the widespread disease rickets (from some 
degree of which over half the infants of this country 
are in all probability at this moment suffering), and 
on the whole question of how to promote full health 
and growdh by means of extra vitamins 

Then let me give an example of research which is 
still largely in the phase of pure science — the work 
which is going on all over the world in laboratories of 
physiology, chemistry, zoology, and in clinical wards 
too, on that extraordinary organ, the pituitary gland. 
We cannot yet see just where all this w T ork is going to 
help in relation to human health ; but for any one with 



1 mm. 

Fundamental biological research. 
The thigh-bones of 5^-day embryo 
chicks were dissected out, placed 
in a drop of sterilized nutritive fluid, 
and allowed to grow, i, immedi- 
ately after removal; 2-6, after 3, 

o, i 5 , 21, and 27 days’ growth m 
artificial culture. The bones de- 
velop just as they would have it 
left in the body of the chick. [See 

p. 89.) 

{After Fell and Robinson. By 
courtesy of the Biochemical Journal . 



any imagination at ail the possibilities opened up by 
it are almost awe-inspirmg. 

The human pituitary is quite a small organ — about 
the size of a hazel-nut — attached to the base of the 
brain It is found in all backboned animals, and 
develops m a very queer way out of two parts, one an 
ingrowth from the roof of the mouth, the other a 
downgrowth from the floor of the brain 

Most ductless glands seem to have one or two 
functions only ; but as research continues, the pituitary 
is being revealed as a kind of master-gland, with a 
quite extraordinary number of activities to its credit. 
With the aid of one or other of the various chemical 
substances which it secretes, it looks after growth; 
it helps the muscles of the womb to contract m child- 
birth ; it regulates the amount of water in the body ; 
it stimulates the thyroid gland to full growth and 
normal activitv , it is a sort of opposite number to the 
pancreas m regulating the storage and utilization of 
foodstuffs, it is iesponsible for the rate at which the 
sex-organs come to maturity, and it controls the growth 
and liberation of eggs from the ovary in accordance 
with a regular cycle. It is also responsible m some way 
for the maintenance of the sex instincts, and, it seems, 
for the onset of old age and senility. 

If we include other kinds of animals than man and 
his fellow-mammals, we find it controlhng the secretion 
of “pigeon’s milk ” by doves and pigeons, responsible 
for change of colour m frogs and newts , helping in the 
transformation of tadpoles into frogs; and bringing 
on the hibernation of creatures which go into a winter 
sleep ! 

Three hundred years ago, Descartes, that great 



French intellect, assigned to the pineal gland on the 
top of the brain the honour of being the seat of the 
human soul. He would have been much nearer the 
mark if he had suggested the pituitary gland below 
the brain ! It is, of course, obvious from modem 
biological fact that there can be no particular organ 
which is “ the seat of the soul/' but the pituitary 
probably has more to do with human temperament and 
personality than any other single organ. 

Perhaps some of my readers will be asking what all 
this has to do with health ? But the answer, I think, is 
pretty obvious. Let me take a parallel case from 
another gland, where history has provided the answer. 
About half a century ago, Minkowski, m the course of 
some researches on the way fats were used in the body, 
tried the effect of cutting out an animal's pancreas. 
To his surprise, the animal developed the symptoms 
of that well-known and terrible human disease diabetes, 
which I mentioned earlier in this chapter. Fired by this 
observation, many workers began studying the relation 
between the pancreas and diabetes. It took about a 
third of a century before those studies bore fruit — in 
the discovery and preparation of insulin, the internal 
secretion of the normal pancreas. As a result, the 
diabetic patient to-day can live an almost normal 
life, instead of being condemned to complete invalidism 
and probable death. 

This research concerned a single substance. The 
pituitary produces a dozen or more substances of at 
least equal importance to the workings of our bodily 
and mental machinery. Research is now more active 
than fifty years ago : in perhaps a quarter of a century 
this work will be bearing its fruits. We cannot be sure 



exactly what they will be , but they are bound to be 
important. A more active old age, and perhaps an 
extension of the average span of life , better treatment 
for diabetes and other diseases concerned w ith the way 
our bodies utilize food; wholly new and improved 
methods of birth-control, some real control over the 
mysterious phenomena of growth — these are just a 
few of the ways m which we can be pretty sure these 
researches on a single gland are going to link up with 
the health of our children and grandchildren 

Then I suppose my readers will expect me to say 
something about cancer — and quite rightly, too, since 
cancer is m many ways the most sinister disease. 

Sir James Jeans not very long ago wrote a book 
The Mysterious Universe. Among the various mys- 
teries which he did not touch upon was this horrible 
mystery of cancer — the cells of our own bodies rebelling 
against us, torturing us, and killing us. The theo- 
logical conclusion of his book was that God, whatever 
else he might be, must be a mathematician. If lie had 
carefully considered the mystery of cancer, he might 
have been driven to the theological conclusion that 
God found an interest m meaningless cruelty. But 
this is not the place for theological speculation. Let 
me come back to the hard facts of cancer. The work 
in cancer research has not yet discovered the funda- 
mental cause of cancer, or given us a universal cure. 
None the less, it has led to real advances. To 
take only the last quarter of a century, we have in 
that time seen the experimental production of cancer 
by means of various substances, of which tar is the 
best investigated. This has led on to further studies, 
which have shown that only certain of the substances 



derived from tar will produce cancer, and that these are 
all of the same general chemical structure. Extremely 
detailed chemical work is now in progress which may 
have a good deal to tell us in the near future. 

Then a quite different line of advance is due to the 
German scientist Warburg, who showed that cancer 
cells have a different chemical behaviour from ordinary 
cells in respect of that most fundamental process of 
life, breathing. In getting the energy for their vital 
processes, they are much more independent of oxygen 
than are normal cells. This explains a number of the 
characteristics of cancer cells, such as their ability to 
grow and penetrate into other tissues; and perhaps 
eventually this fact will be linked up with the facts of 
cancer-production by tar, and we shall find that this 
change is what we should expect when the cancer- 
producmg substances from tar are thrown into the 
crucible of the living body. 

Finally, there is the discovery, first made in America, 
of the fact that certain malignant tumours of fowls 
could be propagated m other fowls, not merely by 
grafting a bit of them, but also by means of the clear 
fluid, entirely free of cells, which comes through when 
a chopped-up mass of tumour is passed through a 
filter fine enough to stop the passage of all visible 
particles. This has led to the belief that m these tum- 
ours at least, and perhaps in all, some sort of active 
living agent, like a virus, is the true cause of the diseased 
condition. There remain many difficulties in this view ; 
. but at any rate we have a fundamental new fact — 
namely, that in some cancerous growths something or 
; other is produced which is invisibly small, and yet is 
able to start the same kind of growth again in another 


animal. And quite recently two of the new lines of 
work have been linked up by the discovery that malig- 
nant growths can be experimentally produced in fowls 
by tar, and that in some cases at least these contain 
the active cancer-producing agent which can be filtered 
off. So at the moment, you see, the cancer problem is 
rather like the situation half-way through a detective 
story — a number of exciting and obviously important 
clues have come to light . they are being eagerly followed 
up, both by the official detectives, so to speak, working 
in cancer research laboratories, and by the unofficial 
sleuths in biological and chemical laboratories : and we 
feel that the climax of the plot cannot be long delayed, 
even if we are still unable to spot the murderer. 

Meanwhile, let us not forget that on the purely 
curative side, thanks to radium, improved diagnosis, 
better surgical technique, and so on, the percentage of 
cases which can be cured has gone up quite consider- 
ably. There is one proviso — that they should ask 
medical advice as early as possible. Half the tragedies 
of cancer occur because sufferers put off consulting a 
doctor until too late. 

The filterable tumours of birds link up with another 
very fascinating line of research which of late years has 
been getting more and more important — research on 
viruses and virus disease. I have already mentioned 
Pasteur's discovery of bacteria or “germs" Every 
one knows now that many diseases owe their origin 
to different kinds of these visible living creatures 
which invade the body and live upon and poison the 
tissues. Tuberculosis, typhoid fever, and diphtheria 
are three well-known diseases caused by bacteria. 

This was of course one of the greatest steps ever 



made in medicine — and indeed in general biology; 
but for a time people were inclined to think it an even 
greater step than it was, and to believe that all infectious 
diseases were caused by bacteria. Gradually, however, 
the list of diseases in which the most diligent search 
failed to reveal any such visible cause became quite a 
long one. It includes such dangerous diseases as 
yellow fever, sleepy sickness, smallpox, and influenza, 
such everyday complaints as measles, mumps, and our 
friend the common cold. In animals, there are foot- 
and-mouth disease of cattle, and distemper of dogs. 
In plants, many very destructive diseases, such as wilt 
disease of tobacco and mosaic disease of potatoes and 
other plants, fall into the same category. 

Modern research has shown that these, too, are 
caused by specific agents, which seem to be alive like 
bacteria, but differ from them in not being capable of 
being cultivated apart from the living tissues which they 
attack, and in being so small (all except one or two) as 
to be beyond the range of the most powerful micro- 

They have been isolated by the same methods of 
filtration I spoke of apropos of the filterable fowl 
tumours; and from the size of the pores of the filters 
we can tell the size of the disease-producing particles. 
Besides this, of late years some of them have been 
rendered visible by photographing them with ultra- 
violet light. Their size, as determined by these methods, 
ranges between 5 and 250 /x/x — and a fi/x (pronounced 
mew-mew) is a unit measuring about 1/25-millionth part 
of an inch. Bacteria, on the other hand, begin at about 
250 (jLfx and range up to ten and twenty times as big. 

These disease-producers are generally called viruses ; 


and of late years, thanks to new methods, we are at 
last getting to grips with these invisible enemies, as 
during last century we got to grips with visible disease 

This, by the way, is a good place to bring up the 
vexed question of experiments on animals. 

Of course, I know, and my readers know, that there 
are those who argue — and argue sincerely — that experi- 
ments on animals should be prohibited — that they are 
cruel and unnecessary. For the scientist, however, it is 
hardly a vexed question, for if such experiments were 
prohibited, he would simply have to shut up shop in 
the branches of science which bear on human health . 
without experiment there can be no real advance, and 
animal experiment is often the only method of experi- 
ment available. This is pre-eminently the case with 
virus diseases. When a disease is caused by something 
which is too small to see, and which you cannot grow 
in broth or on jelly or any artificial medium, the only 
way you can get hold of it for controlled study is to pass 
it from one animal's body to another. 

By such means the immunity conferred by one attack 
of disease has been studied, with extremely encouraging 
results. For instance, a completely successful method 
of treating distemper m dogs has been worked out in 
this country; and similar research has been going on 
with that terrible human disease, yellow fever, and now 
we are on the verge of being able to inoculate against it 
beforehand. The work on yellow fever would have 
been impossible but for experiments on mice and mon- 
keys; and that on distemper — a gift of health to the 
dog world — -without experiments on dogs and ferrets. 

Animal experiment is also absolutely necessary in 




another branch of medical science — standardization; 
but I shall have to leave this subject until I deal with 
the international aspects of science. Here I will only 
say that without standardization we would not dare to 
use such wonderful treatments as antitoxin for diph- 
theria, insulin for diabetes, or salvarsan for syphilis, 
since you must have just the right dose — too little is 
useless, too much is dangerous. And standardization, 
in the present state of our knowledge, can only be 
achieved by the use of experimental animals. I wonder 
how many anti-vivisectiomsts would refuse such treat- 
ments for themselves or their children ? 

I could go on with examples of what research is doing 
and might do, but I must devote what space is left to 
another aspect of the question. With all the improve- 
ment in the past and all the gifts of science in the pre- 
sent, it remains an obvious and lamentable fact that 
the standard of health is very much below what it 
might be. For one thing, acute disease of many kinds 
is still rampant. Our descendants will doubtless 
look back on our civilization, with its widespread tuber- 
culosis and syphilis, its high cancer death-rate, its 
epidemics of influenza, with the same kind of tolerant 
pity that we think of that of our ancestors, burdened 
with typhus, plague, malaria, and smallpox. Then, 
for another thing, the glowing, radiant state of really 
full health is all too rare : probably not one among a 
thousand of our city populations has it. 

To what is due this gap between the possible and 
the actual ? It is due, for one thing, to the complexity 
of the human body and its workings, and the consequent 
wide extent of our ignorance. Few but professional 
biologists realize the almost appalling degree of this 



complexity. But when all allowance has been made 
for this, there is a glaring difference between what we 
could do with our existing knowledge and the state of 
affairs which actually exists 

Preventable causes, such as overcrowding, insanitary 
houses, and lack of facilities for open-air recreation, 
account for a great deal of our tuberculosis. If we were 
to treat the venereal disease problem primarily as 
one of hygiene, as we do with scarlet fever or 
diphtheria, and not bring morals into the question of 
treating and especially of preventing it, we could reduce 
the amount of it to a fraction of its present figure. But 
perhaps the most striking example is m the field of diet 
The research of the last dozen \ ears has really solved 
the mam scientific problems of diet, so that we now 
know the essential facts about all the more important 
of what are called the accessory food factors — the 
vitamins and the mineral salts — which are necessary 
for health, proper growth, and resistance to disease, 
over and above the food needed for the general require- 
ments of the body m respect of fuel and wear-and-tear. 

And we know that a large section of the population 
is suffering from at least a slight deficiency m one or 
other of these food-factors, and therefore falls short (in 
energy, physique, and freedom from sickness) of its 
birth-right of possible health We know this from 
physical measurements, such as the lower average 
stature and weight of children from poor neighbour- 
hoods. We know it from the astonishing prevalence 
of mild disease, such as slight degrees of rickets. We 
know it from scientific analysis and experiment, as when 
a sample of the diets of poor families is taken and 
analysed and found to be at or below the danger-hue 



for certain substances — and, when given to animals 
such as rats, leads to widespread chronic disease and 
heavy mortality. 

It is safe to say that a benevolent dictator could 
double the level of general health merely by means of 
applying what is now known about diet. The reason 
for the present state of things is partly public ignorance, 
but is largely sheer poverty. On the whole, the right 
kind of foodstuffs cost more , and it is all but impossible 
for many people to eat healthily on the wages or the 
unemployment allowance which they receive : both m 
quantity and still more in quality, their food, in present 
conditions, is bound to be near the danger-lme. On the 
other hand, it would be possible, at no great expense, 
to supplement inadequate diet by adding the vitamins 
and mineral salts that are likely to be deficient ; they 
might, for instance, be put in bread. This is where the 
benevolent dictator would come in. At present it 
seems to be nobody’s business to take the necessary 
steps . 1 * * * * * 

Under our present system we have to rely on other 
means to get things done — public health administration, 
school medical service, and the slow education of the 
public and those w 7 ho supply its needs I have not 
space to deal with all the questions that spring up 
directly one begins to think of public health admmis- 

1 Since this chapter was written, a step m this direction has 

been taken, by the proposal to provide milk, perhaps the most 
important single source of accessory food-factors, for school- 

children at well below market rates It may be that the next 
fifty years will see the provision of an adequate diet and 

adequate housing regarded as basic social services, to be 

provided out of community funds, just as happened, m spite 

of great opposition, with elementary education, the police 

service, and. water-supply during the nineteenth century. 



tration Should the State maintain the hospitals, as is 
done in most other countries ? Should a health policy 
aim at a State medical service, with reduction or 
abolition of private practice, as is roughly the state of 
aftairs m Russia 1 

These are difficult questions, but well worth thinking 
about. We should bear m mind the existence of the 
school medical service. The recognition that a State- 
controlled system of education could not concern itself 
only with the mind, but, if it was to get good results, 
had to deal with the body too, was a great step forward 
in our national health policy 

But, meanwhile, the education of the public at large 
remains as a necessity if we are to continue raising the 
level of health m the country This is linked up with 
a number of other knotty problems. For instance, 
should the advertising of patent medicines be forbidden, 
or regulated m some way ? Should the complete form- 
ula of every such medicine, with a statement by some 
public health authority as to the known effects of the 
various ingredients, be printed on every bottle or box ? 
There are many pros and cons : again, it is well w r orth 

What we need most of all, perhaps, is some policy and 
organization for positive health, not merely an organiza- 
tion and a policy centring round disease. One of the most 
interesting experiments in this direction is the Pioneer 
Health Centre at Peckham, with the directors of which 
I have had several talks in the last few years. This, 
if you want to sum it up in a phrase, is a Health Club. 
Families belong at so much a week. Every member 
of the family gets an overhaul every so often — the 
more often the younger they are. It is a really 



thorough overhaul, using all the resources of modern 
physiology, for the directors (who are, of course, 
themselves qualified doctors) have found that by these 
means you can not only detect but correct slight tenden- 
cies to bad health (such as rheumatic tendencies in 
children) which could not have been got rid of, m the 
great majority of cases, if they had gone on to the stage 
when they would have been detected by an ordinary 
routine medical examination. 

People with any medical symptoms of disease are 
referred to their regular medical advisers, who pre- 
scribe for them in the ordinary way. But the speciality 
of the place is the way it deals with the side of life that 
is not usually considered to have a relation to medicine 
at all. The directors, after finding out all they can 
about the temperament, inclinations, and home life 
of their members, prescribe what they call “ activities ” 
for them. The activity may be something physical 
like swimming or boxing ; it may be intellectual, like 
study (special rooms are provided for those who cannot 
get the chance of quiet study at home, and someone is 
on hand to answer questions and give guidance as to 
reading) ; it may be membership of the dramatic club 
or the discussion group. The point is that the activity 
is medically prescribed, just as a bottle of medicine is 
prescribed, and that the member of the health club 
(I do not like to call him the patient) pays so much a 
week for the activity concerned, just as he would pay 
for the medicine. Great attention is also paid to the 
psychological side, especially to the personal relations 
of members with the rest of their family ; and as every- 
thing is done on a friendly basis, as part of the 
obligations of membership, the work does not come up 


against the opposition which might greet it if carried 
out in a routine official way 

By such means, much progress has been made in 
raising the health of the members. As one of the 
directors said to me, everyone interested m health 
aims at conferring on the body a full stature, a good 
carnage, and a right gait “We feel/' he said, “that 
the same should apply to the mind We aim at opening 
up the possibility of full stature to the growing mmd, 
of conferring on it a healthy carriage, instead of the 
limp slouch or the cramping tension which too often 
characterizes it, and of allowing it to find its own 
right gait and speed, instead of forcing it or holding it 
back. This is not only good for the mmd, but, as body 
and mind are merely aspects of the single organism, it 
is good for the body too " 

It is true that if we could see minds as we see bodies, 
we should be horror-struck at the stunted dwarfs, the 
cripples, the gnarled, distorted mental creatures that 
would be revealed to us on every side ; and this scheme 
of the Pioneer Health Centre is a most valuable and 
interesting one It is not yet four years old. The 
directors plan to continue for a few more years, to see 
whether they reallv are on the right lines and if the 
scheme can be maintained on a self-supporting basis , 
and then, the}” hope, something will be done to start 
similar centres elsewhere. 

But I must bring this chapter to an end I hope I have 
made certain things clear— notably that without science 
in the past, the great historical advances of medicine 
could never have been made ; that without science m 
the present, the medical and health system of the 
country would just collapse; and that without science 



in the future, there will remain great tracts of ignorance 
about the human body and its disorders and treatments, 
where medicine can only grope instead of acting with 
certainty and knowledge. 

I hope I have also made clear that, however great 
our scientific knowledge, there are all kinds of obstacles 
and barriers to its being properly applied — poverty, 
vested interests (in the purveying of food and housing, 
for instance), religious prejudices (such as those which 
try to prevent the spread of reasonable birth-control 
knowledge), public ignorance and apathy, lack of social 
and economic planning, and so on , and that to get it 
across, you need a very definite positive health policy, 
and great energy and determination in carrying it out. 



I FOUND it extremel\ T difficult to work out an} 7 
coherent plan for this chapter, on science and com- 
munications Communications cover such a multitude 
of different things — from aeroplanes to Zeppelins, from 
roads and railways to telephones and telepathy, from 
languages and letters to cables and canals, from 
different sources of power for propulsion like coal, oil, 
and electricity, to different means of disseminating 
information like books, wireless, and the cinema And 
not only that, but science has been busy m so many 
ways, laying the foundations for so many applications, 
that the effects on human life are bewildering both in 
their magnitude, their number, and their rate. 

So I thought that m this case I would leave out most 
of the technical scientific side of things, and confine 
myself more to the applications, rambling over the field 
to show the different ways, sometimes expected, some- 
times odd and very unexpected, in which one advance 
may act, react, or interact on others. 

The first and most elementary fact about com- 
munications is that they changed hardl} T at all for about 
two thousand years, and then were suddenly plunged 
into a period of revolutionary change, which is still in 
full blast, by the application of human inventiveness 



and, in an ever-increasing proportion as time went on, 
of science 

Until the end of the eighteenth century, the roads of 
England were no better than in Roman times. One 
of the Georges, travelling from Windsor to London, got 
stuck and had to leave his royal coach m the mud. 
Within living memory, pack-animals were still used in 
some parts of England as the main means of transport. 
Shipping showed rather more improvement ; but it was 
not until the introduction of steam power and iron hulls 
that the big change came. The speed at which informa- 
tion could be transmitted did not alter materially until 
the introduction of railways, and not very materially 
until the time of the electric telegraph. Even the 
original telegraph, the semaphore system by which, 
during the Napoleonic Wars, messages were sent from 
the south coast to London in about a minute, is 
paralleled by the drum-signalling of many quite 
primitive peoples. The one big alteration that came 
in before the industrial era was m regard to the com- 
munication of ideas. Here, the invention of printing, 
which was really the first example of mass-production 
methods, did really effect a revolutionary change 
several centuries earlier. 

Now let us take a few threads and see where they run 
and how they pull on other threads. I suppose most 
people would agree that the internal-combustion engine 
has effected the biggest single change in transport after 
the introduction of steam, since it brought into being 
both the motor-car and the aeroplane, not to mention 

The idea of using an explosion of gas or vapour to 
drive an engine grew directly out of fundamental 



scientific researches on gases and on the nature of 
combustion. Proposals for engines of this type were 
actually made and patented as early as 1794, but no 
workable type was produced, even of a stationary 
engine, until after the middle of last century, and 
vehicles with internal-combustion engines have less 
than fifty years’ history. After an infancy in which 
they were jeered at, motors became a luxury, and 
then, largely thanks to Mr Ford, a necessity of 
everyday convenience and pleasure, whether in the 
form of privately-owned cars or motor-buses. Largely 
since the War, motor vehicles have claimed an increasing 
share of goods transport 

All this is an outcome of the work of the scientific 
pioneers in the eighteenth century, who found out how 
to make different pure gases, and discovered that some 
of them would explode violently if ignited in the 
presence of air. Its consequences are varied and 

For one thing, it has done a great deal, especially 
in the United States, in breaking down conventions 
and making for greater freedom between young people 
of opposite sexes — a ferment of the social revolution of 
our age. Then it has made new demands upon the 
road. Those of you who are middle-aged can remember 
the funny business of preparing for a ride in a car in 
pre-war days, by swathing yourselves in veils and dust- 
coats against the horrible clouds of dust That simply 
could not continue ; and the demand for dust-sup- 
pression has turned our roads from white to black 
(though concrete is turning some of them white again). 

Similarly, there has been a demand on the roads for 
safety from skidding, for the straightening out of 


bends, for proper banking, for ability to stand up to 
much heavier and speedier traffic. 

A good deal of experiment was done on this, which has 
eventually developed into a wide and well-organized 
programme of research at the Road Research Labora- 
tory, now under the Department of Scientific and 
Industrial Research, at Harmondsworth. Motorists on 
the Colnbrook by-pass will probably recollect a spot 
where there are two sections of road side by side. One 
of these is an experimental road, which is used to test 
out different types of road materials and construction 
under practical conditions. The laboratory is close by. 

All sorts of problems are being tackled here, but as 
the station is still very young, little has reached the full 
practical stage. I will mention only two. For one 
thing, the workers at the Station are busy with the 
design of a machine which will really measure road- 
wear, but they must have something which in a few 
days or weeks will produce on an experimental road the 
same sort of effect that actual traffic will produce on 
a real road in the course of years. 

Then there is the whole problem of accidents : over 
six thousand fatal ones every year in this country. Of 
these a large number are due to skidding ; and every 
motorist knows what a difference there is between 
different road surfaces as regards liability to skid. A 
machine has now been designed to express this liability 
in quantitative terms. It consists of a side-car com- 
bination which can be made to drag along at an angle, 
and in which the force needed for such a drag can be 
recorded. With this, samples of different surfaces can 
be quickly tested out and compared as regards what we 
may call their skiddability. In this and many other 



directions, great improvements m road construction 
are being effected 

But all this activity on the road has stimulated 
the railways to activity on their side. To take one 
example, the L M S has now large scientific laboratories, 
where the most varied kinds of research are earned out. 
The work is in charge of a distinguished academic 
scientist, whom they invited from one of the older 
Universities a few years back 

Here, too, let me give a couple of examples Every 
unnecessary expenditure must, of course, be rigorously 
excluded. Obviously, one of the biggest items of 
expenditure by a railway is coal — the LM.S., for 
instance, buys nearly £5 million worth of coal a year ! 
So if you can make the same amount of coal drive a 
train further, you are effecting a big economy. Air 
resistance is one of the big factors, especially at high 
speeds, so the L.M S. arranged with the National 
Physical Laboratory to have a model of the Royal Scot, 
complete with tender and six coaches, tested in the 
wind tunnels (which were built primarily for research on 
aeroplanes, but served equally well for this piece 
of work). The tests showed that the Royal Scot, at 
sixty miles an hour, without any head-wind, was using 
up about four hundred horse-power-*— over a quarter 
of the total power it was expending — in overcoming 
air-resistance. The tests also showed the exact share 
of the engine, tender, and coaches in producing the 
air-resistance. This work was, of course, the starting 
point for new designs aimed at reducing this terrific 
amount of resistance by proper stream-lining. 

The research to be undertaken by a railway is varied 
— the L.M.S., among other items, is busy with work 



on steel, on copper for fireboxes, on water-softening 
processes to prevent scale in boilers, and on the best 
methods of painting. You probably would not think 
that painting railway carriages would offer much scope 
for science, but by careful research they have arrived 
at a new paint which will last a good deal longer, and, 
by prolonging the time a carriage can be in use between 
its periodic visits to the repair shops, will effect savings 
that seem destined to be in the neighbourhood of a 
hundred thousand pounds a year ! 

My general point is that much of this research, I feel 
pretty sure, would not be going on if it had not been 
for the competition of road transport. As a result of 
this, the railways went through a bad period, from 
which they emerged with a determination to do some- 
thing big to regain some of their lost ground. So we 
have intensive research, widespread electrification, 
longer week-ends, cheaper return tickets, and all sorts 
of facilities which the passengers of an earlier era did 
"pot dream of. 

Some of these reactions of the railways to the roads, 
by the way, have had striking further effects. It 
happens that the Southern Railway has done more 
towards electrification near London than any other of 
the big companies. As a result, there has been more 
building development on this side than on the east or 
north, for instance. And this, of course, has brought 
its own problem of road communication 

Among the demands made on the road system by 
the growth of motor transport is that for new roads 
as outlets from cities — a demand which has given us 
roads like the Great North Road, the Kingston by-pass, 
and so on. The growth of these new arterial roads itself 


made a demand upon the scientific spirit, but one 
which, alas, has not been satisfied. 

The laying out of the roads themselves was done 
scientifically enough. The obvious corollary to this 
planning of the line of the new road would have been 
the planning of the area on either side of the road. But 
what has actually happened? Instead of the road 
being kept to its real function as an outlet, new suburbs, 
almost all in ribbon development, have been allowed to 
parasitize the road and turn it into a supplier of local 
transport needs, instead of an artery straight from the 
heart of the city to the country. The only people 
who have profited are the owners of the land on either 
side. The dwellers in the new houses have a dangerous 
and noisy stream of traffic flowing past them , and the 
arterial roads are getting so congested that m some 
places they themselves might with advantage be by- 
passed ! And this leaves out the blatant ugliness of 
the business Contrast this with a road like the 
Northern Parkway out of New York, which has been 
properly designed so that it does remain arterial, and 
also remains beautiful, and the Englishman feels 
ashamed at the stupidity of what has happened in his 
own country. 

This leads on to another problem — the need for a 
scientific organization of transport systems, as well as 
the scientific improvement of the mechanical means of 
transport. As an example of what the scientific 
method, in the shape of planning, can do in these 
matters, we need not go further afield than London, 
with its new gigantic Passenger Transport Board, 
which unifies under a single planned control all the 
undertakings concerned with moving masses of people 



about — buses, tubes, and trams — over the whole 
London area. And we may contrast this with the state 
of affairs m the Manchester area, where there are nine 
separately-administered undertakings, all running their 
own transport services. That means nine central 
offices, nine reserves of trams and buses, nine emergency 
staffs, nine repair organizations, nine workshops, all 
in the one region The unnecessary duplication is 

There, however, as happened in London, the logic of 
the situation is forcing things to a conclusion, and a 
move is on foot to amalgamate all the nine in a single 

I had a talk with the Chief Engineer of the London 
Transport Board at the head offices over St. James's 
Park Station, and he told me some of the scientific 
research work which they were carrying out. A great 
deal of it, it is good to note, is directed towards the 
comfort of the passenger. Elaborate studies of noise 
are being made with a new instrument, the audiometer, 
which measures noise pretty nearly in terms of its 
loudness to the hearer, instead of, as with many sound- 
measuring instruments, in terms of the amount of 
energy, m the scientific sense, which goes to make it. 

Does most of the noise in a tube-train come from 
reverberation on the walls of the tunnel ? Is it made 
mostly by the wheels or the body-work ? Does it come 
through the windows or the floor ? What is the effect 
of lining tunnels with absorbent material like asbestos 
(it must, of course, be fireproof as well as sound- 
absorbent) ? And so on. Accurate answers to these 
questions are being got by scientific measurement, and 
less noisy trains will be the result. 

Heston airport in the distance. {See p. 1 1 1. 



Then they are measuring the amount of vibration. 
I saw a machine for doing this, and the record it had 
made of a journey over a few miles of the underground 
system The record showed the position and extent of 
every vertical bump and every sideways sway, and also 
the rate at which acceleration and deceleration — getting 
to speed from stop and back again — was achieved. 
Another machine measured the actual tiny movements 
of a rail as a train goes over it All this is leading to 
various improvements in smooth running. Then there 
is work on ventilation, which has led, on the new lines, 
to ventilating shafts being put between stations instead 
of in the stations, and so on. 

Even the problem of getting people to and from the 
trains can be studied by the scientific method. When 
the new Piccadilly Station was projected, they had full- 
scale models of its different floors made in pasteboard ; 
and, in consequence, were able to make numerous 
alterations that could not have been suggested from 
the mere study of plans and blue-prints. So here 
the research spirit has definitely saved the London 
public a certain amount of disagreeable jostling. 

But with all the improvements that have been made, 
there are other causes outside the scope of even the 
most powerful transport board which have brought the 
traffic of our big cities into a not very happy state. 
The very advances of science which have made it 
theoretically possible to get quickly from place to place, 
have produced a congestion which is making that result 
more and more difficult of attainment. 

Let me illustrate this by a little personal experience 
When I went to see the Chief Engineer, I motored the 
five miles from my house — and was quite badly held 


up on five occasions. Once it was a string of horse- 
carts ; once trams ; once an intersection of two main 
arteries of traffic ; once the road was up ; and once it 
was a bad block at Piccadilly Circus. Here are at 
once five problems for discussion. One : horse-traffic 
is cheap for some purposes, but it slows down motor 
traffic ; should it be totally or locally prohibited ? 
Two : trams were the ideal conveyances in their day, 
but in modern conditions they slow down traffic and add 
to its dangers; shall we try to replace them, and if so, 
with buses, trolley-buses, or what ? Three : you can- 
not help traffic intersections ; but should you go to the 
large expense of having tunnels for all the traffic that 
wants to turn across the opposite-flowing stream, as 
they do in some American cities ? Four : at present, 
you have to be perpetually taking the roads up and 
laying them down again for work on gas mains, 
sewers, water-pipes, electric lines; should there be 
service tunnels under all main roads, or how else are 
we to remedy the inconvenience? Five and finally : 
Piccadilly Circus brings up the whole question of town- 
planning. When the motor-age overtakes an old city, 
you are almost bound to get central congested spots. 
How are you going to prevent the congestion becoming 
acute ? It is already so acute in some parts of London 
and New York that at certain times it is a good deal 
quicker to walk than to take a taxi. 

But I must not stray too far. I would like to say 
that town-planning is, on one side, itself an application 
of science, and is becoming increasingly urgent as the 
result of other applications of science, such as improved 
transport facilities. 

Meanwhile, curious things are happening as the result 



of applied science, coupled with invention and human 
daring, invading the air I shall have more to say in a 
later chapter about the share of research in the technical 
development of aeroplanes : here I will stick to some 
of the results. This country has seen a certain defined 
sequence in the development of communications : 
first riding and pack animals; then wheeled animal 
transport on roads ; then steam and railways ; then the 
motor invasion of the roads ; then the invasion of the 
fields and rough places by caterpillar tractors and 
the invasion of the air by airships and aeroplanes We 
have seen the better part of this sequence compressed 
into the space of a single generation 

To-day, however, in some parts of the globe, the same 
sort of development is going on, but m reversed se- 
quence. A year or so ago I met a German journalist 
who had just come back from a visit to Tadjikistan 
and other mountainous Asiatic regions of Soviet Russia. 
There, he told me, pack animals were up till quite 
recently almost the only means of transport. The first 
sign of progress in communications was the aeroplane ; 
next came tractors for the fields; only after that did 
roads begin to be made and motor traffic to appear ; 
while the horse-drawn wheeled vehicle showed up very 
little, and last of all ! 

The same sort of thing is occurring in many parts of 
Africa. The aeroplane need not bother much about 
marshes and jungle and steep hills; the roads and the 
ipilwyys come later. In Africa, too, it is a very moot 
point whether railways shall be built at all in certain 
districts, or whether good roads and good lorries and 
buses will not serve the needs of traffic better and more 
cheaply. Much of Africa remained undeveloped until 


a date sufficiently long after the invention of the 
internal-combustion engine for this question to be put. 
Fifty years ago there was no such question — the rail- 
way was then the only possible solution. That is an 
interesting sidelight on the way scientific and technical 
progress links up with the accidents of history. 

So far I have been talking about the applications of 
science to transport — all the devices which promote 
travel and getting about from place to place, and make 
for a more restless world. But while all this was 
happening, other scientific discoveries were being made, 
which, though they too were applied in the field of 
communications, on the whole worked m the opposite 
direction * I mean, of course, the discoveries which have 
made it possible for people to have the whole world 
brought before their eyes and ears at home, instead of 
their having to go out into the world. Printing and 
the daily press constitute one of the tendencies working 
in this direction ; but perhaps even more important in 
the long run were two scientific discoveries of last 
century — the discovery of long ether waves and of the 
photo-electric properties of metals. 

Let us take these in order. Hertz's discovery of the 
long ether waves was the first to exert practical effect 
in this sphere. Thanks to scientific pioneers like Sir 
Oliver Lodge, and brilliant inventors like Marconi, 
Hertz's discovery gave birth to a wholly new method 
of communication : a modern Ariel with a million 
voices — the wireless. Everyone knows the story of its 
development — from its first employment as an alterna- 
tive to the cable system in sending Morse and similar 
messages; its widespread use to ensure the safety of 
ships; its technical improvement until it became 


ii 7 

capable of transmitting music and the human voice 
without undue distortion ; then the astonishing growth 
of broadcasting (some critics are apt to forget that 
broadcasting is a very young baby still — less than 
fifteen years old) This, of course, has been followed up 
with enormous improvements in transmission and 
reception ; and recently the introduction of short-wave 
systems (which incidentally has been linked up with a 
great advance in our knowledge of what the upper 
layers of our earth’s atmosphere are like) has made it 
possible to transmit all round the world with the 
expenditure of very little power. 

In the early days, the wireless represented only a 
new way of doing an old thing — sending urgent 
messages very quickly for long distances. Its one new 
feature was that, as it did not depend on fixed channels 
of transmission like wires and cables, it could get the 
messages to and from places which otherwise could not 
be reached — ships are the most obvious example. 

But in its later development it is doing something 
really new — bringing to the multitude the actual living 
voice of statesman and singer, teacher and preacher, 
instead of a mere printed account ; allowing you to sit 
at home and enjoy concerts and entertainments which 
are taking place tens or hundreds of miles away. 

But before pursuing this line of thought, let me go 
back to photo-electricity. This is the study of the 
electrical changes which go on in certain substances 
when light falls on them. The rare metal called 
selenium is the substance which shows these changes 
most strikingly : if light falls upon it, it changes its 
electrical resistance. 

The photo-electric properties of metals have a great 


many modern applications — I have already mentioned 
two or three, such as the accurate estimation of the 
amount of haemoglobin in blood and of the efficiency of 
different laundering processes in getting rid of dirt in 
the wash. From our present angle, they are important 
as having been the original basis of television. All 
systems of television depend on the translation, by 
means of photo-electricity, of the different intensities 
of light and shade in different parts of a subject, into 
different intensities of electric current; and then, at 
the other end of the process, of the re-translation of 
these into light, to form a picture. Selenium cells were 
at first used ; the photo-electric properties of the metal 
saw to it that the density of different parts of the 
electron stream varied with the intensity of the light. 

Another great contribution of science to television 
is the cathode-ray oscillograph, which grew directly 
out of the researches of pure physicists on the curious 
things that happened when electric currents were 
passed through tubes containing highly rarefied gas. 
To-day some systems depend on the emission of a stream 
of electrons by a metal plate in a vacuum tube; but 
it would be impossible to mention here all the methods 
that are being tried out. It looks, however, as if the 
recent applications of science to the television problem 
are destined quite soon to bring about a radical 
improvement in efficiency and practicability. It really 
is on the cards now that television will eventually 
become as practicable as radio, though it is never likely 
to be as cheap. 

And then, when people in their own houses can both 
see and hear what is going on in the world, sitting at 
home will really begin to be quite a rival to rushing 


around. And when the films are coloured and stereo- 
scopic as well as talkie, and perhaps have smell thrown 
in too, at least you will have less temptation to travel 
instead of going just as far as the nearest cinema-house. 

So there are, rather surprisingly, these two opposing 
tendencies of progress in communications, one tending 
to the increase of wandering, the other to the quiet 
evening at home. 

There are, however, other aspects of the matter than 
this merely physical one. Communications can unify 
the minds of people as well as transport their bodies. 
The United States, for instance, could not have a real 
national life but for the telegraph and other methods 
for the speedy transmission of news and ideas. Here 
again, modern applications of science are leading to 
wholly new developments. 

If we want to take a peep into the future, we may, 
I think, regard it as pretty certain that a hundred years 
hence, telephony and television will be so perfected 
that if a statesman is prevented from coming from 
Washington or Pekin to Geneva, or whatever will then 
be the seat of the successor to our present League of 
Nations, he will be able to take part in the discussions 
almost as if he were in the room, both heard and seen 
by his colleagues on the Committee, and able himself 
to hear and see their reactions to his words. This will 
clearly simplify the problems of world government a 
great deal. 

The telegraph and long-distance telephone have 
already wholly transformed the relation between 
generals and ambassadors and the authorities at home. 
Until after the middle of last century, the man on the 
spot had to show initiative and take responsibility in 



the same way as a Cabinet Minister at home. To-day, 
he is at the end of a wire, and must all the time be 
taking either orders or advice 

Then broadcasting has given statesmen enormous 
new powers. Look at the influence exerted through 
this channel m the last few months by Roosevelt and 
by Hitler. Broadcasting and the cinema have also 
brought new possibilities of propaganda, both in its 
bad and its good sense, and of education. The new 
vistas opened up in the vast areas of the globe still 
occupied mainly by people who cannot read is enormous 
— possibilities of intelligent co-operation with govern- 
ment, of improved agriculture, of better health, of 
recreation and culture. 

So I could go on, if I had the space. But I must pass 
to another point. Although here, too, improved 
communications can link people together, they can 
also be employed to keep them apart. It is common 
knowledge that in certain parts of Europe, nationally- 
controlled broadcasting systems are being used for 
nationalist propaganda purposes. More and more 
powerful stations are being erected, to ensure the 
penetration of this propaganda to greater distances, 
or even to swamp or interfere with the broadcasts of 
neighbour nations. 

Language is another example, so familiar that we 
are apt to forget about it. It is essentially an instru- 
ment of communication. But it can also become a 
badge of difference (as in the Shibboleth incident in 
the Bible) ; and to-day, with the spread of nationalist 
feeling, languages are more and more becoming organs 
of nationalism. To counteract this, we want a scientific 
study of the best means of getting world communication 


by means of an international language, auxiliary to the 
national languages already in existence 

So here, too, as in all the other fields I have discussed, 
the applications of science become entangled with 
politics and economics, both affecting them and being 
affected by them. The logic of improved transport 
and communications is a world-state , the fact of the 
existing world is its organization into competing 
sovereign national states. The logic and the fact are 
in violent conflict; and there the scientist must 
perforce leave the problem. 

Before I end, I would like to suggest some ideas 
for discussion. Here is one The development of flying 
has made national boundaries, especially in Europe, look 
rather ridiculous ; and all their frontier formalities, of 
passport, customs, and immigration regulations, are a 
drag on the efficiency of long-distance air journeys. 
Should the scientific method be applied in planning an 
internationalized world air service ? 

Here is another. We have seen that the develop- 
ment of broadcasting within the framework of sovereign 
national states has led in quite a number of cases to 
competition and rival propaganda over the ether — a 
wordy war in the air. Should we aim at a regulation 
of broadcasting power as we aim at a regulation of 
armaments ? Going still further, we have in any case 
the radio over-riding national frontiers, and in short- 
wave transmission we are developing a method for 
broadcasting to the whole world simultaneously. Should 
we make the next logical move, of setting up an inter- 
national commission to take measures for the intro- 
duction of a universal auxiliary language? And, if 
so, should this be an artificial language like Esperanto 




JOOG^urul i 50 





TttND&NCY cup 



41 / *«** Copyrxtid in VSJL 

Scientific planning applied to spoken and written communica- 
tions The total vocabulary of Basic English, which is capable 
of serving as a universal auxiliary language. 

[By courtesy of the Orthologtcal Society. 



or Ido, a dead language like Latin, an existing language 
like French or English, or a simplified existing language 
like Basic English, with or without simplified spelling ? 

I said at the outset that m this chapter I was 
deliberately not going to tie myself down to the more 
straightforward method of treatment I have been using 
for other subjects. So I feel that in winding up this 
chapter I can allow myself a little more scope than 
usual in the way of speculative freedom. 

Let us not forget that, far from progress being at an 
end, it is going on at a more rapid rate than ever. 
During the past two years, man has penetrated into two 
new regions of the planet — the stratosphere and the deep 
sea. With their new type of hermetically sealed balloon 
cars. Professor Piccard, and then the Americans and the 
Russians, have reached a layer of the atmosphere where 
conditions are altogether different from those near the 
surface of the earth — intense cold, low pressure, 
absence of cloud, different wind-systems, and so on. 
The Americans meanwhile, in their hermetically sealed 
diving-bells, have reached an equally unfamiliar zone 
of the sea, where there is complete darkness, complete 
calm, completely equable low temperature, where no 
green plants exist, and where theirs have been the first 
human eyes to see the fantastic deep-sea creatures in 
natural conditions. 

Man can doubtless extend these explorations much 
further in both directions. Already the physicists and 
mathematicians are discussing the methods by which 
a rocket plane could be hurled at enormous speed 
through the tenuous resistance of the stratosphere. 
Romantically-minded popularizers of science have gone 
further, and toyed with the idea of interplanetary 


communication, whether by signals on a vast scale, or 
by actual transport across the huge empty spaces. 
That is at the moment an unpractical and fantastic 
dream. But do not let us forget that for our descend- 
ants (our very remote descendants ! ) it is likely to be a 
pressing practical problem. Eventually this earth is 
destined to cool down until a point is reached at which 
life is no longer possible upon or even within its surface. 
The other planets of our solar system are destined to 
cool down m the same way. But as they are of very 
different sizes, they will cool down at very different 
rates, and the bigger ones will of necessity remain as 
places where human existence is at least physically 
possible long after the earth has become a frozen lump 
To be able to cross interplanetary voids then would 
in all likelihood mean the prolongation of the life of our 
species by many hundred million years. Admittedly 
the problem is hardly urgent — the astronomers give us 
the probability of a thousand million years' existence 
on our present planet. But it is worth remembering 
that that is the sort of Last Judgment which science 
pictures for humanity. 

But interplanetary communication, staggering though 
it may be as an idea, represents only a quantitative 
extension of ordinary transport. You would still just 
be going from one place to another ; the places merely 
happen to be farther apart. So let me end with 
another speculation, about a development which would 
involve a new kind of communication : I mean the 
development of telepathy. By telepathy is meant the 
direct communication of thought or feelings between 
people without the aid of any of the ordinary channels 
of expression — words, writing, gesture, facial expression, 



and so on. You will find many people firmly believing 
m it and many others equally firmly disbelieving. On 
the evidence, there seems certainly a strong pnma facie 
case for its existence ; but it has so far been impossible 
to bring it within the field of science at all By this I 
mean that though things happen which seem explicable 
only on the assumption of telepathy being a fact, no 
one has yet found any way of getting telepathic com- 
munication repeated at will, or under any sort of proper 
control; so that scientific study of how the process 
happens has been impossible. 

But if we once grant that it can happen, we must 
believe that our descendants will one day be able to 
understand, and then to control, its workings. And 
then the most extraordinary possibilities open out 
Would we be able to open and shut our mmds to 
each other at will ? Or if, for instance, it were possible 
to get thousands of people all to feel a similar emotion 
in telepathic unison, would the emotion itself in each 
individual be intensified ? The possibilities are endless. 
But they could never be realized unless one first step 
can be taken — the first step of giving a scientific 
description of telepathy, instead of just having the 
probability that it exists Orthodox science at the 
moment tends to fight shy of such so-called super- 
normal psychology. But this field, as yet scientifically 
untilled, might be intensely fruitful. Perhaps m a 
hundred years' time there will be a Telepathy Research 
Station as well as a Radio Research Station. Meanwhile 
the problem is how to make a new field amenable to 
scientific research ; and — something new in this survey 
of mine — -how to make science itself more scientific in 
its approach to this unexplored region of phenomena. 


Discussion with Sir Thomas Barlow 

/ H Well, Barlow, I am glad to have you here for 
this discussion. You see, I am a very academic scientist, 
and my special knowledge is all m a branch of science 
remote from application in most of industry. So that 
as I go round visiting works and research associations 
and universities, and trying to appraise the meaning and 
value of science in satisfying social needs, I sometimes 
wonder what sort of practical value there really is in the 
conclusions I have been reaching. And accordingly I 
am very glad to have someone like yourself — someone 
who is actually engaged in producing and selling 
things — to give an opinion about the relation between 
science and industry, because the public is naturally 
interested in opinions from the industry end as well as 
opinions from the science end 

T. B. And I am glad to be here, Huxley. It is an 
important subject. I think I had better set the ball 
rolling by asking you what general views you have 
come to so far on the relation of science to industry. 

/. H. Well, first of all, everything I have seen has 
strengthened the opinion I held before — that science 
and research are absolutely necessary for industry in 
this country — necessary not only for its improvement, 
but also for its survival. 




T B . How do you mean ? 

/. H. I mean that conditions are changing so fast all 
over the world that you must have research just to 
keep up with them ; quite apart from keeping up with 
all the research that is going on in other countries. 

T. B. Yes, that is true enough. New means of com- 
munication are coming into existence, new supplies of 
raw materials are being discovered, new markets are 
being opened up, new political, economic, and cultural 
<\ \ are taking place. Of course, industry 

must adapt itself to these new conditions. I take it 
you mean that it cannot afford to adapt itself slowly, 
hit-or-miss ; — it must use the scientific method. 

J. H. Exactly. After all, just as, in the evolution of 
animal life, the power of thinking develops as a substi- 
tute for the wasteful method of action by trial and 
error, so, in the development of civilization, scientific 
research comes m as a substitute for the slow, uncon- 
scious methods of rule-of-thumb tradition Science 
m the long run saves so much time and money and 
energy that without it you just get left behind in the 

T. B . Yes, I think most people would agree with you 
there But that is all very general. I want you to 
tell me about the particular ways in which you think 
science can help industry. 

/. iT. Well, the first thing that has struck me is the 
immense value of scientific method for standardization. 
I have said a good deal about this in earlier chapters, so 
I will not add much here. But it is pretty clear that 
an industry cannot be fully efficient unless it has 
standard specifications for its raw materials, standard 
processes, and standard products. You want standard 


raw materials, because otherwise you are at sea in your 
processes. A builder must know the strength and other 
qualities of the steel girders, and of the lime and bricks 
he must use. Does it not come in in your field too ? 

T . B. Yes, of course — to take only one example, the 
more precise knowledge a cotton spinner has of his raw 
material, the better his yarn. 

/. H Standard materials, yes. Then you obviously 
want standard processes, because otherwise you will 
get undesirable variations in the product, and waste 
in the process. A tanner wants to know the exact 
acidity at which the tanning process goes best, as well 
as to be provided with standard tanning materials. 
The cement manufacturer wants to know the precise 
temperature and the exact proportions of silica, alumina, 
and lime which give the best results with the least 
expenditure ; and the buyer of his product, of course, 
wants to be sure it is of standard quality. All this 
cannot be ensured unless you make a painstaking, and 
often very difficult, scientific study of the raw materials 
and the industrial processes involved^ It is rather 
dull, unspectacular work on the whole, but seems to 
me to be absolutely necessary if an industry is to have 
the flexible scientific basis which modern conditions 
demand, instead of the slower, more rigid, less con- 
scious traditional basis of earlier times. 

And then besides standard materials and processes, 
I take it you want standard products too. 

T. B. Well, in my opinion undue change and an 
undue variety of products impede production more than 
almost anything else. I am sure that there are at the 
present time a great many commodities in which the 
existing variety could be reduced with advantage. 

aks, at the* Building Research Station, Watford. (See pp. 55, 
By permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. 


^ As i . 



Look at man's clothing, for an example. Does the 
average man worry very much about his clothes, 
provided they are reasonably serviceable and fit him 
properly? Would not the majority of mankind have 
all it really needs if it were given a quite limited range 
of colours, styles, and qualities? Don't you remember 
during the War being struck by the extraordinary 
improvement in many young men's appearance when 
they changed their civilian attire for an officer’s tunic 
and breeches ? Yet those garments were essentially 
simple in outline and not attractive in colour. I 
mention that as an instance of how uniformity of 
clothing does not necessarily create an impression of 
dull mediocrity. 

The same considerations surely apply to lots of things 
in everyday household use — electric-light switches, 
dusters, telephone receivers, bed-sheets — these are one 
or two which come to my mind as I am speaking. 
And in the same way why cannot different nations have 
the same stamps, the same coinage, the same weights 
and measures, the same rule of the road? Variety m 
all these only adds to the confusion of life. 

/. H. But, my dear Barlow, you are heading straight 
for a Robot world 1 Is not variety the salt of life ? 

T. B . Your protest, Huxley, leaves me cold. And, 
in any case, you did not let me finish.' ' Of course I 
do not want standardization in everything. It is to 
be avoided wherever emotional or spiritual or aesthetic 
values predominate. Rooms would be very dull if 
there were only a dozen patterns of furnishing fabrics 
to choose from — and as for women's wear, it would be 
a very grim business if there were only, say, six patterns 
of printed dress materials available. And as for their 



underclothes, I don't think they should be made only 
from plain white calico. However, we need not worry 
about that — the ladies will see to it. 

But what I really wanted to say was this. Standardi- 
zation in many commodities is a liberating force, and 
does not impoverish life aesthetically. In other com- 
modities it does, and there we must avoid it. 

J. H. I think I agree — with the proviso that even 
with products where variety is desirable, you may 
need standardization of raw materials and processes; 
the variety emerges in the manufacture. 

T. B. Agreed. Well, after standardization, what 
next ? 

J. H. Improvement. It is obvious that once you 
have understood the scientific basis of a process— say 
making glass, or tempering steel, or scouring wool, you can 
begin to improve it scientifically. This type of research, 
too, is generally a slow and tedious sort of job. But it 
brings sure returns in securing greater efficiency, bigger 
output, and better products. Think, for instance, of 
the aeroplanes, the radio valves, the artificial silk 
fabrics of to-day, and compare them with those which 
could be produced in the early days of the industries 
concerned. The difference is enormous — and the 
improvement has been due in the main to the steady 
application of science to the problem. Just the same 
would be true if you looked at processes instead of 
products; only one needs more special knowledge to 
appreciate the progress there has been. I take it you 
will agree on this too ? 

T. B. Yes, except that I should have imagined that 
the results would have been even more spectacular 


J. H. That is true There is the classical example of 
the electric-light bulb. There has been a perfectly 
steady improvement from the original lamps of Swan 
and Edison, with their splinters of bamboo glowing m a 
vacuum, to the lamps of to-day These had an 
efficiency (measured m terms of the proportion of the 
energy going into them which comes out as light) of 
well below 0*5 per cent. The best gas-filled bulbs of 
to-day have an efficiency of about 2 per cent. Some 
hot cathode lamps m commercial use give one of 10 per 
cent., and some still m the experimental stage one of 
about 50 per cent In length of life the improvement 
has been still greater. 

Even since the introduction of our modern gas-filled 
tungsten filament bulbs the improvement has been so 
great that it would not pay you to take as a gift a lamp 
which was the latest pattern five years ago m place of 
buying a 1934 type — because its efficiency was less and 
its life much shorter. This pronouncement was made 
to me by the head of the research laboratories of an 
important firm m the electrical industry. 

Then what is going on in the metal-testing depart- 
ment of the National Physical Laboratory and a number 
of other places is spectacular enough. For instance, 
they are doing some most interesting work on what is 
called creep in a metal such as steel — very, very slow 
distortion under whatever forces are acting on the 
metal. With lead, which is soft, creep may be obvious : 
the lead in lead roofs may actually move downwards, 
causing the roof to thm out near the top and be 
thickened and thrown into waves near the bottom. 
But even the hardest steel is subject to some degree of 
creep. It is important, naturally, to keep this down 


to a minimum in fine machinery, and so you have the 
testing of different steels for low creep — you put a 
heavy load on the piece of steel at whatever temperature 
is needed, and then, by means of a special device, 
measure its infinitesimal movements. Until quite 
recently the highest standard was that a bit of metal 
of a given length should not show a movement of more 
than one millionth of its length per day. Recently, 
however, new machines, such as high-speed turbines, 
put such demands on their materials that the manu- 
facturers themselves have demanded a test a hundred 
times more strict — one part in a hundred million per 
day — which means a permissible change of well under 
a twenty-thousandth part of an inch during a year in 
a piece of steel a foot long. Think of what that means 
in terms of skill m making steel ! 

T. B. Yes, that is spectacular enough 1 

J. H. But I want to ask your opinion about another 
kmd of improvement — invention. I have the impres- 
sion that we do not do nearly enough to mobilize 
inventive genius. And by inventive genius I mean 
something rather different from scientific genius. The 
inventor is someone who has (or thinks he has) a flash 
of insight about improving a machine or a process. 
He may be all wrong about the scientific basis of his 
idea, and extremely vague about the practical means of 
applying it. But the idea may be very valuable. As 
things stand in this country, the inventor often gets 
lost in the mazes of the patent law, or, if he manages 
to get a business man to take any interest at all in him, 
finds himself forced to sell his invention at a ridiculously 
low figure. 

T.B. Well, Huxley, I can only say that my experience 



has been that the business man is much more likely to 
lose money on a new invention than to make it, though 
I admit there are exceptions. 

J. H. But that emphasizes just what I wanted to 
bring out — the need for organizing invention and 
incorporating it into the framework of industry In 
Soviet Russia they have a very interesting system for 
encouraging inventors, and, if their ideas are any good, 
of giving them a thorough scientific training and a 
better position The only attempt I have seen in this 
country to link up invention with industry — as science 
has already been linked up — was m a firm which made 
machines for making boots and shoes — wonderful 
machines a lot of them are, too Here they had a set 
of rooms occupied by a staff of six or eight men officially 
styled Inventors, under a senior Inventor, who were 
busy all the time with ideas improving the machines 
In ^mother office was a staff of Designers, who were 
responsible for the job of realizing the inventors" ideas 
m the practical designs. 

T. B. I see — you mean the inventor is rather a special 
type, and you want to use him to the best advantage ? 

J. H. Exactly. But we must get back to research in 
general Next comes something much more spectacu- 
lar — research which leads to new processes Sometimes 
it may lead simply to the substitution of a new process 
for an old, with an increase m efficiency, but without 
any particular effect on the product In an earlier 
chapter I gave an example from the leather industry — the 
substitution of the clean and accurate trypsin process 
for the dirty and untidy use of animals" dung. Or the 
new process may be so much of an improvement that it 
transforms the industry. 


T. B . Yes, like chemical bleaching m the industry 
to which I belong. You mentioned this in one of your 
previous chapters, and pointed out that without 
chemical bleaching it would have been impossible to 
produce cotton goods on a large scale and at a low 

/. H . Yes, I think that is as good an example as one 
could find. Or again, the new process may lead to the 
introduction of a new kind of product. I saw an 
example of this in the big Brown-Firth steel works at 
Sheffield, where research led to the production of 
rustless and stainless steel. Or there is vita-glass— 
or high-speed tools with the properties of best steel, 
but with no iron in the alloys of which they are made 
— or the application of low-pressure gas tubes to street 

Or the product may be so new as to become the basis 
of a new branch of industry altogether. The classical 
example is Faraday busy in the laboratories of the 
Royal Institution with funny-looking coils of wire — 
and laying the foundations of the whole of electrical 
industry. A more modern instance is Fleming's 
discovery of the new principle now used in all wireless 

Improvement of this type may be sporadic — the 
result of the research of a gifted individual in a Univer- 
sity laboratory, for instance. Or it may be systematic : 
let me give examples of what I mean by this. We 
exist under a pressure of fifteen pounds to the square 
inch, and are used to the way things happen at that 
pressure. But at higher pressures many things happen 
quite differently. For instance, at a pressure of a few 
hundred atmospheres, all sorts of reactions involving 


gases will take place which otherwise will not occur 
except at huge temperatures. It was research of this 
sort which led the great German scientist Haber to 
perfect his method for using the nitrogen of the air to 
make ammonia, and with the ammonia to make 
fertilizers and all sorts of other important substances. 
I suppose this work did more to prolong Germany's 
powers of resistance to our blockade than that of any 
other single man. 

The other day I was visiting the wonderful research 
laboratory at the Alkali branch of Imperial Chemical 
Industries, at Northwich, and there they told me that 
Haber gave a lecture in England in 1911 on some of 
the theoretical aspects of this work. If at the time 
they had been engaged on systematic research on gas 
reactions at a few hundred atmospheres, in all prob- 
ability, they said, they would have realized the practical 
possibilities inherent in his talk, and we too should have 
had the ammonia process of fixing nitrogen during the 
War. As it was, British science had not the necessary 
background, and Britain had to wait ten years for cheap 

They are determined not to be caught out again, 
so they are now systematically surveying what happens 
— not at a few hundred atmospheres, for that field is 
now pretty well explored — but at a few thousand 
atmospheres — round fifty thousand pounds to the 
square inch, which is the sort of pressure you get inside 
a big naval gun at the moment of the explosion ! 

At this sort of pressure, many liquid reactions 
involving organic compounds go on altogether differ- 
ently from what they do in ordinary terrestrial con- 
ditions. In addition to the great scientific interest of 


the work, they expect to obtain important practical 
results themselves, as well as gaining the background 
which will enable them to appreciate the implications 
of similar work published by others. 

Eventually they may start working with tens of 
thousands of atmospheres — under which conditions 
the most extraordinary things may happen : phosphorus, 
for instance, goes black and changes its properties so 
that it behaves like a metal ! 

The electrical experiments with enormous voltages 
which I saw at Metro-Vickers and at the National 
Physical Laboratory are rather similar. Apart from 
lightning, such electrical conditions do not exist on 
this planet. To study them means studying a little 
artificial world that science has created. Or take one 
more example — the behaviour of substances at intensely 
low temperatures, only a few degrees above absolute 
zero. Man has now brought the temperature of 
interplanetary space into his laboratories; and he 
finds that at these temperatures, electrical properties 
change profoundly — electncal resistance, for instance, 
practically disappears; so that a current will go on 
for years and years flowing round and round a closed 
circuit without appreciable loss 

T. B. That point about the need for the right back* 
ground is specially interesting to me. I think it 
applies to owners and directors as much as to research 

J. H . I am glad to hear you say that. I want to bring 
it up later. But meanwhile let me finish my catalogue 
of the results of research. I have only got one more 
: item, and that is research to discover new uses of 
' materials and products. For instance, when I visited 


the Glass Technology Department of Sheffield Uni- 
versity, I heard a good deal about the new uses of glass. 
Glass is chemically very resistant : it can be made 
opaque, or slightly translucent so as to let through a 
faint light of any colour you like : it can be made in 
blocks of any desired shape or size. All these properties 
are valuable for building And, as a matter of fact, 
glass has been used for building houses for some time : 
there are several glass houses on view at the World's 
Fair m Chicago. Then it can be made black, m sheets, 
as a surface lining. It has been used thus on the 
outside of the new Daily Express building m Fleet 
Street, and, m combination with stainless steel, to line 
the inside of the new road tunnel under the Mersey, 
so as to prevent dazzle. 

r. B. That sounds attractive 
J. H. Yes — I should like to see it. Then, too, a great 
deal of research is going on m various laboratories on 
new uses for coal. Every one has heard of the processes 
for getting petrol out of coal, whether by low- 
temperature carbonization or by the higher-yielding 
method of hydrogenation, which is now about to be 
put into commercial practice on a large scale by I.C.I. 
But other important work is going on, designed to 
produce really satisfactory smokeless fuels for domestic 
purposes, from coal and from coke. (In regard to coke, 
the chief trouble in the past has been the vanation in the 
standard and quality of the product ) This smokeless 
fuel work, of course, is of value not only to the pro- 
ducers and users of the fuel, but to the nation as a 
whole — in reducing the ridiculous waste — waste of 
valuable substances discharged into the air, waste of 
paint and stone and metal corroded by fumes, waste of 


physical and mental health engendered by the foul and 
unnecessary smoke-palls over all our great cities. 

While we are on the subject of new uses, perhaps you 
can tell me something about research into new uses for 
cotton ? 

T. B. Well, I believe you mentioned in an earlier 
chapter the huge use of cotton in motor tyres, and 
its growing employment for insulating material. In 
addition, I believe there is immense scope for new fabrics, 
especially those consisting of mixtures of cotton with 
other materials. I think that can be classified as a 
new use . 

J. H. Yes, I think it can. Well, that is a list of the 
divers ways in which science can be applied m industry 
— standardizing materials and processes, improving 
processes, introducing new processes and products, and 
finding new uses for materials. 

T, B. That is an impressive list all right. But look 
here, Huxley, is the work being organized in the right 
way, in your opinion ? 

J. H. Yes, that problem of organization is important. 
It also involves asking where all the funds for research 
come from. That sounds a bit dull, but I don't think 
it is really. 

T . B . Well, where the money comes from does not 
sound a dull subject to me ! Go ahead ! let us hear 
what you have got to say about the organization of 

J, H. All right. I have been finding out something 
about it during these last few weeks. In the first 
place, you may have research carried out, and of course 
paid for, by private firms, big or little. Then there is 
the work that goes on in the Research Associations 


under the Department of Scientific and Industrial 
Research (let me save trouble by giving it its usual 
abbreviation — D.S.I.R). These are each controlled 
by a particular branch of industry. Some of the money 
for them comes from Government sources, the rest 
from subscriptions from the firms who are members 
(by no means all of the firms in the industry belong). 
I have been to see a good many of these institutions — 
for instance, those dealing with wool, cotton, leather, 
and laundering ; but there are plenty of others — about 
twenty m all 

Then there are the special Research Stations, also 
under the DSIR., which deal with problems where 
the interests of the consumer or the nation at large 
are so important that the Government wants to keep 
a good deal of control. So most of the money for them 
comes from Government sources They deal with 
problems like building, about which I said a good deal 
in an earlier chapter, cold storage, radio, forest products, 
and fuel research. 

There is also that wonderful place the National 
Physical Laboratory, which m many of its activities 
acts as a central research institution for industrial 
problems too large-scale or too long-range to be carried 
on elsewhere. This also is under the D.S I R. 

And then, of course, there is all the work carried on 
at Universities. Many people either forget or do not 
know how much of the work done at these so-called 
academic institutions is closely linked up with 
industrial needs. Leaving out of account what I may 
call the “ background research ” in very pure science, 
the applications of which cannot yet be seen (though 
we can be sure from the history of science that one day 


they will be of immense importance), there exist depart- 
ments m which very practical research is going on : 
civil, chemical, and electrical engineering, metallurgy, 
mining, oil technology, leather research, textiles, dyeing, 
fuel research, brewing, and so on. As one would expect, 
there are proportionately more of these in the newer 
universities of industrial towns like Sheffield or Leeds 
or Manchester than m London, Oxford, or Cambridge ; 
but this type of semi-practical department is growing 
in the older universities as well. Some of the money 
comes from special endowments, old and new, and a good 
deal out of the Government Grant to Universities. 

T. B. Well, did you reach any conclusions as to the 
part to be played by these different types of research 
organizations ? For instance, when a firm is a member 
of a Research Association, is there any value in its 
carrying on with research on its own ? 

J. H. Oh, yes. By no means all of them undertake 
work on their own — but those that do seem to find it 
pay. There are specia] objectives which one firm may 
have — like the so-called creaseless cotton I spoke of 
earlier — which it could not entrust to a central organiza- 
tion if it wanted to keep the advantages to itself. This 
is the obvious sort of reason for doing your own re- 
search. Other examples are the new pattern wireless 
valves and the new kinds of lighting I saw at the 
General Electric Company, and the new, almost noise- 
less, electric motors for fans and so on that they are 
working out at Metro-Vickers. 

But there is another and equally important reason 
for a private firm doing research — I touched on it in 
connection with the high-pressure work going on at 
I.C.I. It is to have on the spot a background of 


research knowledge and the research spirit which will 
enable the firm to understand the value of the research 
done elsewhere, and so be able to apply it at once and 
in the right way. This is not of value only for large 
firms I came across one quite small firm, devoted 
almost exclusively to making small electric switch-gear, 
the director of which told me that not only was research 
essential for him if he was to achieve real improvement 
of his products, but also for keeping cost down — for 
instance, he had research m progress on the raw 
matenals he bought, so as to be able to tighten up 
standards and specifications. 

Those, I think, are the mam functions of research 
by single firms. The mam aim of work undertaken by 
Research Associations is rather the standardization and 
improvement of processes and products common to the 
industry as a whole or to large sections of it — the slow 
but vital work I spoke of earlier. Single firms, save 
for a few very big ones, cannot be expected to tackle 
this type of long-range work. 

T. B. Well, how do the Universities come in ? Are 
not their departments of applied science engaged in the 
same sort of long-range work ? 

/. iT. No, not altogether. Naturally there is an 
overlap ; but, on the whole, as you would expect, they 
are working on the problems rather more remote from 
application — the more basic questions. Often they 
do so to such good purpose that they convert a field 
which you would think was applied science into a 
pure science in its own right. Metallurgy is a good 
example of this. Don't forget, too, that half the 
job of these University Departments is training — 
training men to go out into industry imbued with 



the scientific spirit as well as equipped with scientific 

T. B. That brings up a point I made earlier — one that 
worries me a good deal — the scientific training of 
owners and directors in industry. It is not a question 
of technical training so much as proper background. 

J. H. Is not the trouble with many business people 
that they do not really grasp what the scientific spirit 
means ? 

T. B. I am afraid, Huxley, you are right. It is not 
merely a question of getting more trained scientists 
on our staffs. We ourselves, the directors and the 
proprietors, whatever we may be, do require training 
just as much as anybody else. We do not want to do 
the job ourselves, but we want to know what it means— 
what, so to speak, the language is, and what our fellows 
are talking about. Science, research, the scientific 
spirit, does not merely mean that you have a depart- 
ment where a number of persons sit over microscopes 
and pour liquids from one test-tube to another, but a 
fundamental attitude of mind ; and I will admit quite 
frankly that we, or shall I say many of us, have been 
very remiss in this respect. 

/. H. Is not that the reason for the rather lamentable 
fact that a number of Industrial Research Associations, 
in spite of substantial grants from Government funds, 
have become rather feeble or even defunct — the Cutlery 
Research Association at Sheffield is an example ? 

T. B. I suppose so ; though, of course, bad times have 
contributed to it. In bad times, people will either 
give up the expense of research altogether, or concen- 
trate on it rather desperately as a possible way out. 

/. H . Well, the expense is not so very large, you know. 



As far as I can make out, the cost of research associa- 
tions comes to less than a shilling per £100 of net 
output — less than 0*05 per cent. 

T. B . H'm — that certainly is not much. 

J. H. No — especially when you contrast it with the 
amounts spent on advertisement. But would you think 
it reasonable that the Government should insist on more 
science, as a quid pro quo for what it does for industry, 
in the way of all the money it spends itself on scientific 
research, or as a premium on the efficiency which it 
surely has a right to demand if it gives an industry a 
protective tariff ? You might have a levy on sales, or 
you might take a percentage of tariff receipts to make 
your central research fund. 

T. B. These are rather thorny questions, aren't they ? 
though well worth thinking over. But there is another 
even more general point that I do very much want to 
discuss. So far w r e have been assuming that science 
has been useful to industry in the past, and could be 
equally useful m the future. But, you know, there are 
some people who would like to lock up you and your 
fellow scientists, or at least keep you from doing any 
scientific work for ten years, or even for the term of 
your natural lives, because they feel that science is 
multiplying human needs so fast that it is making it 
harder for people to live a life that is really worth 

J. H . That is going a bit far, isn't it ? — though I do 
feel that eventually we shall have to try to adjust the 
tempo of research to the tempo of social development. 
But do you feel like that, Barlow* ? 

T. B . No, »1 do not. All the same, I do feel like 
repeating this question ; Is not science doing us a 



disservice by unduly multiplying our wants? The 
moralists would have us believe that a man's happiness 
consists m the fewness of his wants — and we only 
increase the complications of life when we multiply 
the number of material commodities in the world. 

J. H. That is true from one angle On the other 
hand, you do find to-day one school of social philo- 
sophers who preach that consumption is the great 
moral duty, don't you ? It is a far cry from the views 
of Samuel Smiles and the waste not , want not, school of 
thought, and does help to prove that morality is relative 
to economic and social facts. 

T. B. Moral duty ! but this is not a discussion on 
morality, my dear Huxley. 

/. H. I know ; but you started it, Barlow. 

T. B. All right, but leaving morals out, it is futile to 
try to turn our backs on science and say, “No more of 
this." Some people seem to think it possible for life 
and thought to stop at a given point — thus far and no 
further — but when life and thought stop, all we have is 
decay and death. Do we really want to smash up all 
our machines and go back to a new Middle Ages? 
Surely life can be just as much enriched by variety as 
it can be complicated and confused ? 

J. H. Very true. But we still remain in a great mess 
owing to our so-called over-production. 

T. B. Yes, But have we called all the resources of 
science to our aid? What have we done in the way 
of using science to study consumption and distribution, 
as we have done for production ? 

/. H . Next to nothing, as far as I know. But give 
me some examples of what you mean. 

T. B. Well, why is it that there is such a great increase 



in the price of an article between the time when it 
leaves the factory and when it gets on to the counter 
of a shop? — a difference amounting often to over a 
hundred per cent. ? 

y. H. That, I suppose, is due partly to the high over- 
heads. But is it not also due partly to the chaos that 
exists in retail distribution ? I read recently that there 
were about six hundred thousand shops in this country 
— one to every seventy inhabitants — with no system of 
regulation, no attempt to see if the owner knows 
anything about what is really rather a difficult job to 
do well. Or look at the business of distributing milk. 
In some streets there are three separate firms who send 
their vans every morning. Would it not reduce costs 
if you could get one firm supplying one area entirely, 
instead of having to dodge in and out like this ? 

T. B. Doubtless that is true. But the mam thing, 
I feel, is that we do not really know enough ; that we 
just have not got the facts on which we could make a 
decision as to a course of action — at least a scientific 
decision. In this held we are without even the basis 
for science. 

/. H. I am interested to hear you say that. For some 
time it has seemed to me that the first step towards 
getting a scientific outlook in economic and social 
matters is the proper collection and organization of 
facts. You could not have had modem biology until 
after the early naturalists had collected specimens of 
animals and plants from all over the world and arranged 
them in museums. In sociology, facts are the speci- 
mens, and proper statistics take the place of museum 
arrangement. Ought we not to have a really compre- 
hensive statistical department, under Government 




control, to collect the facts we need and arrange them 
in logical and convenient ways ? 

T. B. I quite agree with you, Huxley ; and I would 
add that a great many of us manufacturers are much too 
suspicious about letting out statistics. The Americans 
are streets ahead of us in this respect. 

/. H. Absolutely. Well, if there were a really 
adequate statistical authority in existence, then you 
would begin to get people linking up the facts about 
trade with the facts about population, the facts about 
public health with the facts about wages, and so on ; and 
when assured knowledge comes in at the door, partisan 
spirit flies out at the window. You do not find people 
getting all worked up and holding elections to decide 
whether the chemical composition of water is H 2 0 or 
something quite different. A good dose of hard facts 
is the best remedy for party passions and hasty 

T. B. I must just put in an example on a small scale, 
from trade. I have heard of an enterprising firm of 
tailors that study the census returns very thoroughly, 
district by district, to find out just what sort of demand 
there is likely to be for gents' suitings adapted to men 
of different ages and social classes — with excellent 
commercial results. 

J. H . Yes. That is an example of what one can do 
with the very limited statistics at present at our 
disposal. But just think of all the things you could 
study scientifically and arrive at undisputed conclusions 
about, if you had all the relevant facts to play with — 
all the things you cannot study now. Just as you 
cannot discover a new scientific law without you or 
someone else having first amassed a great deal of 



scientific fact by means of patient study and measure- 

T. B . Yes. To take just one example, I have often 
wondered about advertisement. Obviously much 
advertising is useful and necessary, for the public as 
well as the advertiser ; but equally obviously, one would 
think, there is some advertising going on which is 
useless or wasteful — or even harmful. 

J. H. Quite. And there is no means at present of 
finding out where the line should be drawn. 

T . B. But I suppose one could find out ? 

/. H. Y'es, undoubtedly, if we could get the facts and 
have them properly analysed — as we could if we would 
take a bit of trouble. That is another of the subjects 
on which industry could get really reliable information if 
we had the machinery for studying it in a scientific way. 

T. B. But our time is running out, Huxley, and we 
have not mentioned what I suppose is the most difficult 
problem of distribution and consumption, the greatest 
issue of all in relation to industry — I mean, of course, 

/. H. Unemployment — yes, I agree. If one can just 
manage to detach oneself from the misery and waste 
of it all, one cannot help reflecting on the irony of the 
situation. Here we have been talking about the 
wonders of the labour-saving machinery for the last 
century; and now that it really is saving labour, we 
are taken unprepared For, after all, the aim of 
labour-saving machinery should be to save labour, 
should it not? Yet you find people seriously worried 
at the prospect of machinery being able to do the hard 
work of the world with human labour reduced on 
the average to only a few hours a day. 



However, it is difficult to see where science can come 
in, so long as the direction of affairs is in the control 
of politicians — no, I should really say in the control 
of blind economic and social forces that play with the 
politicians as much as they do with the common man 

T. B But could not applied science feed and clothe 
and shelter not merely our present population, but 
double that amount ? 

J.H I daresay. But why, my dear Barlow, are you 
so anxious to see more people m the world ? Quality 
of life, not just quantity, is surely the proper aim. But 
I do think that in bringing up this question, you have 
reminded me of something where science could help us 
in the present crisis. We could use science and the 
scientific method to study the problem of population, 
with a view to its ultimate control. You see what 
important issues are at stake. Yet in regard to birth- 
control, which is, after all, the most potent factor in 
any possible control of population, almost all the 
research that is going on in this country is under a small 
private committee which manages to raise a few 
hundred pounds a year by voluntary subscriptions ! 

T. B . Yes, it is obvious that there is a lot of scientific 
research and hard thinking to be done in this field. 
But one thing seems certain — whatever happens, the 
average man and woman, thanks to applied science, 
are going to have a great deal more leisure on their 

/. H. Yes. That is what I meant about labour- 
saving devices really saving labour. 

T. B. But what are people going to do with all their 
leisure ? 

J. H . Ah, now you are asking ! But, in any case, we 


shall need a great deal of careful planning and organiza- 
tion to provide exciting, interesting, and satisfying 
outlets for people m their leisure time. 

T. 23. That blessed word planning ! I am a little 
shy of it. Do you really think you can plan everything ; 
or that, if you can, life will be worth living? 

J H. Now you are raising a question which would 
need another half-hour’s discussion before we even 
began to see an answer f I entirely agree that there 
can be bad planning as well as good planning, and that 
bad TTvmin'T obviously would have disastrous results; 
but, in the most general terms, is not planning an 
attempt to apply the scientific method all round, as 
w T e have already applied it to a fair extent in industry, 
and is not the alternative to planning, m the present 
state of civilization, merely chaos ? 

T. B. I suppose it is — but do not let us have any 
illusions about planning being a panacea. Some 
people seem to think that something valuable will 
result if they just say the word planning often enough — 
just as they did with the word rationalization ten years 

J. H. No, I have no illusions on that point. But I 
have real faith m science, and believe that in the long 
run human reason, employing the scientific method, 
will enable us to control our destiny. 



T HIS chapter was not an easy one to plan out. One 
could approach the subject from so many angles. 
Perhaps I had better begin by giving a sort of table of 
contents, so that my readers can pick up the steps in 
my argument more easily. 

To begin with, I cannot describe much war research, 
because most of it is kept secret. What one does know, 
however, is the amount of money spent by the Govern- 
ment on it ; this is very large. 

Then I shall argue that so long as there is a risk of 
war we must use science in our preparations for it, 
to get greater efficiency ; but that we should also try 
to use science to reduce the risk of war. 

In passing, I shall show how we cannot use science 
for war purposes without getting some set-off in the 
shape of useful peace-time improvements, and shall 
illustrate this by examples, especially from research 
on aviation. All the same, we could get the useful 
results much more easily by research aimed directly at 

I shall say something on the need for cutting down 
wasteful expenditure in war research, and then go on 
to the point about using science to help disarmament. 
This can be done in part by making a detailed technical 
study of armament, which reveals the fact that there 



will always be several months' lag in reaching the mass- 
production of armament material needed for modem 
warfare — whether you start from scratch, or have to 
convert a factor from peace-time uses This leads 
to the conclusion that to minimize the risk of war, the 
large-scale manufacture of war material should, as 
far as possible, be prohibited m peace-time, for this 
will give a time-lag before full-scale hostilities can 
begin, during which arbitration may get busy. In 
this connection I shall also discuss the attitude of 
scientists to the use of science for war preparations. 

Science could also undoubtedly help in research 
upon the actual causes of war, psychological, economic, 
and political; but the astonishing fact emerges that 
no organized research at all has been done on these 

Meanwhile, it seems clear that so long as the world is 
organized into national sovereign states, the risk of 
war will continue to be very high ; so here again science 
is up against political facts, and can only suggest that 
the most important step to reduce the immediate risk 
of war is some surrender of sovereign rights by nations 
to a supernational authority. 

That, roughly, is the outline of what I am going to say. 
I am sure I shall be criticized, from both sides; but 
the dispassionate setting down of facts, so far as they 
are available, cannot well do harm, and that is what 
I shall try to do. 

You will note I say “ so far as available." That is 
because, as everyone knows, a great many of them are 
not available. Secrecy is the all-but-universal accom- 
paniment of war research. 

One thing available, however, is the expenditure 



on research, which any one can dig out of Government 
documents : and we may perhaps begin with that. 

For comparison we may take the amounts spent on 
some other kinds of research. For instance, on research 
connected directly or indirectly with industry m the 
year 1931-32 the Government spent, through the 
D.S.I R., a little over half a million pounds ; and on 
medical research, through the Medical Research Council, 

When we come to the Services, matters are more 
difficult to interpret, for in the parliamentary estimates 
of service expenditure, you will sometimes find 
included under research all sorts of expenses incurred 
for technical development which would not be classed 
as research by a private firm, and would not be 
undertaken at all by bodies like the D.S.I R. or the 

To take one example, the total budgeted for Research 
and Technical Development in this year’s Air Estimates 
is over one and a third million pounds. But only about 
one-third of a million pounds goes to what can really 
be called research. Development is purely technical, 
not what is usually called “ development research/’ and 
is a different branch, under a separate head. Even so, 
one-third of a million pounds for air research — more 
than twice as much as what is spent by the Government 
on medical and health research — is a lot of money, and 
a hundred thousand pounds for gas research is another 
heavy item. There can be no doubt that the total 
spent by the Service Departments on what can 
legitimately be called scientific research is well over a 
million a year. This would be of the same order of 
magnitude, though I think actually not quite as much, 



as the Government expenditure in all other kinds of 
research lumped together. 

This is a bit of a shock. But you must not forget 
several important facts. First, whereas there is rela- 
tively little research for war purposes that is not 
financed by the Government (the only exceptions are 
the makers of rather special armaments, like tanks or 
aero engines or armour-plate), there is a great deal for 
peace purposes In industrial research, for instance, 
private firms subscribe rather more each year to the 
Research Associations than comes from Government 
sources, and the amount spent by private firms on 
their own research is probably not less than two 
million pounds 

Similarly, in medicine there is all the work done by 
the hospitals ; and in pure science, all that done by the 
Universities and special research institutions, out of 
the proceeds of fees or, more usually, special endow- 
ments ; all the work made possible by Rockefeller and 
other special fellowships ; and so on. 

This makes a difference , and so does the fact that 
the half-scale and full-scale work — development re- 
search — must inevitably be larger in proportionate 
amount in w r ar than in industry 7 , for instance. Take air- 
ships as an extreme example — think of the amount 
which large-scale research must have cost in proportion 
to the actual costs of construction — m a sense, the con- 
struction was research. But the same sort of thing 
happens in regard to new types of tanks or aeroplanes, 
where an enormous amount of research must go on in 
respect of a total output which would seem relatively 
very small in industrial practice. 

Yet even when all such allowances are made, the 



amount spent on research for war purposes does loom 
very large — all this money being spent on pre- 
paring more efficient destruction, or on more efficient 
defence against destruction, which would not be 
needed if there were no risks of war 

What are we to say about this aspect of scientific 
research ? As far as I can see, there is only one truly 
realistic attitude to be adopted about the relation 
between science and war. I leave out of account 
the revolutionary attitude, such as that of Communism, 
which is directed towards overthrowing by force the 
present type of government, since, whatever its views 
might be at present on the ideal desirability of abolishing 
war, in the event of its success it would immediately 
be confronted with the same problem as now confronts 
existing governments, bourgeois or otherwise. We 
have seen this happen in Soviet Russia : a communist 
state, pledged to the ultimate ideal of world peace, 
has been forced by the logic of facts into very large 
military expenditure. 

The realistic attitude as I see it is this — that so long 
as there is a real risk of war, the fullest resources of 
science should be used for two purposes : to make 
warfare as efficient as possible from the military point 
of view at the lowest possible cost, and also to make 
war as unlikely as it is possible to make it in a world of 
independent sovereign states. 

I contrast this realistic view with two opposed 
unrealistic views — one that of the emotional pacifist 
who brands as immoral any scientific man who gives 
any help whatever in war matters ; the other that of 
the emotional patriot who puts the increase of arma- 
ments before anything else, and would like science as a 


whole to be dragooned in the interests of war. The 
former is unrealistic in not taking account of the real 
risk of war m present circumstances; the latter is 
unrealistic in not seeing that heavy armaments, as well 
as increasing the risk of war, constitute an impossible 
strain on the resources of a nation. 

There are, of course, all possible variations on 
these main themes. Many people adopt half the 
realistic attitude — the half about using science to 
make war more efficient if it does come ; but do not 
think about its other side — the possibility of using 
science and the scientific method to reduce the risk 
of war. This is as if a state-run fire insurance company 
were to employ all the resources of statistics and 
scientific management in calculating its premiums 
and dealing with its business routine, but to take no 
steps to enforce building regulations about safety 
from fire outbreak, or to reduce arson. 

But I shall come back later to this aspect of science 
in relation to war. For the moment, let me concentrate 
on the first half of my thesis. 

This, be it observed, is not the same thing as the old 
Latin adage that if you wish peace, you should prepare 
for war. It asserts something much less sweeping — 
and much less questionable — that if you prepare for 
war, you should prepare for it scientifically. 

The reason is simple. If you do not, then m the event 
of another war, you will be overwhelmed. Let us 
first get quite clear about this. Between 1911 and 
1925, the size of the biggest naval guns increased from 
12-inch to 16-inch, with an increase of weight of 
projectile from 850 to 2,000 lbs., an increase of 
range from rather over 11 to nearly 20 miles, and a 



greater accuracy at high ranges. Now, since in naval 
warfare, so long as big ships are used at all, victory 
(I quote the expressive words of the Encyclopedia 
Britannica ) " will always rest with the side that can 
hit the hardest at the longest range,” it is pretty 
obvious that to keep a navy and not to use all the 
resources of pure and applied science to increase the 
size and range of your guns, is pure waste of life and 

Or take another example. The most spectacular 
single change in war methods which arose during the 
Great War, apart from the introduction of aeroplanes, 
was the use of gas It does not seem probable, from 
what we know of organic chemistry, that any radically 
new gases capable of military use, more deadly than 
those already discovered by the end of the war, are 
now at the disposal of any nation. But if a new war 
broke out in the near future, gas warfare would be 
something quite different from what it was in the last 
war. The main reasons for this assertion are, first, 
that what might prove to be one of the most horribly 
effective of all gases, Lewisite, was discovered so late 
that it never came into actual use on a large scale; 
secondly, that new methods of projecting gas make it 
possible to get an area flooded with gas in concentra- 
tions hardly dreamt of before the last months of the 
last war — concentrations which would render quite 
inefficient some of the standard types of gas-mask 
then used ; and thirdly, that the big industrial nations 
have behind them an experience in manufacturing 
poison gas which in any fresh war would make possible 
its use on a much greater scale. 

In the circumstances, not to try to bring up the 



efficiency of gas-masks as far as possible beyond the 
point where the last war left them, even leaving out 
of account the need for protecting the civilian popu- 
lation, is simply to invite overwhelming defeat m the 
next infantry battle 

The same applies to mechanized transport like 
tanks, to aviation, to submarines, to machine-guns — 
m fact to every other weapon or branch of war. To 
neglect science and the improvements which arise 
from its application is to render your whole preparations 
for war inefficient and virtually useless 

That being so, it is at least a slight comfort to recall 
some of the peace-time advantages which have come 
out of the applications of science to war-time needs. 
I am not advocating war as a method of securing 
scientific advance — that is, like the method described 
by Charles Lamb in the Essays of Elia — of burning 
your house down to get roast pork I just want to 
remind my readers of a fact — that there is something 
to set off on the credit side against all the horrors 
registered in the debit column when considering the 
effects of using scientific methods of waging war. 
Of course, this is really obvious-rscience is an all-round 
method, and any given scientific discovery is in itself 
ethically neutral. So you can no more prevent scientific 
work carried out for war purposes from having peace 
uses than you can help the general advance of peace- 
time science from throwing up facts and ideas which 
can be used for war. Let me remind you that none of 
the gases actually used in the last war was discovered 
in the search for a war gas. Mustard gas, for instance 
(together with a knowledge of all its unpleasant 
physiological effects), was discovered in the ordinary 



routine of chemical exploration, some sixty years 
before the Great War broke out. 

Let us look at a few instances where science in the 
service of war has conferred permanent gifts on peace. 
The most obvious example is aviation. It is quite 
certain that we should not be able to-day to fly at 
will from England and France to Central Africa, from 
Holland to the East Indies, from New York to San 
Francisco, if it had not been for the stimulus given 
by the war to aviation, in theory and practice — and, 
let me add, if it had not been for the heroism of aviators. 
Not only was aerodynamics thus stimulated, but in 
the search for lightness, an impetus was given to the 
search for light and strong metallic alloys which has 
given birth to what is virtually a new branch of 
metallurgy. In a similar way, the demands made on 
the toughness of armour-plate and on resistance to 
huge pressures in big guns, on accuracy in turbines 
(first used for naval purposes), have given us new 
heavy alloys and new standards of accuracy in steel 
manufacture which are proving of great service for all 
kinds of purposes. 

Less spectacular, perhaps, than the stimulus of the 
war to aviation, but of far-reaching importance, was 
its stimulus to roadless transport. If it had not been 
for the tank, efficient caterpillar tractors would un- 
doubtedly not by now have appeared on the peace- 
time scene, and we should be without the possibility 
I spoke of in an earlier chapter, of converting our 
barren moorlands into good grazing land, or perhaps 
of having large trains of caterpillar vehicles forging 
across the roadless expanses of Africa or Asia — this 
latter possibility one waiting for some enterprising 


firm or Government to investigate and develop 

Then, such was the resistance of orthodox medicine 
to modern psychology that the whole crop of war 
neuroses were originally lumped together under the 
name shell-shock, as if their prime cause were mechanical, 
and not mental. If it had not been for the war, not 
only would the treatment of peace-time neurotics 
still be very backward, but general psychological 
theory would not stand where it does, or be able to 
make its valuable contributions to the modern outlook 
on crime, family life, the problems of sex, or education. 

Another example is optical glass. There is a great 
demand in war for good lenses for field-glasses, range- 
finders, and all sorts of other instruments; and this 
demand has led to better lenses for peace-time purposes 

Then we have the fact, rather curious at first sight, 
that research on gas-masks has led to a number of 
industrial improvements. This is because charcoal 
has been widely used m them to mop up poisonous 
substances out of the air. Charcoal will only do this 
when it is what is called " active/' which means 
highly porous, so as to contain a great deal of internal 
surface, and also chemically clean. The study of the 
methods for activating it, and studying how it works 
when activated, have led to all sorts of improvements 
in dealing with gas mixtures — for instance, in separating 
one gas from another, in purifying commercial gas, 
and so on. 

Then, quite recently an investigation was undertaken 
by the Medical Research Council with a view to prevent- 
ing evil effects on industrial workers inhaling dust of 


various kinds. Certain kinds of stone-dust are very 
bad for stone-workers, and, if used to prevent explosions 
in coal mines, very injurious to the miners. As the 
Chemical Defence Experimental Station at Porton is of 
necessity largely concerned with the effects of inhaling 
unpleasant substances, whether m the form of gases, 
vapour, smokes, or dusts, the staff there were able to 
give appreciable help to the Medical Research Council 
m some researches they undertook on this sub]ect. 
(As an example of how easily misinterpretation may 
get to work, I may mention that this fact was recently 
cited by a very left-wing Labour periodical with the 
comment that “ observations on diseases due to the 
inhalation of dust m miners have great bearing upon 
chemical warfare ” — as if the only reason the Chemical 
Defence Station consented to undertake the work was 
for war purposes.) 

These are a few examples of the benefits which may 
accrue for constructive work from science applied to 
destructive purposes. We should not belittle them, 
or pretend that they do not exist. But do not let us 
delude ourselves into thinking that they make more 
than a small offset to the damage and loss on the 
other side of the balance-sheet. And what is more to 
our present point, do not let us imagine that this is 
the only way to secure the constructive advance. 
If the amount of energy and money that goes into war 
research were focussed on to peace-time purposes, 
the results would be spectacular. They might not 
be the same in detail, but they would undoubtedly 
be far more important and far greater in volume than 
the present positive by-product of war research. 
To take but one example. If one half of the amount 


annually spent on war research in Great Britain (which 
almost certainly is proportionately below the amount 
spent by a number of other nations) were devoted to 
the problem of how to make the nation healthier, 
the results would without question be astounding, 
and the next generation would be on a different level 
of physique and health from that of any previous 
generation m any country. 

Research and its effects is less familiar to most 
people than concrete activities, so it is permissible to 
point the moral by reminding my readers that the 
USA. in the two and a half years before the end 
of the war spent about four thousand million pounds 
in producing war equipment, and that this and the 
human effort behind it could have built the Panama 
Canal forty times over. (As a further contrast, the 
Government expenditure on slum clearance in this 
country proposed by the present Minister of Health is 
less than one hundred million pounds.) 

But I must come back to my main point : the 
concern of science with war preparations. I have 
taken the attitude that if there is any danger of war 
at all, the preparations for it should be scientific, as 
otherwise they will merely be wasted. It is difficult 
to give many examples of the use of science in this 
field, since most of the work is, as a matter of national 
policy, kept rigorously secret, and requests to see it 
are met with a polite but categorical refusal. It is 
true that inspection of the publications of the Patents 
Office would reveal the existence of a number of 
obviously war-like inventions, but we still should not 
know the extent to which the Services were developing 
them or letting them lie. 


i 62 


It is, however, common knowledge that a great 
deal of army research has been concentrated on 
mechanization, notably with roadless vehicles, and 
that a great deal of naval research deals with fuel and 
engines to lend increased efficiency and speed to 
war vessels, and with metallurgy to increase the range 
and life of guns and the resistance of armour-plate. 

In gas warfare, developments have been kept 
extremely secret, but from the title of the responsible 
body — the Chemical Defence Committee — it may be 
safely conjectured that the main work has been con- 
cerned with improving gas-masks and other means of 
protection against gas — a conclusion supported by 
general chemical probability 

In war aviation, of course, it is again common 
knowledge that both the speed and the carrying 
capacity of aircraft have been improved to a startling 
degree since the war : the speed is so high that it is 
nearing the physiological limit of the human organism 
(turning corners quickly at speeds of three hundred 
miles per hour and over leads to the brief loss of 
consciousness known as “ blacking out ”). Each 
increase in speed also brings us nearer to the aero- 
dynamic limit of aircraft constructed on present 
principles ; for with a plane travelling above a certain 
speed, the air ceases to give proper buoyancy, and, 
becomes compressible, so that the effect on the plane 
would be rather like that of thick liquid mud in place 
of a nice hard surface for a motor-car. And as for 
carrying capacity, in America a year ago I was shown a 
new bombing plane which carried not only a central 
bomb weighing a ton, but also four other moderate- 
sized bombs — and, with it all, was capable of a speed 


Developmental research for Avar purposes. Testing an amphibious tank made for the British Army, which is as 

much at home in Avater as on land. (See p. 162.) 

Aeronautical research. The 24-foot horizontal wind-tunnel at 
Farnborough, under construction. In the foreground is the bearing 
for the driving fan, in the background a row of <f air-straighteners/' 
Some idea of its size may be gained from the broom seen lying on the 
floor. {See p. 165.) 

Royal Air Force Official — Crown copyright reserved. 


of nearly two hundred miles per hour. It is also true 
that the stability of aircraft and the safety of flying 
have been enormously improved — I need only mention 
improved parachutes, slotted wings, automatic steering 
controls, wireless guidance, gyro compasses, and a 
general improvement in construction leading to much 
greater stability and much less danger of spin. 

Aviation is also the one sphere m which it is possible 
to see a good deal of the research done for the fighting 
services — and that is because the results of the work 
are as important for peace as they are for war. It 
should not be forgotten that the Air Ministry has 
civil as well as military functions, so that, important 
as its research work is for war, it is equally essential 
for civil aviation. An obvious example of this is 
the autogiro, or windmill plane. The earlier models 
of this strange revolutionary new type of aircraft 
suffered from certain minor defects; but now that in 
the latest model the windmill can be started rotating 
from the engine, the rod carrying the windmill can be 
tilted at the will of the pilot, and the air-resistance has 
been lowered by doing away with wings and ailerons 
altogether, these defects have been overcome, and the 
research department of the Air Ministry are not only 
going to help with research, but propose to build new and 
larger models themselves, both for land and sea work. 
The new type of small autogiro will fly about as fast 
as an ordinary plane of the same weight, and with the 
same engine, but its stalling speed is only fifteen 
instead of about fifty miles an hour, it only needs about 
twenty yards to take off, and only five yards to land, 
against a very gentle breeze. 

Apart from minor but still important considerations, 


such as the possibility of hovering stationary over a 
site for purposes either of bomb-dropping or of photo- 
graphy, and, in seaplane types, the reduction of the 
speed, and therefore the danger, in taking off with a 
choppy sea running, the new autogiro opens up three 
absolutely fundamental new possibilities to aircraft : 
it makes it possible to operate with safety in moun- 
tainous regions; it makes it possible at least to think 
of privately-owned and privately-garaged aircraft in 
towns , and it enormously reduces the dangers of fog. 
This last is, at the moment at least, perhaps the most 
important Fog is the great enemy of air transport, 
more dangerous than gales or storms, so long as the 
need for a long landing run makes a big landing-ground 
and a clear view essential. But if you know you can 
land safely in the space of a garden lawn or a roadway, 
fog loses half — perhaps nine-tenths — of its terrors. 

It will be of the extremest interest to see what 
happens in the competition, which is bound to become 
acute, between the autogiro and the ordinary aeroplane. 
In any case, however, the familiar winged type will 
doubtless continue to be used on a large scale for a 
long time — there is the momentum of long use and 
thorough testing behind it, not to mention that of 
the energy and capital tied up in its manufacture. 

Much of its present serviceableness is due to patient 
research and scientific testing. I saw a good deal of 
this at the National Physical Laboratory, and had a 
talk with the Director of Research at the Air Ministry 
about the similar but larger-scale work going on at 

The most spectacular work is in the wind-tunnels, 
both horizontal and vertical. A wind-tunnel is, simply 



speaking, a tube through which air can be forced to 
make a wind of known speed, usually about 100 miles 
an hour, but in some special cases rising to 300 miles 
an hour and over. In the path of the wind is placed 
a small-scale model of the aeroplane to be tested. In 
general, the bigger the tunnel, the less difficulty there 
is in applying the results obtained on a model to actual 
full-size machines Most of the wind-tunnels at the 
N.P.L. are less than 10 feet across; but at Farnborough 
they have built a 24-foot tunnel, and in America there 
is one with a cross-section measuring 60 by 30 feet. 

Another way of getting over the difficulty of trans- 
lating results on a small-scale model into full-scale 
practice is to use compressed air (my readers will have 
to take my word for this fact — it would take too long 
to explain the reason) . Accordingly, a new tunnel has 
been put up at the N.P.L. in which the wind is at a 
pressure of 25 atmospheres. This is a very impressive 
object to look at, being built of a series of the biggest 
rolled forgings ever made, each weighing 24 tons, bolted 
together. The steel wall is about inches thick. 
Some most ingenious gadgets permit the model to be 
manipulated and the records to be read from outside 
the tunnel. 

By work such as this, striking improvements have 
been made, largely in the way of reducing air-resistance, 
and therefore, of course, of improving the speed and 
range of aircraft, but also in the way of increasing 

As regards stability, however, the most intriguing 
research is going on at Farnborough m the new vertical 
wind-tunnel, in which a model, actually flying freely, 
is supported by an upward current of air. This is 



being especially useful in studying the question of 
spin, which so far has proved too complex for proper 
mathematical analysis. Sometimes, after the models 
are flying gaily, their controls are altered by a delayed- 
action switch which was set beforehand, so as to study 
the effects of sudden movements during flight. Already 
the work has led to certain valuable changes in 

So I could go on, but I have no space. I would only 
like to emphasize again that the great bulk of the 
research work of the Air Ministry is, m the present state 
of aviation, inevitably devoted to the general improve- 
ment of aircraft, in regard to speed, efficiency, range, 
carrying capacity, stability, reduction of noise, and 
general safety and comfort, and that this cannot help 
being equally useful to civil as to military aviation — 
as indeed it is intended to be. 

But besides the use of science in making war prepara- 
tions efficient from the technical military point of view, 
it can help to increase their efficiency from another 
angle — low cost to the nation. The secrecy of war 
research makes it impossible to apply the ordinary 
public checks on its efficiency, item by item ; but it is 
possible even for a layman to give some opinions on 
its organization according to certain general principles. 
One of these is that in a research programme, competing 
interests should be harmonized so far as possible in a 
central organization ; another is that arrangements for 
expenditure should be as flexible as possible. Let us 
see how these two points apply in war research. In 
this field, the needs of land warfare, sea warfare, and 
air warfare are in a certain real sense competing 
interests so long as there are three separate Depart- 


ments of State dealing with them. This is not the 
place, nor have I the knowledge, to debate whether the 
conflict of interests can best be resolved by merging 
the three in a single Ministry of Defence — as most people 
know, there are many pros and cons to this question 
— or by the present methods, which many people find 
unsatisfactory, of having a rather exiguous Committee 
of Imperial Defence, coupled with periodical meetings 
between the Chiefs of Staff of the different Services. 
Here we are concerned only with the relation of 
research to the problem, and it may be suggested that 
the establishment of a War Services Research Council, 
covering the whole field of science in its relation to 
warfare, and analogous to the D S.I.R. in the field of 
industry or the Medical Research Council in the field 
of health, would probably be advantageous. At the 
moment many people feel that the cost of war research 
is low in proportion to the amount of money spent 
on the upkeep of possibly obsolescent armaments, but 
high in proportion to its ultimate efficiency, and that 
proper organization could much increase its money's 
worth to the nation. 

If such a Council were established, it would not 
only be able to take research out of its departmental 
pigeon-holes and see it more readily in relation to the 
totality of war needs, but — and this brings me to my 
second point — it would probably be a better instrument 
of financial control. For, to be fully efficient, it should 
be organized somewhat after the fashion of the Medical 
Research Council, with a lump sum voted to it for 
its work, and practically complete control over the 
detailed allocations of this sum to this or that kind 
of research. This would allow greater flexibility in 



changing over from one project or type of research to 
another, if scientific progress demanded it. 

To go back to my example of battleships versus 
aircraft, the question of relative cost, and therefore 
of the total cost of the national premium we pay on 
account of war, also enters into this problem — you can 
make something like a thousand aeroplanes for the 
cost of one battleship. But I see that I am straying 
out of the field of science into that of strategy and 
policy, and as the amateur strategist is generally 
wrong and always a great bore, I will stray no further, 
and merely once more emphasize that we need not 
only science in research, but also scientific method in 
the organization of research. 

So far, then, for the first half of my realistic principle 
— the application of science in the interest of war 
efficiency. Now I come to its second half — the 
application of science to make war as unlikely as 
possible : science applied to disarmament, if you like, 
as opposed to science applied to armament. This has 
received comparatively little attention, in spite of its 
great practical importance. 

So far as I know, two main approaches have been 
made towards it, one technical, the other psycho- 
logical. The technical approach is best put forward 
in Major Lefebure’s book Scientific Disarmament. He 
points out that the making of armaments in the large 
quantities needed for modern war involves a series of 
steps — a development, to use a biological phrase — 
which inevitably consumes a certain amount of time, 
and that this, further, is a good deal longer than most 
people suppose. This time-lag applies not only to cases 
in which factories and works are converted from making 


some peace-time product, but also, though to rather 
a lesser extent, to the mere expansion of existing 
works. We may call the one conversion lag, the other 
expansion lag. In Lefebure’s book numerous examples 
are given of conversion lag, for such various products 
as shells, poison gas, small arms, and aeroplanes. 
In general, we may say that the lag, even under 
the urgent stimulus of war needs, varies from a 
few months to a year and a half, with an average 
of between six months and a year. This is due to 
the time consumed in designing new machines and 
gauges, in traimng workers m the new processes, and 
in the rigorous testing which is necessary at every 
stage in the proceedings 

The suggestion is therefore made that disarmament 
can be scientifically studied as a technical problem, 
by accumulating facts about this time-lag for different 
kinds of armament; and that it can then be scien- 
tifically controlled by having the manufacture of as 
many armaments as possible either prohibited or else 
regulated to small amounts during peace-time; and 
also by insisting, wherever a peace-time product (such 
as an aeroplane) can be converted to war purposes, 
that its design shall be such as to make the conversion 
more difficult — instead of as easy as possible, as is 
the avowed aim of certain nations at the moment with 
regard to aeroplanes. 

Another point which comes up here is the attitude 
of scientists themselves to helping in war preparations. 
At the moment there is nothing which you could call 
a professional attitude of science on the question. At 
one end are those who under no circumstances would 
help. This is completely logical, provided that they 



would become conscientious objectors in the event of 
war At the other end are those of the my-country- 
right-or- wrong ” school, who are again completely 
logical, provided that they really do believe that 
internationalism is always nonsense, and that their 
horizon should be bounded by that of their nation. 
But the bulk of scientists, being scientists, cannot 
help feeling that they have some international duties 
to humanity at large, and, being citizens, that they 
have some national duties to their country. For the 
most part, however, they have not clarified the resultant 
conflict. Probably most of them would dislike under- 
taking certain kinds of research, such as work on new 
forms of poison gas, or on bacterial warfare, in peace- 
time, and yet would do just as they were told in 
war-time. But a feeling of discomfort, of conflicting 
loyalties, remains. 

If it were accepted as part of the scientist’s general 
code that research work in connection with general 
war needs was always legitimate, but that it was 
illegitimate to do research on agencies prohibited by 
international agreement, or to help in the large-scale 
production of armaments in peace-time, the situation 
would be cleared up a great deal. That it is not 
impossible for a profession to have a professional 
attitude of high standard, and on the whole to live 
up to it, is shown by medicine. It should not be 
impossible for science; and the right attitude on the 
part of the scientific profession would be a small but 
definite help in preventing war. 

By these various means you would ensure that 
there was a serious time-lag between the declara- 
tion of war and the time when war could be carried 


out on a really large-scale modern basis, with all its 
resources of cubic miles of gas, millions of shells, 
thousands of aeroplanes, and the rest And this 
would give a real opportunity for passions to cool and 
peaceful methods to find a settlement. According to 
this view, the best guarantee against sudden aggression 
by an over-prepared nation, and the best chance of 
averting a prolonged conflict, is to be found in the 
agreed reduction or prohibition of the actual large- 
scale manufacture of armaments in peace-time, for 
this is the one link in the chain where preparations 
could not possibly be concealed, and the one pro- 
hibition which ensures a big time-lag before really 
large-scale warfare could be waged. 

This is a real approach to the problem of disarma- 
ment, by making a scientific analysis of the process of 
armament, instead, as is done in most disarmament 
proposals, of thinking in terms of politics and prestige ; 
and as such it deserves careful consideration. 

The other approach, the psychological one, is more 
remote — indeed, more utopian. It is none the less 
interesting. Certain psychologists of the modern 
school have pointed out that one of the eternal conflicts 
imposed upon human nature is that between our 
destructive, angry, violent impulses on the one side, 
and on the other the demands of family and social 
life for restraint and ordered living. The conflict 
begins, inevitably, in the nursery — the yelling bab}^, 
the child in a tantrums — but its effects may last 
throughout hfe. If the impulses to anger and violence 
are not properly educated, but merely repressed into 
an uneasy imprisonment in the sub-conscious mind, 
they will continue to demand an outlet, and will 



succeed in finding one by devious channels. The 
results are sometimes surprising, as when you find 
certain brands of pacifists and anti-vivisectionists, who 
presumably should be of a kindly disposition, publicly 
asking for the most unpleasant penalties and punish- 
ments to be inflicted on their opponents. 

But a more usual solution for the conflict is in the 
framework of patriotism — whether the patriotism of a 
class, a political party, a race, or a nation — and the 
repressed impulses to violence find their outlet in 
abusing or attacking the other fellow : the one who 
happens to belong to a different class, party, race, or 

The psychologist's contention is that so long as 
this fund of repressed destructive impulse exists among 
a large section of the population, it will continue to 
demand an outlet; and if nationalism makes war 
the obvious outlet, the danger of war is thereby in- 
creased. They further contend that our destructive 
impulses need not be repressed in this crude way, with 
such unfortunate results; and that if children were 
differently brought up, with less repressive discipline, 
more outlets for self-expression, our destructive urges 
would be properly harnessed with the rest of the team 
of human impulses, and the fund of repressed and 
therefore dangerous emotion would be enormously 
reduced. In other words, scientific anti-war measures 
should begin in the nursery and the school. 

There may be a good deal of speculation mixed up 
in this argument, but there is undoubtedly some element 
of truth; equally undoubtedly, there is no research 
being undertaken on the subject. One would think 
that if the governments of the world were thinking of 



disarmament in the same hard-headed (but open- 
handed) way as they think about armament, they 
would have set on foot a very considerable amount of 
scientific research into the causes of war in general, 
the risks of war in the modern world, and the measures 
to be adopted for reducing these risks But apart 
from a few inquiries on certain technical aspects of 
armament production, nothing, so far as I am aware, 
has been done, either at Geneva or by separate nations. 
The result is to make disarmament discussion about as 
useless as would be a discussion on public health by 
those ignorant of physiology, or on eugenics by a body 
of persons unacquainted with the laws of heredity. 

However, this brings me to another point. The 
psychologists may be right in supposing that the 
emotional gunpowder, so to speak, for the explosion of 
war, is generated by conflict and repression, but we 
must not forget that there is a large and increasing 
school of thought which sees in economic forces the 
essential causes of war. At the moment, they say, 
the combination of the profit motive in business with 
nationalist ideas in politics has imposed on the world 
an economic nationalism which must, in their view, 
lead to war if it is not checked or altered. 

Now, this view is by no means inconsistent with the 
view put forward by the psychologists The fund 
of emotional explosive may exist and may be very 
dangerous ; but it could not lead to war in the ordinary 
sense, unless the explosion was canalized, so to speak, 
along nationalist channels. In a different type of 
political world you could still have certain kinds of 
war — class wars, police wars against recalcitrant tribes, 
and so on — but not the national type of war, which 



involves setting m the field the maximum number 
of combatants armed with weapons of the maximum 
degree of effectiveness 

So here we are, back, as m previous chapters, in the 
economic and political sphere Here again, science by 
itself cannot, by its very nature, take us the whole 
way to a solution. It can gradually change the 
situation — for instance, as suggested by such students 
of strategy as Liddell Hart, the development of air 
warfare may have introduced such new conditions that 
mass trench-warfare of the type made familiar by the 
last war would never again come into existence — 
because the process of mass mobilization would afford 
such targets to bombing aircraft that it could never 
be completed, and m the regions behind the war 
frontier an alarming state of chaos would result. If 
so, war may become more professional again, though 
on a new plane of scientific and technical efficiency, and 
aimed as much at civilians and at economic objectives 
as at the enemy’s armed forces. Or, indeed, event- 
ually it might well come to pass that scientific devices 
will make warfare so intensely horrible as to bring 
about an overwhelming pressure towards peace and 
disarmament. Opinions differ as to whether war will 
paralyse itself or commit suicide, or if it will manage 
to destroy civilization first. Meanwhile, however, 
science can only operate in the framework of existing 

But if existing conditions — in this case economic 
nationalism — inevitably head us towards war, what 
then? The answer, I take it, is to try to apply the 
scientific spirit to the study of this question too. It 
is very far from easy, as so many factors are involved. 



and also so many feelings and so many vested interests ; 
but it is at least possible to attempt a dispassionate 
survey. And if that survey shows that the economic 
nationalism of sovereign states makes war easier, the 
remedy would seem to be clear — to take steps to 
subordinate certain of the sovereign rights of nationalist 
states to international authority. The most obvious 
case is in the air. With an international system of 
civil aviation, and restriction or prohibition of the 
manufacture of aeroplanes for war, save for the purposes 
of an international air police, both the risk of war and 
its possible horrors would be cut in half at one stroke. 
For this, however, a surrender by national states of 
certain of their existing rights would be necessary. 

Other authorities think that internationalization of 
civil flying would be too difficult, and would prefer 
the establishment of a general super-national or 
international police force. That too would, of course, 
demand some surrender of sovereign rights by nations. 
This, indeed, is the logic of the case — either keep your 
sovereign rights and your nationalist patriotism intact 
and live in a condition of maximum insecurity and 
risk of war, or increase your security and cut down 
your war risk at the cost of some of these sovereign 

Thus our conclusion is that science can enter into 
the problem of disarmament; but that to exert any 
considerable effect it must wait upon change m political 
outlook and practice. 



M AN and Society — I chose the title for want of a 
better one. In this chapter I want to deal with 
the human factor in affairs and what science is or is not 
doing about this. I shall begin with something quite 
straightforward — the work being done in certain quarters 
to prevent accidents and reduce industrial disease among 
workers. This leads on naturally to some discussion of 
what is generally called industrial psychology — dis- 
covering how work may be made both less fatiguing 
and more efficient (the efficiency being measured in 
relation to the worker as well as to the employer) and 
studying questions such as proneness to accident. 

This, again, leads on to the problems of vocational 
guidance — finding the right kind of job for a person; 
and vocational selection — finding the right kind of 
person for a job. In many cases, unfitness, however 
estimated, turns out to be due to some psychological 
trouble, so the next step is to some consideration of 
psychology and what it is doing. 

Modern psychology is a very young science. Thanks 
primarily to the genius of Freud, it enables us to see 
ourselves in a new perspective, with our conscious 
thoughts and beliefs inevitably coloured by our sub- 
conscious mind and the repressed impulses in it. By 
realizing this fact and attempting to discount it, we 


From New Methods of Research in Aeronautics , by H. E. Wimperis. 
By courtesy of the Royal Aeronautical Society. 

The results of experimental testing : a type of special hard h 
recommended by the Safety in Mines Research Board to prote 
imners from falls of roof. This miner had his life saved by Ms ha 

From the Safety m Mines Research Board Eleventh Annual Report. 
By permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. 


1 77 

arrive at a quite new outlook in regard to education, to 
penal reform, to family relationships, to mental disease, 
and many other fields But in all these fields it is not 
possible to think only m terms of individual psychology. 
So we are led on to the study of social psychology — 
the way in which the structure of society influences our 
minds, usually without our being aware of the fact. 
Here all kinds of most important questions crop up 
which have as yet hardly been tackled seriously, such 
as the good side of propaganda, the kindling of large- 
scale group enthusiasms for other than war or party 
purposes, and so on 

In fact, the more we look at the matter, the more we 
see that in every department of life psychological 
study and approach could be of the utmost importance ; 
yet the number of professional psychologists in the 
country is ridiculously low compared to that of trained 
workers in any other big branch of science, and in 
general psychology is sadly neglected. 

Perhaps the most important single fact which comes 
out of psychological study is this — that human nature 
is not unchangeable, as so many people believe, but, 
on the contrary, is plastic within very wide limits. 

But psychology, individual or social, will only take 
us a certain distance. We can also apply science to 
the general study of society as an organism ; that is 
sociology. I shall not be able here to say much about 
sociology, except to point out that if we want to 
control the development of society in an efficient, 
orderly way, we had better trust to science instead 
of to so-called common-sense opinion, blind economic 
forces, politics, or revolutions. 

Finally, there is another line I want to pursue. One 



of the things that psychological testing brings out is 
the amount of difference between individuals When 
we follow this up, we find that a great many of these 
differences are inherent, inborn. And this leads on 
naturally to the question of eugenics, by means of 
which we may eventually hope to change the limits now 
set to human nature. So here we end with the idea 
of man's control, through science, not of the materials 
and forces around him, but of his own nature and its 
expression. That is a great deal of ground to cover 
m a single chapter, so I shall have to be brief with 
each of my subjects. 

First, then, the welfare of the worker. It is worth 
remembering that the Factory Acts have just celebrated 
their centenary, and that this hundred years of legis- 
lation, accompanied by the supervision of Government 
Factory Inspectors, has done an enormous amount to 
improve conditions of work and do away with the old 
shameful state of affairs in which there was no regulation 
of hours, no standard rates of wages, no restriction as 
to sex or age of workers, when even small children 
worked in factories, sometimes for twelve hours a day. 

But all this, though extremely valuable, has meant 
for the most part the correction of obvious abuses, and 
science has not been called in to any great extent. One 
very special institution, however, which I visited is 
concerned quite definitely to use science in order to 
improve the conditions of one particular set of workers 
— the coal-miners This is the Safety in Mines Re- 
search Board, with its main laboratory at Sheffield, 
and another, where large-scale work goes on, out at 
Buxton. Though the main laboratory is among the 
buildings of Sheffield University, the Board is quite 



independent, and is supported out of the Miners’ 
Welfare Fund, which is raised by a levy of a penny a ton 
on all the coal mined in this country . 1 Do not imagine, 
however, that all the research on safety and health 
in mines is done here . a good deal is carried out in the 
Mining Departments of various Universities, one of 
which I also visited, at Birmingham. 

Let me give a few examples of the sort of work that is 
going on. At Sheffield I saw a Davy safety lamp of the 
ordinary pattern, but bigger and giving out ten times 
as much light; and at Birmingham a new electric 
safety-lamp for roof lighting — a most ingenious bit of 
electrical engineering designed to secure small size, 
and to prevent all danger of a spark, with its possibility 
of an explosion, if anything goes wrong. These new 
lamps are both attempts to get rid of that horrid 
disease, miner’s nystagmus, which involves the failure 
of the central region of the eye, and affects a large 
proportion of the men at the coal face. As it is 
generally accompanied by headaches and depression, 
it is pretty serious Research has shown it to be due 
entirely to insufficient light; and in a few years we 
ought to see the last of it. 

Then there was the discovery made by the head of the 
department at Birmingham, that miner’s cramp, an- 
other unpleasant disease of coal-mming, was due to 
loss of salt. Miners sweat a great deal with their hard 
work m a hot atmosphere, and when you sweat, salt 
comes out of your blood as well as water, until, if 
you sweat too much, the salt in your blood falls to a 
danger point and muscular cramps are the result. 

1 Since this was written, Parliament has unfortunately seen 
seen fit to reduce the levy to Id. per ton. 



Once this chain of causes had been discovered, the 
remedy was obvious — to drink salty water instead of 
ordinary water — and also efficacious. 

Then a great deal of work is being done at Sheffield 
on the prevention of explosions — for instance, funda- 
mental studies of what really happens in a flame and 
in the rapidly travelling flame we call an explosion. 
These are building up almost a new little branch of 
pure science, and also showing the way to introduce 
new safety measures — such as coating explosive 
cartridges with sodium bicarbonate, which makes a 
protective blanket at the moment of firing for just long 
enough to prevent the charge starting an explosion 
even if firedamp is around ; or rigging up gadgets which 
utilize the heat of an explosion once it has started, to 
operate a dust exploder which throws up a barrage 
of fine dust and so stops the explosion from travelling 
further. Much research is also being carried out on the 
best types of dust to use in the ordinary way for 
preventing the spread of explosions, on the prevention 
of falls of roof, on detonators for firedamp, and many 
other problems. 

Then there is the interesting research being done by 
the Government, through the Industrial Health Re- 
search Board under the Medical Research Council. One 
of their most interesting lines of study concerns what is 
called occupational neurosis — neurasthenia, worry, ner- 
vous breakdown, and so on, caused by the conditions of 
work. This is extending the idea of industrial disease 
to diseases of the mind. It is going to be very import- 
ant from the point of view of better health for the 
workers, and also from that of the employer in reducing 
wasteful labour turnover and absence through sickness. 

Part of the same gallery as that shown in the preceding illustration, after an experimental explosion, 
which showed that serious explosions that travelled long distances could arise from coal dust alone 
without gas. ( See p. 180.) 

From Safety in Coal Mines : Some Problems of Research, issued by the Safety in Mines Research Board. 
By permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. 



Then there are important studies on the effect of noise 
on workers' comfort and output. (In passing, it is 
interesting to find how many different institutions are 
separately studying the noise problem. If research 
were organized primarily from the angle of the worker, 
or from that of the consumer, in the shape of the 
general public, instead of primarily from that of the 
producer, we would expect to find a centralized Noise 
Research Station instead of these sporadic bits of work.) 

Lighting, heating, ventilation, dust, vibration — these 
are other questions being studied along similar lines, 
and there are special researches like those into the 
effects of deep diving on the physiology of the diver. 

Some of the work is farmed out — for instance, to 
the Psychology Laboratory m Manchester University, 
which I visited earlier. This is one of the few Uni- 
versity Departments of Psychology where full-scale 
tests on industrial workers under industrial conditions 
can be carried out. 

Industrial health links on closely with what is gener- 
ally called Industrial Psychology. This, however, is 
something broader. It, too, is dealing with the human 
factor in industry, but instead of dealing primarily 
with industrial disease and the prevention of ill health, 
it sets itself the more positive task of finding out how to 
promote greater efficiency in all ways other than techni- 
cal improvement of machinery and processes. To do 
this, it all the time stresses the necessity of not think- 
ing of work in purely mechanical terms, but in terms 
of a co-operation between a machine and a human 
organism. The machine works mechanically; the 
human organism does not, but has its own quite differ- 
ent way of working, its own feelings, its fears and its 



ideals, which also must be studied if the co-operation 
is to be fruitful. Considering the importance of the 
field, it is really absurd that there are only two institu- 
tions m the country which are concerned with it, 
and only one exclusively concerned ; and that this latter 
is a private body which, though it receives some grants 
for pure research, must go into commerce and attempt 
to make money m order to carry on a full programme. 
One of the two institutions is the Industrial Health 
Research Board, some of the work of which I have just 
been describing. The other, on a private basis, is the 
National Institute of Industrial Psychology m Aldwych. 
It is interesting to find that the work of the two bodies 
is often complementary. For instance, one piece of re- 
search undertaken by the Psychology Department at 
Manchester for the I.H.R.B. showed that training in one 
kmd of simple manual work was not necessarily of the 
least help in learning dexterity in other manual opera- 
tions. Then, however, another piece of research under- 
taken at the National Institute made it clear that while 
mere practice in dexterity had no effect, real training 
in the ideas and principles underlying dexterity does 
definitely help in learning a fairly wide range of other 
manual operations. These results obviously have a 
bearing on the methods of training to be adopted in 

I went over the National Institute, and must try to 
describe a few examples of its work, to give an idea of 
what it is aiming at. One big research here is concerned 
with the psychological factors entering into motor- 
driving. You sit in a model of a driving-seat, press a 
button, and suddenly the picture of a road begins to 
unroll before you on a screen. You have to steer as 


you would if actually driving a car, and a record of the 
track you take is automatically recorded on a map of 
the route. I at first thought the picture was a pro- 
jected film, but really it is produced by a delightfully 
Heath Robinson (though efficient) gadget — an actual 
model of a road with hedges, corners, crossings and so 
on, which rotates all the time; a stationary light in 
the middle projects the picture on to the screen. You 
can make the course more difficult by putting model 
road-up signs, pedestrians, or other obstacles on to it. 

Another test, carried out m another room, is designed 
to discover your capacities for concentration. While 
you are engaged on a test which demands looking in 
one direction, a miniature film is projected on to a 
screen, tantalizmgly just within your range of direct 
vision. The ratio of your performances with and with- 
out the film gives some measure of your liability to be 
distracted by incidents on the road while driving. 
There were a number of other tests, which made me 
feel that the director of the Institute was probably 
right when he claimed that the problem of the roads 
was more than half psychological, and that it would 
be an excellent thing if the Ministry of Transport were 
to have a few good psychologists on its staff. 

The Institute's commercial work includes the ad- 
vising of firms as to improvements which could be made 
in lay-out, lighting, measures for saving waste of move- 
ments or of energy by operatives in carrying out a 
process, and so on. Such work has often been criti- 
cized as being only in the employers' interest and being 
used merely to speed up output to the limit of the 
worker's physiological capacities. That it could be so 
abused is obvious, but it is also obvious that if so 



abused it will eventually defeat its own aims. The 
founder of motion-study methods, the American 
engineer Taylor, did introduce a number of harsh 
features into the system he devised However, this 
was precisely because he was an engineer, not a psycho- 
logist, and did not take the men's psychological re- 
actions sufficiently into consideration — with the result 
that his schemes m their original form would not work. 

If properly carried out, work of this sort will not only 
pay the employer, but will also help the employees by 
reducing the fatigue of their jobs, and often by making 
it possible for them to earn more 

Let me give two exceedingly simple examples. The 
Institute was called m to advise about some work 
involving the sorting of black-currants The investigator 
found that the currants were handed out to the girls 
in one-stone lots, and that this amount was so big 
that it had a discouraging effect. When the size of 
the lot was reduced to half a stone, the girls could 
see the end of the particular job, so to speak, and the 
result was a doubling of output, together with bigger 
earnings, and a greater feeling of satisfaction among 
the girls 

Then general research has shown the value of rhythm 
in reducing the fatigue and monotony of purely repetitive 
work of a very simple sort. When this was tried out 
with workers loading a mechanical conveyer, it was 
found that putting the boxes on in groups, several at 
a time quickly, with pauses between, increased the 
speed of loading and yet reduced the worker's feeling 
of fatigue. This is an excellent illustration of the 
value of psychology in industry. The common-sense 
view was that regular timing would give the best 


results : the industrial psychologist insists on a bio- 
logical view which takes into account the facts of 
human make-up as well as the view of common-sense, 
which happens to be based on a mechanical outlook. 

By the way, I saw one striking example last spring 
in Holland of the effect of good working conditions 
on workpeople, m the beautiful new factory, built 
largely of steel and glass, a triumph of functionalist 
architecture, recently put up by the cocoa and coffee 
firm of Van Nelie. When they moved out from their 
old quarters, a dark antiquated building m the heart of 
Rotterdam, they had all their operatives weighed. A 
year later they were weighed again. Not one had lost 
weight; the average gam was over 4 lbs., and, so one 
of the directors told me, the men had a different, more 
contented look and were more efficient. 

The ideal state of affairs would be one in which 
such schemes should be undertaken compulsorily, by 
Government institutions, with advisers from among 
employers, workers, and managerial staff. Meanwhile 
the National Institute and the Industrial Health 
Research Board are doing useful pioneer work. 

But in some ways the most interesting things the 
Institute is doing concern vocational guidance and 
vocational selection. They look into the cases of 
boys and girls leaving school, and provide guidance 
as to the type of job they ought to go into. The kind 
of work may be entirely different from what the 
children themselves say they want to do, or from what 
their parents suggest. 

An experiment along these lines was recently carried 
out in conjunction with the education authorities in 
Birmingham. Half of a group of children were advised 



m the ordinary way at the Conferences on choice of 
employment attached to the school; the other half 
were, in addition, tested by specially tramed workers. 
The tests concerned manual dexterity, mechanical 
ability, clerical ability, performance tests with concrete 
problems, and ordinary intelligence tests. Furthermore, 
special temperament charts were constructed for each 
child, to include estimates of such qualities as initiative, 
perseverance, and so on. The type of jobs recommended 
varied from clerical posts to routine factory work, from 
page-boy to skilled apprentice. 

The results as checked by a follow-up investigation 
were pretty conclusive. The children who had been 
specially tested and had followed the tester's advice 
proved to have been much the most satisfactorily 
placed, as judged by the length of time the first job 
was held, by the proportion who continued in the same 
job throughout the period, by the opinion of the 
employers, and by the opinion of the children them- 
selves The tested children who took jobs against the 
tester's advice were the least satisfactorily placed, 
with the untested children intermediate. 

It is interesting to find that unsatisfactory results 
arise not only from round pegs m square holes — such 
as workers in clerical posts whose real gift is manual 
dexterity : not only from small pegs in big holes — 
children taking on jobs beyond their real powers : 
but also from big pegs in small holes — workers who get 
discontented because their job does not give scope for 
their abilities or their initiative. 

The same sort of tests, of course, can be applied from 
the employer's point of view, to select the best-suited 
from among a number of applicants for a particular 


job. A good deal of this is being done by the Institute, 
and also by the Industrial Health Research Board, 
who have, for instance, been quite successful m pro- 
phesying the suitability of candidates for driving tanks 
in the Tank Corps : similar work is going on as regards 
tests for suitability for Army signallers, aviators, and 
so on. 

These methods are still in their infancy, but it seems 
certain that m them we have a most valuable addition 
to the ordinary methods of judging candidates by 
examination results or on a hasty interview, and that 
as they are improved and more widely adopted, the 
country will profit a great deal from the reduction of 
labour turnover, from general increase m efficiency, 
and, most of all in the long run, from the greater 
contentment and satisfaction which come from 
havmg work m accordance with your aptitudes and 
abilities instead of in conflict with them. It may also 
be suggested that m the Planned State of the future 
there will be tests for employers as well as for 
employed. As it is, doctors and lawyers and other 
professional men have to pass stiff examinations 
before being admitted to practise their profession , 
and m the Army and the Navy, examinations recur 
periodically during an officer’s career. We may expect 
that the business man of the future will have to face 
\he same sort of ordeal, with some psychological tests 
thrown in. 

Vocational guidance brings the industrial psycho- 
logist into contact with problems of family life. 
It is surprising how often it turns out that a boy’s 
parents have no views as to what he should become, 
or, when they do have views, how often these are at 

i8 8 


variance with the real bent of the boy's character and 
aptitude. And in quite a number of cases a conflict 
is revealed It may be a conflict with obvious motives, 
as when the parents want a child to go into a poor 
sort of job because it will bring m money at once, and 
the child wants something better , or the motives may 
be deep below the surface, and the conflict date back 
to infancy and be due to such causes as obscure 
jealousy between father and son, accentuated maybe 
by over-fondness on the part of the mother. 

With this sort of problem industrial psychology 
does not attempt to deal; but there are agencies for 
dealing with it, some on a very large scale. The 
London County Council used to have an official holding 
the special post of Psj^chologist. He was familiar to 
wireless listeners as Dr. Cyril Burt. One of his varied 
jobs was to study the children who were backward 
at school, and among these the children whose back- 
wardness depended on neurosis made a well-marked 
type. Now Dr. Burt has become Professor in London 
University the L.C.C. have not filled the post, but 
carry on some of the work by sending such children 
to the Child Guidance Clinic in Islington, or the 
Institute of Medical Psychology in Bloomsbury. 

The results are often startling. A great many children, 
it turns out, are not only backward in work and largely 
wasting their time at school, but also unhappy and 
headed towards graver troubles, such as neurosis, 
in the years to come, just because they are in a mental 
tangle. Not only this, but the mental tangle can often 
be set straight, or at least straighter, by taking quite 
simple steps in consultation with the child’s parents 
and teachers. 

ndus trial psychology : a test for weavers. The girl has to thread a wire through a series of eyelets; 
this involves making movements like those employed in picking up a dropped thread. (See p. 182.) 

Industrial psychology: a test for divided attention. The boy 
being tested is a would-be engineering apprentice. He has to tap 
with one hand while inserting pegs in a board with the other. From 
time to time the examiner switches on the light, when the candidate 
must stop pegging and switch it off. His reactions are timed 
throughout. ( See p. 186.) 

By courtesy of the National Institute of Industrial Psychology. 



We all want to remedy physical deformity and 
stunted growth. Mental deformity and stunted mental 
growth are in many ways more serious— only they do 
not strike us so forcibly, because we cannot see them 
Now that psychology is helping us to realize their 
extent we ought to take steps to have Child Guidance 
Clinics all over the country 

This is, I think, the place to put in a word about 
' the fundamentally new ideas to which the rapid develop- 
ment of psychological science is leading us. These 
ideas meet with a great deal of opposition, partly 
because they are at variance with traditional views 
of religion, or morality, or political philosophy, but 
perhaps still more because they inevitably come up 
against deep-rooted resistances, all the stronger for 
being irrational, and indeed often unconscious, in the 
mind of the average man and woman. 

I suppose almost all scientists, however much they 
might disagree with Freud in respect of detail or even 
principle, would unite in saying that he has had more 
influence than any other man on the recent rapid 
growth of psychology. His great contributions to the 
science are, first, that he has insisted on a dynamic view 
of human behaviour and mental life, as the resultants 
of a series of urges or drives, harnessed to a series of 
goals or aims, which push and pull the human being 
in various directions. Reason is not an impelling 
force, and all too rarely a guiding hand : in the majority 
of cases it is just engaged in finding reasons — more 
or less rational excuses, if you like — for the actions 
to which we find ourselves impelled. Secondly, 
Freud, more than anyone else, has pointed out the 
importance of the unconscious or subconscious mind. 



In particular, he has shown how impulses may be 
repressed into the unconscious, and yet may go on 
exerting their influence. In the developing human 
mind, a series of conflicts inevitably takes place — 
between selfish and altruistic urges, between the 
impulses to senseless violence and the demands of 
ordered living, between the crude sex impulse and the 
accepted standards of society This series of conflicts, 
also inevitably, begins in infancy; and, especially in 
early life, conflicts may be solved by what is technically 
called repression, in which impulses which have 
painful consequences are sat upon and squashed — • 
thrust altogether out of conscious life But — -and this 
is the point — they are still alive and active m their 
imprisonment, and manage to express themselves m 
all sorts of roundabout ways, which accounts for a 
great deal of the curious behaviour of you and me and 
our fellow human beings — behaviour that undoubtedly 
would seem very odd and irrational to a scientist 
from another planet. 

Let me give one or two examples. Repressed impulses 
to anger and violence may ally themselves with the 
repressing forces of the mind, and make them harsh 
and cruel. This may show itself m the form of an 
over-strict conscience, or, more often, in the form of a 
moral attitude which makes you very indignant — 
about other people's lapses. The indignation may 
be specially reserved for lapses in the particular sphere 
of conduct where you yourself have practised the 
most thorough repression; this is very common as 
regards sex matters. Or it may be reserved for the 
sphere about which you happen to harbour a strong 
and often unconscious fear; this is well seen in the 


violent attitude of property-owners to petty theft by 
members of what they like to call “ the lower orders/' 
Undue sense of sm, inferiority complex, persecution 
mania, imaginary invalidism, and exaggerated lust 
of power — these and many other manifestations of 
human nature can also be traced back to repressions 
arising out of conflict. 

Then, partly from this side of psychology, partly 
from others, comes the assurance that human tempera- 
ment and attitude can be modified much more than 
is usually supposed The old dictum “ you cannot 
change human nature ” has lost a great deal of its 
meaning. It is true that you cannot change it beyond 
the limits appointed by heredity — but those limits are 
extremely wide. You can change the growth of a tree 
in your garden — stunt it, make it leaf, encourage its 
growth and general leafiness, make it fruit heavily, 
train it on an espalier, and so on ; so the growth of 
the mind can be changed, and changed more radically 
than that of a tree. What is really being changed, 
of course, is not human nature itself, but its expression. 
However, what people have thought was human nature 
has been only a particular, rather usual, rather crudely- 
organized set of its expressions. Psychology is only at 
the beginning of things as far as controlling the growth 
of human nature is concerned ; but it sees that it can 
be done. 

Apparently, perhaps, opposed to this idea, but really 
complementary to it, is the realization of the amount 
of innate differences between individuals. The more 
psychology has been used in practice, the more evidence 
it has found of individual differences. In education, 
intelligence tests show the existence of very big differ- 



ences in native intelligence among children. In 
industrial psychology, vocational tests reveal equally 
great differences, in temperament, m special bent 
such as mechanical, artistic, or literary aptitude, 
even m basic qualities such as quick reaction, or the 
discriminating powers of eye and ear in seeing and 
hearing. Similarly, other tests reveal that some people 
are what is called " accident-prone ” — their make-up 
is such that they are much more likely to be involved 
in accidents than the average. Of course, the proneness 
of a lorry driver to motor accidents, of a machine 
operative to have trouble with machinery, or of a 
waitress to drop trays, are not all due to identical 
causes : the important thing is that accident-proneness 
exists. This links up with a modern tendency of 
medicine, which is finding marked innate differences 
in regard to predisposition to disease; and with the 
whole science of heredity, which makes it clear that 
you must expect marked innate differences to occur 
among the population in regard to every conceivable 

Thus psychology is showing us the surprising degree 
of inherent differences between different individual 
human minds; it is also showing how wide are the 
limits within which any given human mind can be 
moulded during its growth ; and, finally, it is showing 
that one of the commonest incidents during the growth 
of minds is a conflict of impulses, with final repression 
of one set into the unconscious, where it continues 
to influence our conscious thoughts and feelings 
without our realizing it — with the result, in fact, that 
our knowledge -about our own minds and motives is 
both incomplete and incorrect, and that the more 


strongly we feel about an opinion, the more likely 
it is that we are holding it on irrational grounds 

Let us see how all this applies to social problems. 
First there is the law. Here I had the opportunity 
of an interesting talk with Mr. Hamblin Smith, who 
was a prison doctor for over thirty years, and has 
consistently tried to apply psychological principles to 
the cases he has been called on to deal with. He 
confirmed the belief I had already gamed from various 
books, that psychology can be a valuable ally not 
only to the law, but also to the prisoner and to society 
at large. There are quite a number of types of cases 
that regularly come up m police-courts which are better 
dealt with by psychology than by punishment. To 
take one example, many petty thefts by young people 
have no motive that seems adequate Psychological 
study shows that many of these are the result of the 
impulses of self-expression being persistently frustrated, 
until they seek an outlet m theft, either by way of a 
symbolic revenge upon society, or to gratify some 
thwarted desire for vanity or possession. Such cases 
can often be put right by adjustment m home life or 
living conditions, while imprisonment would only 
have aggravated them. Various sex offences can also 
best be dealt with in this sort of way. 

In general, courts should have professional psycholo- 
gists attached to them. They alone are qualified by 
their training to shed light on the deeper sources of 
the motives of accused persons. In most courts at 
present, either psychology is not called in at all, or it 
is called in in the form of expert witnesses on the two 
sides. But psychology is too important for this : 
like law, it should be in the service of justice alone, 



The relation of psychology to justice is rather like that 
of medicine to education : when universal education 
was started m this country, it was soon found that 
defective health and nutrition interfered with education, 
and the school medical service was started as an in- 
tegral part of the educational system, with admirable 
results. So with justice — you cannot be sure of being 
just if you are dealing with the psychologically sick 
or deficient : you need a law psychology service as an 
integral part of the legal system. 

However, even if there were a psychologist in every 
court m the country, they could not do much without 
a reform in our penal system. For much of this, too, 
is based on a pre-scientific attitude of mind. Much 
of the law, like many of the ideas of the general public, 
is still conceived in terms of punishment, instead of 
the ultimate good of society or of the offender. And 
in this attitude society, as I pointed out in discussing 
the idea of conflict introduced by Freud, is really 
giving outlet to its repressed impulses to violence and 
its hidden fears, and is using the man or woman who 
happens to have transgressed the law as a scapegoat 
on which these may be vented with gusto and a good 
conscience. Our own unconscious sense of guilt is 
eased by punishment inflicted on the law-breaker. 

There is undoubtedly room for punishment in the 
treatment of law-breakers; but there is also room — 
and, indeed, crying need — for what we have not got at 
all — a system of detention aimed at cure, in which the 
offender is looked on as diseased, instead of, or at least 
as well as, criminal or immoral, and psychotherapy, 
among other agencies, is used to cure him and send 
him back as a fit member of society. This would in 


the long run effect a great saving of money, as well as 
of other less tangible things like human aspirations and 
human happiness. In this respect, by the way, Soviet 
Russia is a good deal in advance of our own country. 

Besides our legal system, our whole attitude to sex 
could do with an overhaul in the light of psychological 
knowledge. But that will prove more difficult; for, 
since the sex impulse is not only intensely powerful, 
but, under present conditions, usually the most forcibly 
repressed, the unconscious forces at work are most 
powerful, the unconscious resistances are more difficult 
to overcome, the tendency to be unforgiving about 
other people's offences in the field stronger. 

Here we have arrived m the field of social psychology. 
I had something to say about this in the previous 
chapter, in relation to the causes of war. One could, 
indeed, write a whole series of chapters on the subject, 
for every social problem has its psychological side; 
but, as my space is not unlimited, I shall have to 
confine myself to one or two special points. For 
instance, I would like to stress the need for more 
psychology in the art and business of government. 
Government is inevitably becoming more of a tech- 
nical affair, concerned with increasingly complicated 
problems, which are changing all the time. Both the 
complication and the speed of change are much greater 
than in any previous period of history. In the circum- 
stances, government cannot be successful unless it 
either has great power and is very autocratic, or 
unless it gets the understanding and interest of the 
population it is governing. Even the autocratic 
governments of to-day depend a great deal on propa- 
ganda and mass-suggestion, though these may be 



rather crude — witness Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany, 
It is vital for them to have propaganda which is psycho- 
logically along the right lines. Germany has recognized 
this by establishing a Ministry of Press and Propaganda. 

In this country we are still carrying on with more 
democratic methods. Hence it is even more important to 
ensure that the mass of the people should be interested 
in what the government is after, and understand its 
problems and its policies sufficiently to feel real 
enthusiasm for its main aims. Already we have 
sporadic examples to show that this truth is recog- 
nized — such as the campaign of enlightenment that 
has recently been carried out on the subject of slums, 
or the excellent work that was done in explaining 
the national advantages of last year's Conversion 
Loan. But the principle wants to be recognized 
in every department. Crude propaganda is not 
good enough : people like to be taken into the con- 
fidence of the powers that be. To accomplish this 
properly, a new art is needed — propaganda in the 
good sense, information and persuasion, publicity that 
is not mere advertising : the Government and all its 
departments ought to realize that its relations with 
the public are a very important branch of its activities. 
Perhaps public relations is the best phrase. Already 
the Post Office has made a beginning by appointing a 
Public Relations Officer, but there should be a whole 
Department of Public Relations, which, of course, 
would have to base its activities on applied psychology. 
But I must not launch out into speculations about the 
future. I would only ask my readers to think what 
could be achieved in regard to public health, the 
popular understanding of financial proposals, cam- 


paigns against noise or against smoke, campaigns for 
town-planning or for the preservation of the country- 
side, and a thousand and one other matters of national 

But even this would be only a beginning. I wonder 
if my readers will agree with me when I say that the 
greatest single trouble of this country to-day, outside 
the pressing economic sphere, is the lack of outlets 
for collective enthusiasm, collective beliefs, collective 
idealism? — a lack which has become especially acute 
with the decay of orthodox religion as a vital popular 
force ? Perhaps I should say the lack of certain kinds 
of good outlets : there are plenty of outlets good in 
their way, but insufficient in others, like sport, and 
other outlets which are more embracing but bad, like 
class-spirit or narrow nationalist patriotism. Human 
nature, as at present organized, feels the lack of such 
outlets, and in their absence makes them for itself, 
often in unsatisfactory form — witness the crudeness 
and violence mixed up with the idealism and the 
enthusiasm in German Fascism. It would take too 
long to discuss here what sort of outlets and aims are 
desirable, and how they could be brought into being. 
But whatever the answer, it is clear that both technical 
advice from psychological science, and the scientific 
spirit in the shape of careful planning, will be needed 
to avoid the dangers that arise from idealisms kindled 
for a wrong or unsatisfactory end, or allowed to stamp 
out variety and freedom of thought by their very 

Collective enthusiasms and beliefs are to the com- 
munity very much what private enthusiasms and 
beliefs are to the individual. I am sure that sweeping 



statement can have a lot of holes picked m it ; but it is 
roughly true — and brings us face to face with the idea 
that the community is m a real sense an organism, 
with laws of its own, capable of scientific study like 
any other phenomenon. That study results in the 
science of sociology — still very much in its infancy, 
but capable of enormous development. I heard Sir 
Josiah Stamp, at the British Association last year, 
make a strong appeal for guiding as many as possible 
of the best scientific brains of the young generation 
away from the sciences of matter — physics and 
chemistry — and into the sciences of life — biology, 
psychology, and sociology. He was quite right : it 
is m the fields with which these deal that the danger- 
point lies now. We have got a great deal of control 
— quite enough to get on with for the time being — 
over lifeless nature : we have practically no control 
over human nature, and over the monsters we have 
unconsciously created, or at least allowed to grow up 
unchecked, in the shape of economic systems, unin- 
telligent moralities, nationalist sovereign states, mass 
ignorance, and mass hysteria. 

Let me try in conclusion to indicate quite briefly 
some of the more important conclusions to which we 
are led by a scientific study of man and society. 

To take but two examples. One is the sweeping 
conclusion, devastating to many timid minds, that no 
absolute standards exist, m morality, truth, art, or any- 
thing else : they all are relative. This is most simply 
seen in the field of morality, where the idea of what is 
right and wrong does actually, and must inevitably, 
change with change in the form and outlook of society. 

We have mistaken the abstract for the absolute. 


There is an abstract idea of Good — but it has no 
content : the content of the idea, and therefore of 
morality, is and must always be relative. In other 
words, we have to build the system of morality which 
is the best possible in the present condition of the 
world, just as we have to organize the best possible 
system of education or public health. It is no good 
trying to shift our responsibility on to God, or our 
ancestors, or a philosophical Absolute : “ Heaven helps 
those who help themselves ” is as true here as in any 
other department of life. 

The other point I would like to emphasize is that we 
are influenced by our social environment to an extent 
that most of us do not realize, and would perhaps be 
horrified at if we did realize it. Even if the influence 
takes the form of a reaction against the existing order, 
instead of acquiescence in it, it is none the less real 
and compelling. That has two lessons — in the first 
place, one aim of education should be to teach people 
to discount the unconscious prejudices that their social 
environments impress upon them. The other is that 
the social and economic system is, in large measure 
at least, subject to deliberate and scientific control — 
though it will be as tough a job to bring it under control 
as it was to bring Nature under control ; and that we 
can only expect to have people leading full, rich lives 
(which is, I suspect, the nght approach to the eternal 
problem of happiness) if we bring into existence the 
right kind of social and economic system for the 
community. The quality of human life is determined 
by the social organization, much as the quality of a 
commercial product is determined by the machinery 
and processes used to make it 



This is all very utopian/' I can imagine many of 
my readers saying. It may be; but, meanwhile, our 
lives are being determined by the social machinery 
around us, and if we do not try for a scientific solution 
of the problem, we shall have an unscientific one forced 
upon us, in the shape of Fascism, or Revolution, or just 
chaos and dnft. 

However, I would like to end with a perfectly 
tangible suggestion for the applying of scientific 
methods to social problems. I spoke earlier of the 
enormous degree of innate differences between different 
people There is absolutely no reason to suppose that, 
if we wanted to, we could not utilize this fact to improve 
the general quality of the human race, its physique 
and intelligence, its general capacity for living, as 
strikingly as we have been able to improve the breeds 
of our domestic animals — and for what that means 
you have only got to think of a fine modern carthorse 
and racehorse, as against the little wild horse from Asia, 
a good herd of Jersey cows against a flock of wild cattle, 
a faithful watchdog against a wolf. Of course, no one 
suggests that you could apply the same methods to 
human beings as to farm animals, nor that the aim in 
view would be similar : for one thing, variety, not 
uniformity, must obviously be a major aim for man. 
But the long-range improvement of the human race 
by eugenics is obviously destined, once we have dealt 
with the more immediate problems of social organiza- 
tion, to be a major outlet for human altruism and 
human hope. When you think of the possibilities 
involved, it is rather absurd to find that the only body 
concerning itself with the problem in this country is 
a private one, the Eugenics Society, with comparatively 



few members, mostly laymen in science. Yet, in a 
way, that is all you can expect Such a society can 
help to rouse public interest ; and at the moment that 
is the chief thing which it can do, for as yet we 
have not the knowledge to embark on large practical 

But why should not the Government provide 
the knowledge — through the Census, which already 
provides extremely valuable knowledge about the 
numbers of people m the country, their occupations, 
religious beliefs, birth-rates, death-rates, and so forth ? 
It would be quite simple to extend this to gain much of 
the knowledge needed as a possible basis for eugenics. 
For instance, the census of 1911 gave us most valuable 
statistics for the birth-rate in different economic classes 
of the population — showing, for example, that unskilled 
labour had a net rate of increase about double that of 
the professional classes. In later censuses, this in- 
formation has not been forthcoming — on the ground 
of expense ! The Census could easily become an 
instrument for a real national stock-taking. If trained 
biologists and psychologists were called in to help 
with it, we could obtain a picture of the biological 
qualities of our national stock of human beings — 
which, after all, is in the long run the one asset that 
really matters — and the directions and trends along 
which it was changing. 

Facts are the food of science : df we are going to be 
scientific about human nature and human society, 
instead of just trusting to blind social and economic 
forces (and see what a mess that blind trust has led 
us into !), let us begin by insisting on a proper supply 
of facts as grist to the scientific mill. 



Last of all I would like to mention one fact which 
ought to be remedied. That is, that there are less than 
fifty psychologists attached to our universities, and 
probably, excluding psychological doctors, less than a 
hundred professional psychologists in the country. And 
as for social science, I doubt if Britain supports a 
couple of dozen people devoting themselves primarily 
and professionally to the subject. The other day I 
attended the dinner given to celebrate the twenty- 
first anniversary of the founding of the Biochemical 
Society, and learnt, to my surprise, that it numbers 
over eight hundred members, although it represents 
a very young and rather specialized branch of chemical 
science. The contrast is striking, and does, I think, 
justify me in stating, as the main conclusion of this 
chapter, that the scientific structure of this country is 
lop-sided, and that the sciences dealing with man are 
lamentably neglected. 



Discussion with Professor P. M. S. Blackett 

J. H. Well, Blackett, I am glad to have you here. 
There are quite a number of points on which I feel my 
views could do with a little clearmg-up, and a discussion 
like this helps in the clearing-up process. 

P. B. As a matter of fact, Huxley, I was rather 
hoping that you would clarify some of my ideas. 
I suppose you have seen a more varied assortment of 
scientific work than anyone else in existence — at 
least, you have seen it in a shorter time. 

J. H. Yes, I suppose that is true — I have seen a 
pretty good sample, from physics to psychology, from 
the purest mathematics to the most applied agriculture, 
from breeding insects to designing aeroplanes, from 
university laboratories to iron-works, from amateurs 
pottering about with field-glasses to huge Government 
research stations. The impressions I have got are so 
varied that sometimes it is rather hard to sort them out 
and see just what they mean. 

P B. Yes, I should think so But now, out of 
all these impressions, what are the chief points which 
have emerged that you think this discussion of ours 
could help to clear up ? I gather it is to deal mainly 
with pure science. 

/. H. Well, I thought there were a number of 




topics we might try to cover. First of all, whether there 
is any real line between pure and applied science. 
Then whether discoveries in pure science are not 
influenced by practical considerations, and, indeed, 
sometimes do not arise directly out of applied research. 
And to what extent pure science is limited by mere tech- 
nique. Then there is the question of why people go m 
for research as a career, and their own attitude to their 
work. Also the reason for the greater prestige of pure 
as against applied science. I also hope to deal with 
the possibilities open to the amateur scientist. And, 
finally, there is the whole question of science in education 
and the problem of getting a scientific background into 
the general consciousness. 

P. B . That is a long list ! So let us begin right 
away. Now that you have seen a lot of both pure and 
applied science going on, do you find the line between 
them easier or harder to draw? 

J. EL. On the whole I have realised that it is 
harder to draw the line even than I thought it at first. 
And in one respect I have corrected my previous ideas. 
I used to imagine that important new discoveries 
always started as pure science, and gradually filtered 
down into practice, via applied science. Of course, 
that is the usual way. Sir William Bragg, in his intro- 
ductory chapter, has given a number of good examples 
from the work of Faraday and other scientists who 
have held posts at the Royal Institution. And this 
is the view you will find in practically all the books on 
the subject. As they are mostly written by pure 
scientists, or by popular writers who get their ideas 
from pure scientists, 1 suppose it is natural that they 
should emphasize this view. But I have been much 

Models to illustrate the different form of the wool molecule in un- 
stretched wool fibres (left) and stretched wool fibres (right) as 
determined by X-ray analysis supplemented by chemical tests. 
Only a small section of the very long " molecular ladder ” is shown. 
(See pp. So, 206 .) 

From the Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, June, 1933- 
By permission of the Publication Committee and Dr. W. T. Astbury, 


interested to find that things do not always happen 
that way. 

P B. Give me an example. 

J, H . Well, perhaps the best case I saw concerns 
the use of X-ray analysis of the fine structure of solid 
materials. It is so good because it shows you both the 
opposed tendencies at work — first the flow from pure 
to applied, and then back again from applied to pure. 
It all began with very pure laboratory research — but, 
of course, you, as a physicist, know more about that 
than I do 

P. B. You mean Laue showing that X-rays when 
passed through crystals were diffracted so as to give 
what is called interference patterns, and then the 
Braggs showing that from the particular patterns you 
could discover exactly how the atoms were arranged 
in the different crystals ? 

y. H. Yes. And, of course, quite soon this was 
taken up as a practical thing, to give information 
about the internal constitution of materials when other 
methods were no good — when microscopes will not 
magnify enough, for instance, or there is not enough 
material for chemical analysis. All over the place 1 
found X-rays being used in practice : in steel works, 
in all sorts of ways — for instance, to detect the invisible 
changes due to cold rolling and tell you just when to 
stop ; in the electrical industry, for making electrodes 
for high-temperature discharge tubes; in the glass 
industry, for finding out the causes of opalescence 
in glass ; in engineering, for dealing with certain kinds 
of scale in boilers ; in the paint industry for determining 
the size of grain in paints, and therefore their con- 



P. B. Well, so far things have been going according 
to the usual rule, have they not — from the pure scientist 
m his laboratory out into industrial practice ? 

J. H Yes, but now the reverse process comes in. 
Up at Leeds, m the Textile Department of the Univer- 
sity, I had a talk with Dr Astbury. He had been 
working with Bragg, and had shown that with the aid 
of X-rays you could get new information about the 
intimate structure not only of ordinary crystals, but 
also of products of living organisms, such as plant and 
animal fibres As a result, he was asked to go to 
Leeds to study wool from the practical textile point of 
view. He told me that he had some misgivings as to 
whether this work was not going to be much less 
interesting than the pure scientific studies with which 
he had been busy up till then. The sequel, rather 
amusingly, was just the reverse : the interest of his 
work has steadily increased, until he now finds himself 
concerned with some of the most fundamental and 
exciting problems of biology. It turned out that 
the wool fibre is a particularly favourable object 
for studying the intimate structure of protein mole- 
cules. As proteins are made of the most compli- 
cated molecules known, with hundreds or even 
thousands of atoms in them, this was, in any case, in- 
teresting. With regard to wool protein in particular, 
Astbury was able to prove that the actual molecules 
were elastic, and could be pulled out like a concertina, 
or perhaps more like a spring, and that it was this fact 
which gives wool its extraordinary springiness ! This, 
in conjunction with research by a chemical colleague 
in the department, is leading to all sorts of im- 
provements in the wool industry — for instance, to 


much-improved methods of pre-shrinkage for woollen 

But it is leading much further afield, for protein 
molecules are the most essential kinds of molecules in 
all living matter, and new discoveries about any of 
them means some fresh light on all. So this work 
on the wool fibre, undertaken for severely practical 
ends, is turning out to be of importance for all branches 
of biology, up to the most pure. For instance, the work 
seems likely to throw light on the very puzzling things 
that happen in immunity — as when the injection of a 
protein into the blood causes the animal or man to 
produce something which will destroy that particular 
protein, but no other, if it is injected again later. Most 
fundamental, it is giving us much new evidence on the 
actual chemical structure of the protein molecule — 
how it is built up of long chains linked together ladder- 
wise by rungs of special atoms at intervals. So here 
quite definitely the current of discovery, after first 
flowing from pure to applied, has reversed its direction, 
and gone from applied to pure. 

P. B. Is not the history of how the Second Law 
of Thermodynamics was discovered an obvious example 
of the same tendency — that is, of how a very important 
piece of pure and abstract theory arose out of a very 
practical technical problem ? 

J. H I had not realized that. 

P. B. Yes. The Second Law of Thermodynamics 
arose from the attempt to make steam-engines more 
efficient. The use of steam power was already wide- 
spread, when Carnot, while seeking to understand 
in detail how steam-engines worked, was led to a first 
formulation, though still an imperfect one, of what is 



now called “ The Second Law of Thermodynamics ” 
To-day, this second law of thermodynamics appears one 
of the most far-reachmg of all physical laws. Did not 
Eddington say once that against the Second Law there 
is no possible appeal ? So the most abstract and general 
of laws arose from the study of that most concrete 
of objects, the steam-engine. 

J. H . Do you mean that you think that the Industrial 
Revolution caused the discovery of the laws of thermo- 
dynamics ? 

P. B In a sense, yes At least, it was clearly no 
accident that thermodynamics was not discovered in 
the late seventeenth century, when there were no steam- 
engines, and was in the early nineteenth, when there 
were steam-engines. 

J. H. Of course, it is always difficult to say which 
is the cause of two things which are found to happen 
together — for instance, nationalism and wars, or even the 
hen and the egg. But it is, I think, quite clear, not to 
say trite, that there is often a close relation between 
practical problems and advances m pure science. 
Is it not a fact that the needs of improving efficiency 
of radio-transmission have led to very fundamental 
discoveries about the upper atmosphere? 

P. B. Yes. The work of Appleton and others on 
the highly conducting upper layers of the atmosphere 
has given us absolutely new knowledge about our 
own planet, and opened up a fascinating field of pure 
research. And the work arose directly out of the dis- 
covery that it is possible to send wireless messages round 
the earth. 

/. H . Well, Blackett, I want to ask you a question. 
You used to work at the Cavendish Laboratory at 



Cambridge. I went there recently, and was naturally 
much excited about all the work on the structure of 
the atom going on there. But do you think that that 
is at all influenced by what is going on m the practical 
world outside? 

P B. Yes, I think it is to a great extent dependent 
on what goes on outside. But that is not quite the 
same relation that we have been discussing. I do not 
mean that the problems studied have necessarily any 
relation with any industrial or social needs; but the 
technical methods used are largely dependent on 
industrial technique. 

J. H. But what about the famous " sealmg-wax- 
and-string ” methods? I thought, from what I have 
heard said, that all the best experiments were done 
with the simplest apparatus. 

P. B. Well, perhaps that was so once. But it is 
not now. Why, Lord Rutherford's own experiments 
require an apparatus of extreme complexity : innumer- 
able valves and rows of thyratrons flashing, relays 
clicking, and so on It looks rather like a cross between 
the advertisement lights m Piccadilly and the trans- 
mitting-station of a modern battleship. No, the 
sealing-wax-and-strmg era is, perhaps unfortunately, 
over. In its place modern physics uses all the technical 
assistance it can get. In fact, it may be said that 
the limits of knowledge at any time are set by the 
technical means available. I believe that the reasons 
for the rapidity of advance of modern physics is not 
the superiority of the physicists of to-day, or even 
their number, but that it is to a considerable extent 
due to the technical aids made available by industry. 

J. H . You mean the wireless valves you have just 




been speaking of ? And then there are photographic 
plates and the cinema. I suppose all these are an 
essential part of much physical apparatus to-day. 

P. B. Yes. Then the recent work on the dis- 
integration of atoms by high-speed particles has owed 
an enormous amount to the electrical industry, through 
which high-tension transformers, condensers, and so 
on have become readily available. In fact, the industrial 
development of high-tension power transmission, 
culminating in this country in the " grid,” has made 
new experiments possible in the laboratory. 

J. H. You mean that physics is limited much more 
by the existing limitations of the materials and instru- 
ments which it must use, than by the limitation of 
pure thinking, or any lack of bright ideas ? 

P. B. Certainly. The discovery of new materials 
makes new advances possible. Often a possible 
experiment is thought of, but has to wait a generation 
for the necessary technique to make it possible to 
carry it out. 

J. H. I suppose the same sort of thing would be 
true in astronomy with telescopes, would it not ? 

P. B. Yes, absolutely. With the naked eye we 
can see only a tiny portion of the universe. The 
invention of the telescope at once made it possible 
to see a bigger fraction. But ever since Galileo’s 
first telescope in the seventeenth century, the size of 
the fraction has been steadily increased by technical 
progress. At the moment the biggest telescope in the 
world is a one-hundred-inch reflector, but a two- 
hundred-inch reflector is just being made, which will 
multiply what we can now see sixteen-fold. The 4 
difficulties in making and grinding a two-hundred- 


inch mirror are enormous, but they are merely 

J. H. I see So the progress of this branch of 
astronomy is entirely dependent on the technique of 
glass-making and glass-working. In general, I take 
it, you mean that applied science, m the form of 
technique in the control of materials, is a real limiting 
factor in the progress of scientific theory — pure 
knowledge, so called. How the scholastic type of 
philosopher in the Middle Ages would have disliked 
this idea, and, as a matter of fact, still dislikes it in 
our own time 1 It is a slap in the face for the mtellect- 
ualist, the believer in absolute knowledge, the highbrow 
in general. 

But there is still another possible way in which pure 
science, it is suggested, can be influenced by practice. 
That, too. Levy touched on in our opening discussion — 
I mean the idea that the general direction which pure 
science takes is not, as most scientists like to assert, 
just determined by the free play of the human intellect, 
but by the social and economic needs of the place and 
penod. Do you believe that ? 

P. B. On the whole, yes. Consider Newton’s 
achievements, for instance. He did not himself think 
of all the problems he so brilliantly solved. The pro- 
blems were there, waiting to be solved — it was essential 
both for industry and navigation that they should be 
solved. A more accurate theory of mechanics was 
essential for the development of many machines in 
industrial use, and also for improvement of guns. 
Then the development of astronomy was required 
for the new developments going on in ocean navigation. 
For instance, the problem of determining a ship’s 



longitude at sea was urgent. This demanded either an 
accurate chronometer or a knowledge of the motion 
of the moon. So important was the problem that the 
Government of the day offered prizes for both these 
things, thus effectively, and quite impartially, stimu- 
lating both pure and applied science. There is no 
doubt that Newton was stimulated by the general' 
background of technical problems waiting to be solved*' 
to do his wonderful theoretical work 

J. H . You mean the influence is there, but is 
rather general? I think there are examples of that 
sort in my line of country too. For instance, there 
is all the work going on in connection with the big 
museums of the world, collecting, naming, and classify- 
ing the thousands of kinds of plants and animals. 
This sounds rather useless, but it is really essential 
for such practical problems as controlling insect pests 
or insect-borne diseases. Indeed, it is not too much to 
say that one essential, both for prosperous agnculture 
and for good health — the latter especially in the 
tropics — is this accurate systematic work that goes 
on in museums; and that the realization of this fact 
has led to the great development of this kind of work 
and institution in the last hundred years 
I think that there are two separate things in- 
volved. There are impulses in human nature and 
there are social and economic influences. After all, 
for centuries there have been people with a strong 
bent for natural history who have collected and 
classified animals and plants. But they have been 
few and sporadic. It is only recently that the big 
museums have come into existence for doing the 
collecting and classifying systematically with a large 



staff, on a large scale. And big museums cost money, 
and that would not have been forthcoming if it had not 
been for the pressure of practical needs. Is it not 
money which counts? Through the control exerted 
by money, the practical needs of the time encourage 
the growth of one branch of science, while another 
only just manages to exist because no money is forth- 

P. B. You mean that the man who pays the piper 
calls the tune, and there must be some strong practical 
inducement to make him pay ? That certainly is ex- 
emplified by the fact that at the moment the Govern- 
ment does a very large part of the paying in one way 
or another — to an extent which most people perhaps 
do not realize — and it would not do that unless it 
felt it was getting its money's worth. 

J. H. Yes. Of course most of the money put up by 
the Government for research goes for the very practical 
needs of war, industry, and agriculture. 

P. B. And also remember that the Government, 
through the D.S.I R. and other scholarship schemes, 
supports directly a large number of young scientific 
workers during their first few years of research. I 
myself was enabled to start research after the war by a 
Government grant The number of scientists who get 
a start in this way runs into hundreds a year. 

J. H . But of course you also get a great deal of 
pretty pure research done by private firms, who must 
obviously be actuated by the profit motive. 

P. B . Yes, and sometimes they help to finance 
Universities — for instance, the chemical laboratory in 
Cambridge just after the war received a big endowment 
from the oil industry. 



J. H. Apropos of all this, in my last chapter I was 
lamenting the fact that scientific research in this 
country was badly lop-sided, with not nearly enough 
being done m the biological, and especially the human, 
sciences. I suppose you would agree this was due 
to the stimulus given to research and teaching in 
physics and chemistry by the huge development of 
the industries based on these sciences, like the electrical 
and chemical industries and engineering? 

P. B. Certainly — up to a point. But is there not 
also another set of influences at work, of a more 
emotional nature? Orthodox religion has not been 
very favourable to biological advance, has it ? 

J, H. That is true enough. It really is almost 
funny to-day to read the insults that were hurled at 
Darwin and my grandfather on the evolution question 
— though it was serious enough at the time. But of 
course the process still goes on. Orthodox morality 
to-day is not very favourable to modern psychology, 
and I know a case where the fact that a young biologist 
had done research on problems connected with birth 
control stood in the way of his advancement. 

But I would like to ask you another question. 
What about research which is nominally done for 
practical ends, but as a matter of fact is actually 
useless? For instance, the breeding of new wheats 
which can be grown in new regions, like semi-deserts 
or the arctic, ]ust when there is no profit in wheat 
from the ordinary wheat areas? That sort of work 
is still going on. 

P. B. Well, I suppose that is because the work was 
started when it looked as if it would be useful, and, 
once started, it carried on with its own momentum, 



so to speak. I am sure there is a momentum of this 
sort in all scientific research, both pure and applied. 

J. H. Yes, I think that is fair enough. Once a 
scientific problem has been properly stated, it more or 
less inevitably works itself out. I suppose that is true 
with your work in atomic physics As soon as the 
facts of radioactivity made it clear that the atom was 
not the ultimate unit of matter, but had a structure 
of its own, research was bound to go on and clear up 
the problem of just what that structure was 

P. B. Perfectly true „ On the other hand, the 
rate at which a problem gets worked out depends on 
the number and quality of the research workers engaged 
on it, and the facilities at their disposal; and that is 
largely determined by the money available. The 
momentum is always there, but it is helped or checked 
by practical considerations 

J. H. And, of course, pure research gets more and 
more complicated and expensive all the time, so that 
those practical considerations come to have more and 
more of an influence. But we must not spend all our 
time on this question. I want to get your views on 
another point — about the individual research worker 
in pure science. Why does anyone in particular go 
in for science as a career ? 

P B Well, in my case it was largely that I liked 
doing things with my hands, and had a strong mechan- 
ical bent. 

/. H. I suppose there are plenty of people in 
physical and chemical laboratories who get started 
that way. But I think there are other quite different 
bents which also bring other types in. For instance, 
there is the natural history bent. Many boys, often with 



poor mechanical ability, have a passion for Nature. 
When this is combined with a strong collecting instinct, 
it may produce the systematic zoologist or botanist; 
when not so combined it is likely to give the world 
the general biologist or geologist. Charles Darwin 
had a very strong collecting instinct, combined with a 
deep love of Nature. Then there is the more philosophic 
bent, which, if not too philosophic, but combined with 
an interest m concrete objects, gives you what we may 
call the scientific scholar, who is primarily interested 
in bringing intellectual order into his branch of science. 
William Bateson had this, rather curiously combined 
with the collecting instinct. Sir Arthur Eddington 
has it combined with intense mathematical ability. 
And finally, there is the social bent, that impulse to 
do something useful. This has sent many men into 
professions like medicine or the Church : so long as 
scientific work provides opportunities of obvious 
usefulness, it will send some men into science. 

P. B. But that will not explain why there are so 
many more scientists to-day than formerly. 

J. H. No. That, I take it, is a question of outlets 
and social atmosphere. It is obvious that men and 
women with these same various bents must have 
existed all through history, but that they could not 
have become scientists in the days before there was 
any science. In the Middle Ages, the mechanically- 
minded had very few outlets — that bent hardly got a 
chance, any more than it did in pre-war Russia. There 
were few outlets, too, for the collecting bent — save 
perhaps a few odd professions like that of the herbalist. 
The nature-lover had to satisfy himself with hunting 
or the life of a farmer. The scholar’s bent pushed 

C a v e n d i s h Laborato ry 
{See p. 210.) 

Technical skill increases man's knowledge of the universe. Gali- 
leo's telescope (inset) contrasted with a modern telescope (a 74-inch 
reflector for the University of Toronto, built at Newcastle-on-Tyne). 
(See p. 210.) 

By courtesy of “ Nature " (for 74" reflector). The Galileo Telescope 
from “ The Depths of the Universe by G. E. Hale (Scribner). 



men into theology or philosophy, the social bent into 
becoming a parson or a friar. 

P. B. Yes. And even if we compare to-day with 
the Victorian era, conditions have changed a great 
deal. The clerical profession no longer has either the 
social or the intellectual attractions it used to possess. 
The war has influenced a great many people against 
a naval or military career. Business is not paying so 
well; politics has not the prestige it once had. So 
it comes about that a number of young men who a 
couple of generations back would not have thought 
twice about entering one of the traditional professions, 
are to-day taking up science 

J. H . I think that is true. And so long as there 
are scientific posts to fill, this state of affairs, though 
perhaps unpleasant for the country at large, is good for 

P. B. Yes, certainly. But then there is the question 
of the scientist's own attitude towards his work. Did 
you, for instance, get an impression during your tour 
that any marked difference of attitude exists between 
those working in pure research laboratories and those 
in technical laboratories? 

J. H. Well, I think that m the best industrial 
laboratories, at any rate, the keenness and intellectual 
interest in the work were just as marked as in, say, 
the Cavendish Laboratory. Still, I think there is 
usually a greater attraction in pure research, connected 
with the intellectual excitement of finding out general 
laws, and also a greater prestige attached to it. 

P. B. On the other hand, it is a fact that the actual 
activity which occupies nine-tenths of the time of an 
experimental physicist is nearly the same, whether 


the work is pure or applied. Actually, I am 'inclined 
to think that the greater prestige m man}’ quarters 
of pure as opposed to applied research is partly due 
to the pleasanter conditions under which it is often 
carried out. For instance, the Universities offer such 
a pleasant mode of life, where one is one's own master 
of how and when one shall work, that some of the 
attraction of the conditions under which work is done 
gets attributed to the work itself. 

J. H. But, after all, I think it is reasonable that 
pure research should enjoy its present great prestige — 
though it is certainly going a bit far when a scientist 
goes out of his way to claim that his work is completely 

P. B. Yes. I have heard that boast too. I am 
not sure I have not made it myself. There certainly 
are elements of snobbery in that claim. That society 
should pay one to amuse oneself at an entirely useless 
occupation is gratifying to one's self-satisfaction. 
Whereas formerly social prestige was attached to not 
working at all, now it is sometimes attached to doing 
something useless. 

J. H. Well, there is another side to it. Society 
always likes to have its prophets — its medicine-men, 
if you like — to tell it about the deep mysteries of the 
universe ; and science, in the persons of some scientists 
at least, is tending to become a substitute for theology 
in this field, isn't it ? 

P. B, Yes, I think it is clear that the general public 
likes to hear about science, or rather about some 
aspects of science. 

J. H. And also a good many people like to do 
amateur scientific work for themselves. 


P. B' Well, I don't think that is possible in modem 

J. H. That is a pity — but it is possible in various 
other fields. For instance, the Meteorological Office 
gets reports from observers all over the country as to 
the dates of flowering and fruiting of various wild plants. 
Then there was a scheme launched about twenty 
years ago by the British Ornithological Union to study 
the migration of birds, which secured valuable results. 
That also needed the collaboration of observers all 
over the country, and I remember as a boy the 
interest it added to my bird-watching At the moment 
a rather ambitious scheme has just been launched to 
start a National Institute of Field Ornithology at 
Oxford, which should act as headquarters for all the 
bird-watchers m the country, to plan out schemes in 
which they could take part, to give information as to 
the most interesting lines of work for the amateur to 
take up, the best methods to be adopted, and so on. 1 

Then amateur astronomers carry out a good deal 
of useful observation. Again, there are regional 
surveys to be undertaken, m which botanists, entomo- 
logists, geographers, and all sorts of others interested 
in field science can profitably co-operate. These can 
best be carried out under the auspices of local scientific 
societies, of which there are a good many doing valuable 
work in this country. 

P. B. And, of course, the amateur radio fans have 
done very useful work — it was they, I believe, who first 
started experimenting with short-wave transmission, 
and so indirectly stimulated the researches which led 

1 Anyone interested m this scheme can obtain particulars 
from Dr. W. B. Alexander, The Museum, Oxford. 



Results of co-operation by amateur scientists A map showing 
the density of population of the common heron m England and 
Wales. The different shadings show the number of breeding 
pairs per 1 00,000 acres. The research was organized through the 
ornithological journal, British Birds . (See p. 219 ) 

By permission of E. M. Nicholson and the Editor of “ Discovery .’ 3 

Another piece of co-operative amateur research. The map 
shows the density of population of a water-bird, the crested 
grebe. The shading indicates the number of breeding pairs per 
100,000 acres ; the same areas are used as for the heron (p. 220), 
The resemblances to and differences from the map for the heron 
are interesting. (See p. 219.) 

By permission ofE . M. Nicholson and the Editor of “ Discovery 



to the recent extension of our knowledge about the 
upper layers of the atmosphere of our own planet, 
that you mentioned earlier. 

J H . Yes. And my general point is that the 
amateur scientist has always flourished in this country, 
and with a little organization — such as the B B.C. 
itself has on occasion helped to provide — he can 
continue to be really useful to science, while at the 
same time having an interesting hobby for himself. 

P. B. But that can only cover a small part of the 

J. H. Oh, certainly * But by proper education you 
can interest a great number of people m science. 

P. B. Why do you want to ? 

J. H. Well, take my own subject, biology. I am 
keen on more biology as a recognized part of general 
education. This is important from the point of view 
of health, and will also encourage a sensible attitude 
to life, as opposed to one based merely on tradition 
or prejudice. I have rather a quarrel with you 
physicists and chemists for pinching so much of the 
science curriculum in schools ! 

P P. But would a better scientific education 
make so much difference, after all ? 

J. H. Not much, perhaps — so long, at any rate, 
as people imbibe a whole set of contrary ideas along 
with their science. At the moment, our civilization 
is very scientific in its attitude to some problems, like 
engineering or aviation, but highly unscientific in 
regard to others, like education or politics. One 
ought not to mix one's general attitudes, any more 
than one ought to mix one's drinks 

But something could be done if the powers that be 



really believed in scientific method, and if the mass of 
the people really believed that science could help to 
put the world right , then scientists would get a better 
chance to help us out of our troubles. 

P. B. But just how could science be of more help 
in the direction of affairs ? 

J. H. Well, to start with, by the collection of 
statistics on social matters. After all, science must 
begin with the facts 

P. B. Well, that will not take you very far. I should 
imagine that there are already innumerable blue books 
with admirable collections of facts that have never 
been acted on. For instance, the League of Nations' 
report on the Armament Industry, published soon 
after the war. 

J. H. Oh, but that is only the first step, though a 
very necessary one. My point is that you could get a 
general outlook in the country which would be scientific 
all round, just as you may have a nationalist outlook, 
or a religious outlook, or a socialist outlook. 

P B. No, there I disagree ! As a matter of scientific 
observation I find that my scientific colleagues, between 
them, represent all the possible outlooks you have 
mentioned. And, of course, this is inevitable. For 
once one gets into the field of action, everyone 
becomes a politician, however much he may try to be 

J. H. I agree that at the moment scientists have 
their personal and their class prejudices, like any- 
one else. I was really thinking of a slow process 
tending towards a more uniformly scientific outlook on 
social problems. However, we are getting into rather 
deep water, are we not ? We can't really go into the 



question now. But I shall make a point of taking it 
up with Levy in my final discussion with him. 

P. B. Well, don't be too optimistic. I am afraid 
that if society thinks that the scientist is going to 
be its saviour, it will find him a broken reed. 

J. H, And that would be bad for science as well 
as for society. All right, I promise I will not be too 
optimistic ; but I still feel that a scientific attitude to 
social problems is better than an unscientific one, 
and that we could do something to get it realized. 



S O far, I have been speaking about the scientific 
research going on here which is directed to the 
needs of this country. In this chapter I want to 
say something of its wider aspects — imperial and 

The British Empire is the biggest, the most scattered, 
and the most heterogeneous political association there 
has ever been — or that there is ever likely to be until 
the World State arrives. It contains over a fifth of 
the land areas of the globe, and nearly a quarter of its 
population. It embraces one whole continent and bits 
of all the five others. It includes entirely uninhabited 
territories in the Antarctic, and also some of the 
world's most densely populated regions. Among its 
inhabitants are Eskimos who have never seen a tree or 
a horse, African savages who kill lions with spears, 
Dyak head-hunters who have never seen ice or snow, 
Australian black-fellows living a life not unlike that 
of our prehistoric ancestors a hundred thousand years 
ago^ In it live the great majority of the Hindus; it 
includes more pagans than Christians, more brown and 
black people than white. It comprises self-governing 
dominions, crown colonies, self-governing colonies, pro- 
tectorates, native states, mandates, and spheres of 
influence. What is science doing towards the needs of 
this extraordinary agglomeration ? 

9 225 


In the first place, of course, most of the separate 
units have their own scientific organization. India 
is one of the few countries to boast a Biological Survey — 
though this has suffered a good deal in the crisis. 
The dominions have all their own universities, agri- 
cultural research stations, and so on. When I was 
in Africa four years ago, I saw something of the 
excellent work being done by the research workers 
in such subjects as medicine, agriculture, forestry, 
geology, veterinary science in our various East African 

This is as it should be ; for however general scientific 
problems may be, they arise in different forms in 
different conditions, and can only be worked out 
locally. Let me give just one example. Soil science, 
thanks largely to the Russians and to the work of 
English scientists at Rothamsted, has during the 
present century reached a high development. But 
tropical soils provide a special problem. Owing to 
the heat and the different conditions of tropical rainfall 
and plant growth, their formation and nature are 
different from those of temperate regions. So it is 
essential to study them on the spot. In East Africa 
this is being undertaken by the fine research station 
at Amani, which I visited, perched high up in the 
tropical rain-forests of the Tanganyika hills. The 
Germans started it, and after the war we enlarged it 
to serve the needs of all the East African territories. 
The information it is getting on African soils will be 
invaluable for local agriculture, and could not have 
been obtained from research at home. 

But essential though local research is, centralized 
work and co-ordination are also necessary, and a great 


, , ■. : - : 


deal has" been done to provide these, especially in the 
years since the war. One very important method of 
co-ordination is that of the Imperial Agricultural 
Bureaus, established after the Imperial Conference in 
1927. These were attached to laboratories where 
especially good work was going on in the particular 
subjects concerned. Their function is to collect and 
analyse all the information in their particular field, 
and to make it available for the Empire at large, 
either by publishing bulletins and summaries, or 
by replying directly to queries. So, to go back to 
soil again, the Bureau for soil science is attached to 
Rothamsted. The usefulness of the work at Amam 
on tropical soils is not confined to East Africa, for it 
is all collated by the Bureau at home, studied in relation 
to the general principles of soil science, and made 
available to other tropical dependencies 

I came across several of these Bureaus during my 
tour of this country. The one for animal breeding is 
attached to the Animal Breeding Research Department 
at Edinburgh, the one for animal nutrition to the 
Rowett Institute at Aberdeen, the one for pasture and 
grassland to Stapledon's place at Aberystwyth. They 
are not all in Britain, however; in accordance with 
the principle that they should be attached to the 
institution where the most important research on the 
subject was in progress, the one concerning veterinary 
science, for instance, was put at Ondesterpoort, in 
the Union of South Africa. 

There is no doubt that these co-ordinating and 
distributing centres are performing a very useful 
function. And, as their publications circulate every- 
where, they are useful to the world at large as well 


as to the Empire, and indeed in some cases they are 
almost in the position of world centres 

The same sort of thing, in addition to much actual 
research work, is done by two other bodies, the Imperial 
Institute of Entomology, which works m close co- 
operation with the Natural History Museum at South 
Kensington, and that of Mycology, which works m 
liaison with the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew. 
Mycology is an unfamiliar word — it means fungus 
science, and the Institute concerns itself with all the 
moulds and rusts and other fungus pests of trees and 

Entomology, of course, is the study of insects, 
and insects are the most serious enemies of man in the 
world — much more serious than any of the larger 
animals. Think of all the work going on in connection 
with the Institute of Entomology and the insect room of 
the Museum at South Kensington, some men spending 
their lives collecting insects of every possible kmd from 
all the corners of the earth, and other men spending 
their lives describing, naming, and classifying them. 
(This, by the way, is a pretty big job, as half a million 
or so different kinds of insects are known already, 
and hundreds of new kinds are discovered every year.) 
Most people, I suppose, if they ever give it a thought, 
would say it was a very useless and unpractical sort 
of job. Yet its practical importance is really very 
great, because if any animal or plant is useful or 
harmful, the first essential, in taking practical steps 
about it, is to be sure you know what you are dealing 
with. It is not much use knowing vaguely that 
mosquitoes carry malaria. As a matter of fact, some 
do and some do not ; and of those that do, some breed 


in certain well-defined kinds of situations, and others 
in others : to get rid of malaria, you must, as a first 
step, be able to identify and name the different kinds 
Or again, one particular beetle may be very destructive 
to crops, while its first cousin is quite harmless. If 
you want to deal with the pest by what is called bio- 
logical control — keeping its numbers down by means of 
introducing parasites — you will find that you must 
have very accurate knowledge of the different species 
of parasites, because one may only attack the harmless 
beetle, while a close relative, which perhaps at first 
sight looks just the same, is very effective against the 

The Imperial Institute of Entomology identifies 
over one hundred thousand specimens of insects every 
year, including a number of species new to science. 
(It is, by the way, interesting to know that the number 
of wholly new species described is steadily mounting 
year by year, so little has man yet explored the biology 
of this planet.) More than half the resources of the 
Institute go towards the publication of a periodical 
which gives abstracts of all scientific papers dealing 
with the activities of every kind of insect pest through- 
out the world. 

To illustrate the importance of systematic work, 
I may mention an example from the sphere of 
Mycology The citrus-fruit plantations of West 
Australia were suffering seriously from a fungus 
pest. This was taken to be the same as a similar 
fungus which had been doing damage in Florida, 
and the control measures that had worked well in 
Florida were tried, but with no effect. Then the 
Imperial Institute of Mycology looked into the matter, 


and found that the two fungi were really quite distinct, 
and had quite different life-histones, so that wholly 
different control measures were needed in Australia. 

One of the most fascinating scientific institutions 
in existence is the field laboratory of the Institute of 
Entomology, out at Farnham Royal. This has been 
nicknamed the " Parasite Zoo,” for its function is to 
supply parasites in bulk to all parts of the Empire. 
The parasites are parasites of insect pests; they are 
themselves insects, which lay their eggs in the grubs 
or eggs of the pests and devour them from the inside. 
In some cases this method has been a spectacular 
success. For instance, the valuable coconut crop of 
Fiji was in serious danger of destruction from a little 
moth which somehow got introduced into the islands 
towards the end of last century. Three entomologists 
were set the job of finding a parasite for it. At the 
suggestion of the Imperial Institute of Entomology, 
they looked in Malaya, and there found what they 
wanted. By chartering a special steamer, living 
parasites were brought to Fiji, bred there in bulk, and 
liberated ; and within four years the moth had become 
so rare as no longer to be of any importance as a pest. 

At Farnham Royal, entomologists are engaged on 
the search for the right kinds of parasite, the study of 
all their little habits, the best methods of rearing and 
transporting them in bulk. They are now busy trying 
to find a parasite for a sawfly which attacks Canadian 
wheat. That such problems are of very practical 
importance is shown by the fact that this particular 
species of insect did over two million pounds worth of 
damage in one year in Manitoba alone ! 

Other extremely important work on insects is done 


by Committees of the Economic Advisory Council. 
One instance is the research on that fearful scourge of 
African men and African cattle, the tsetse fly. This 
work, thanks largely to the success of Swynnerton's 
long-continued practical experimentation in Tangan- 
yika, is now entering on a new and more hopeful 
phase. Equally important is the work of the Locust 
Committee. At the end of the war, the Imperial 
Institute of Entomology secured the services of Uvarov, 
a Russian scientist who had discovered the unexpected 
but fundamental fact that all true locusts existed in 
two quite different forms, a solitary form which lives 
like any other grasshopper, and a swarming form 
which possesses the instinct to migrate in huge hordes. 
Besides their habits, the two differ also in their colour 
and a number of other points. Since then much of the 
research has been directed to finding where the solitary 
form has its main home, from which the hordes of 
swarmers will set out when they are produced; and 
to discovering what causes one form to change into 
the other. If you can find the main home, you may 
be able to prevent disaster by destroying the locusts 
there when they are not swarming. The Committee 
receives reports from all over Africa as to the presence 
and movements of locusts, and the mr -miner of this 
information is now beginning to narrow down the field 
in which to look for the main homes of the three 
different species of African locusts. 

Meanwhile, another line of attack is being tried. 
Experiment showed that locusts in flight were killed 
very quickly by finely-powdered sodium arsenite. 
After many trials, it has been found possible to manu- 
facture this in the shape of a dust fine enough to be 

International co-operation in anti-locust research. All the 
records of locusts sent in from every part of Africa are plotted on 
monthly maps, from which general maps showing the breeding 
places (dots) and the migrating swarms (arrows) are compiled. In 
this map is shown the Migratory Locust situation in 1928, when 
the beginning of the present outbreak was recorded : the first 
swarms arose close to the bend of the Niger, and soon developed a 
tendency to spread, mainly eastwards. In the following generations 
the swarms extended right across the continent, then turned south, 
and by the ninth generation in 1932 (see map, p. 233) the whole of 
East Africa was overrun by swarms. Their migration then took a 
general south-westward direction and many swarms reached South 


in* * 20° 30° 40° 50* 

Africa, where they arrived at the wrong season and were unable 
to breed owing to the dry and cold weather. 

The map on p. 232 indicates where the outbreak originally arose 
by a transformation of the solitary phase into the swarming one 
(see text). Maps like that on this page are used to study the laws 
regulating the migrations so as to be able to forecast locust 
invasions. (See p. 231.) 

(Redrawn after the Reports of the Economic Advisory Council’s 
Committee on Locust Control.) 

By permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. 


discharged into the air as a cloud ; and now ah aviator 
has gone out with an Imperial Airways machine to 
Northern Rhodesia to try the effect of flying over a 
swarm of migrating locusts and discharging this poison 
dust right into them. If it is as successful as is hoped, 
it will be much the best method for checking the ravages 
of locusts once they have started on their migratory 

Now I come to another point. The work at the 
“ Parasite Zoo ” was largely financed by the Empire 
Marketing Board, w r hich, as most people know, came to 
an end last year. It has now been in part taken over by 
an organization which deals with the Imperial Bureaus, 
and is supported by all parts of the Empire ; but owing 
to its type of organization, this is constantly having 
to refer decisions back to the Governments concerned, 
and it has only been financed for a year at a time. This 
lack of security is very bad for a scientific institution, 
both because it prevents any proper continuity of 
policy, which is essential for science with its long-range 
vision, and because it leaves the scientists engaged on 
the work in a very insecure and unsettling position, 
with unsettling effects on the existing staff and increased 
difficulties in recruiting new personnel of high standard. 

The ordinary public knew of the Empire Marketing 
Board chiefly by its posters and its propaganda 
campaigns; but behind the scenes it was engaged 
on a really big programme of research. To give only 
a few examples of its research activities, it was giving 
substantial help to the valuable work of the D.S.I.R. 
on cold storage, which has made it possible to transport 
apples and other fruits across the ocean and to store 
home fruit for long periods without appreciable loss, 

Museum research.. A. corner of one of the rooms of the insect 
department of the Natural History Museum at South Kensington. 
(See pp. 212, 228.) 

By permission of the Trustees of the British Museum . 


and is leading to marked improvement in cold-storage 
methods for meat and fish. It has financed work 
by a zoologist on the curious cycles of alternating 
abundance and scarcity which are found in many 
animals and birds. This is proving to be of im- 
portance to home agriculture in regard to periodic 
plagues of field mice ; to the fur industry in regard to 
prophesying the fat and lean years for fur trapping; 
to medicine in forecasting the times of abundance of 
wild rodents which carry human plague ; to the 
sportsman in understanding the causes of periodic 
scarcity of game-birds ; and so on. Then it helped in a 
very interesting investigation on the possibilities of 
“ road-trains,” with special chassis and a large number 
of wheels, capable of operating in new countries over 
the roughest roads : this, if successful, may prove to 
be the solution of the goods transport problem in many 
parts of Africa, India, and Australia. To scientists 
in this country whose work concerned problems of 
imperial scope, it gave grants to travel and see the 
men and the problems on the spot — a most important 
means of securing added efficiency. 

In general, it has often helped to finance research 
for which it might have been difficult to get funds 
through the ordinary channel, because it overlapped 
into several fields, or concerned several different 
governments, or was of rather an unusual or adventurous 
nature. Its untimely end is a real blow to scientific 
research on a co-operative imperial basis. It is a 
curious commentary on the phase of nationalism 
through which the world is passing, that this work, 
so hopefully launched and so well carried out on a 
basis of co-operation between the different parts of 



the Empire, should have split largely on the rock of 
nationalism on the part of certain of the Dominions, 
who, to put it bluntly, wanted their own show rather 
than co-operate with a central body, however good, 
which had its headquarters m London — though of 
course the economy campaign must bear its share of 
the blame 

To show what difficulties are being brought about 
by the expir}- 7 of the Board, I may mention the case of 
Kew. Most people know Kew for its lovely gardens; 
but it is also the centre of botanical research for the 
Empire. On any question of identifying a plant, you 
call m Kew. Most of the staff are engaged on work in 
the Herbarium, which houses an enormous collection 
of plant specimens from all over the world, duly named 
and classified. The Herbarium has eight scientific 
workers of its own; but, in addition, the Empire 
Marketing Board was paying the salaries of seven other 
scientists to get on with this important work, also of 
several technical assistants, and of an economic botanist, 
who also has been busy on a most important ]ob — 
nothing less than a complete descriptive catalogue of 
all the plants grown as crops for profit anywhere 
within the Empire. And of course the problem now 
is, what is to become of all these men and all the work 
they have begun ? Should not the authorities in this 
country take over the responsibility ? 

That sort of systematic work is just as important 
for higher plants as it is for fungi or for insects. This 
is notably so for many useful timber trees and fibre 
plants, which may look very much like some other 
less useful species. Sometimes you have to take 
extremely fine points into consideration. For instance, 


there are two varieties of camphor plant. One yields 
camphor oil when distilled, but the other is much more 
desirable, because it yields the solid camphor which 
is wanted commercially. Yet the two cannot be 
distinguished to look at 

Or again, a species of St John's- wort, that pretty 
yellow wildflower, got accidentally introduced into 
Australia, spread like wildfire, and turned into a real 
pest. It was identified as the common British St. 
John's-wort, and certain insect enemies of this plant 
were introduced into Australia to attack it. But they 
had no effect. Then Kew looked into the matter 
carefully, and found it was really the continental 
variety, which is extremely like the English variety 
in appearance, but is attacked by different insects ! 

But it is not only such systematic work with which 
Kew is concerned. It was responsible for bringing 
the cinchona tree, from the bark of which quinine 
is made, from Peru to India, and so helping m the 
campaign against malaria; for getting the Brazilian 
rubber plant from its native home and distributing 
it over the Empire; for spreading the tung-oil plant 
of China, which yields such good pamt and varnish, 
all over the semi-tropics; and the chalmoogra plant, 
which yields the best specific against leprosy, from its 
Asiatic home into Africa and the West Indies, where 
it is badly needed. Often the process is carried out 
in steps, the plants being grown for a spell in one of 
the greenhouses in Kew before they are sent out to their 
new homes. 

There are many other fields in which empire needs 
are dictating the course of research. One very import- 
ant one is forestry. Think of the teak of Burma, the 


square miles of pine forests in Canada being used up 
every year for timber and for newsprint ; the amazing 
variety of trees m the tropical forests of India, Africa, 
Guiana. The imperial centre for forestry is attached 
to Oxford University, and at Princes Risborough there 
is a Forest Products Station of imperial scope under the 
D S.I.R. 

Then there is medicine All sorts of diseases happily 
unknown in this country are prevalent in the tropics. 
Apart from all the research on tropical medicine that 
goes on m India and the colonies, a good deal is carried 
out m this country to cater for the needs of sailors and 
others who have come back after contracting such 
diseases abroad. So we find the study of them chiefly 
in our two greatest seaport towns, London and Liverpool. 

I wish I had space to treat of the Seamen's Hospital 
down by the docks, and the work of the School of 
Tropical Medicine, now combined with the Ross 
Institute for Malaria, in Bloomsbury, but I must pass 

There is also an imperial side to broadcasting. 
Empire radio is destined to be an important link 
between Englishmen all over the globe, and that 
depends a great deal on the progress of research on 
short-wave transmission, which is being actively 
carried on by the G.P.O., the commercial companies, 
and the B.B.C. 

Radio links up with the human element ; and this is 
perhaps in the long run the most important of all 
fields for science that is planned on the Empire scale. 

One of the greatest difficulties in the way of a scattered 
heterogeneous empire like ours is to effect mutual 
understanding between groups differing in race, colour, 


tradition, and level of civilization. The wireless and 
the cinema, both products of applied science, are 
likely to be the most important agencies in this respect, 
if properly used. I remember talking in Kenya with 
the head of the Medical Department, and hearing of 
the extraordinary success he had had with a home-made 
film in persuading tribal natives to co-operate in a 
campaign for ridding their area of hookworm and 
other diseases; and recently comes news of a large 
experiment in India, in which villages are to be provided 
with communal wireless sets. 

Still more important is scientific research on the 
human beings themselves. We are astonishingly 
ignorant in many ways about our Empire. There 
are no reliable vital statistics over most of Africa. 
I tried when I was there to get some information as 
to infant mortality : all that I could discover was that 
it must be terribly high — perhaps six to twelve times 
as high as in England, so that sometimes half the babies 
born would die in the first year of life; but accurate 
figures were lacking on this and on the equally important 
question of the average length of life of African natives. 

Things are pretty bad, too, as regards research on 
health. Some years ago the Medical Research Council 
and the Empire Marketing Board had an investigation 
made of the physique of two neighbouring Kenya 
tribes, the Masai and the Kikuyu, in relation to their 
diet. The result was very striking. The Masai are 
famous for their good physique and bravery — they 
are among the tribes who kill lions with spears. The 
Kikuyu are of smaller stature and of much poorer 
physique. This is specially true of the men; the 
women, though small, are renowned for their power 


of carrying heavy weights. I myself saw a woman 
carrying a load of firewood which I could only just 
lift off the ground with my two hands , she was carrying 
it for several miles 

Now, the Masai live entirely on animal food — 
almost exclusively the blood and milk of their cattle. 
The Kikuyu live mainly on a vegetable diet, which 
is not satisfactory as regards its food- values, and, 
what is more, the men, owing to tribal traditions, 
have a poorer diet than their women-folk. There is, 
it appears, no doubt that the addition of a moderate 
amount of high-quality protein, in the form of meat, 
to the Kikuyus' diet would raise their physique and 
energy quite considerably. Nor do the Masai escape 
the penalties of one-sidedness : they appear to suffer 
a good deal from diseases of rheumatic type, which 
in all probability could be much reduced if they took 
to a better-balanced mixed diet. 

I also found when I was out there that the belief 
still lingered among some white employers of black 
labour that the black man needed only a few handfuls 
of maize-meal to keep him in good trim. This is, as 
a matter of fact, a complete fallacy : a black man 
has the same general physiology as a white man ; and 
many complaints about “ lazy niggers ” and the like 
owe their existence entirely to the short-sighted policy 
of the white employers who want to get a great deal 
in labour for next to nothing in the shape of food, and 
provide a cheap diet on which no human being, white 
or black, can help being listless and without energy. 

Although there has been much improvement of 
late years in the diet provided for native labour, 
especially by big concerns like mines, it still remains 


true that improper and inadequate diet, whether due to 
their own or their white employers’ fault, is one great 
cause of backwardness among the native inhabitants of 
Africa — and doubtless of other primitive parts of the 
Empire Considering what far-reaching effects their 
increased energy would have — greater efficiency in their 
own agriculture and in work for white employers, 
greater ambition and greater intelligence, greater 
needs and greater purchasing power — it is almost 
ludicrous that this preliminary investigation of the 
two Kenya tribes has not been followed up by a full 
survey on an imperial scale. 

However, it must be admitted that scientific research, 
however well it may bring out the facts, is not always 
acted upon This is all too clear in another branch 
of medicine — that which deals with parasitic disease. 
To go back to East Africa, because I happen to have 
been there myself, I know that the medical authorities 
agree that it is very unlikely that there are any adult 
natives who are not suffering from some drain on their 
health due to parasitic infection — whether round- 
worms, or the horrible hookworm which sucks blood 
from the walls of your intestine and energy from your 
whole system, or the microscopic malaria parasite 
which infects your blood and, even if it does not give 
rise to acute fever, keeps you chronically below your 
full level of vitality, or the numerous other tropical 
diseases caused by living invaders. In Western 
European countries, these parasitic enemies of man 
have been brought under adequate control, and some- 
times entirely stamped out. There is no ultimate 
reason why they should not be also in Africa or India. 
If this were done, and at the same time diet were 


corrected, the whole character of the black and brown 
peoples of the Empire would change, and a new level 
of life could be opened to them. Here indeed is a field 
for science and its applications. 

Another vast field for research is in anthropology — 
the study of human customs and beliefs and social 
organization. Some very serious mistakes have been 
made in the past even by the most well-meaning of 
missionaries and administrators, simply because they 
did not understand the ideas of the people with whom 
they had to deal T o take only one example, land among 
African tribes is not owned outright by individuals, 
but by a clan or family group, regarded as existing 
in the past and the future as well as in the present. 
Individuals have only temporary rights. Usually the 
chiefs have certain more or less feudal rights as well. 
The white man comes along with his ideas, and may 
convert a chiefs feudal privilege into outright ownership, 
or get at loggerheads with a whole clan when he imagined 
he was only dealing with an individual. 

Some of the most difficult problems arise with natives 
who are no longer living their immemorial tribal lives, 
but are living in contact with the white man’s system. 
For these, there is grave danger of falling between 
two stools, and acquiring the less desirable qualities 
both of white and of native life. Here a new kind of 
anthropology is needed — not the very pure kind 
which was always looking out, quite naturally, for the 
most primitive and the most untouched tribes, but an 
applied .anthropology, halfway to sociology, to study 
the effect of mixture of cultures with a view to guidance 
and control. Of late years, a beginning has been made 
with such work, largely under the influence of Professor 


Malinowski of the London School of Economics, and of 
the International Institute of African Languages and 
Cultures ; but the problem is acute, and much remains 
to be done. So it is good news that a scheme is now 
in being in this country whereby in the near future 
a broad comparative survey is to be made of Africa. 
This African Research Survey will deal with the 
problems of our African Empire under four heads — that 
of economics, of administration, of anthropology and 
sociology, and of natural science. By this means it 
is hoped many gaps and defects in co-ordination will 
become apparent and the way be opened for a more 
scientific policy. 

At any rate, this is a truly scientific approach to the 
problem of the large backward areas of the world, 
and perhaps out of it there will grow some provision 
for an institution on a more permanent basis which 
could continue to make provision for that ever-pressing 
need, scientific study, and could act as an advisory 
centre for African affairs. 

This survey will also take notice of what is being 
done in the African possessions of other nations. 
Here, it will be seen, an international aspect comes in. 
The same, by the way, was true for the much more 
specific example of locust research. In this field the 
Italians and the French are co-operating with us by 
sending in reports from their territories to the Locust 
Committee in England, which collates the information 
for the benefit of all parties concerned; and inter- 
national conferences on the subject are held periodically. 

As a matter of fact, the shrinkage of the world due 
to improved communications is making international 
co-operation in science and research (as in many other 


fields !) even more pressing than m old days. Let me 
just recall the fact that the League of Nations has a 
Health Section, and that this is co-operating with other 
interested bodies to investigate the possibility of 
spreading diseases, such as yellow fever, by aeroplane, 
and to lay down regulations to minimize the danger. 
It has also undertaken important special investigations, 
such as that into the best methods of getting rid of 
malaria m Europe, and it has further done valuable 
work in regard to biological and medical standardization. 

Perhaps you are surprised to see that word in a 
biological context, but I can assure you that standard- 
ization is ]ust as important for applied biology — in 
medicine, veterinary science, agriculture, and public 
health, for instance — as it is for applied physics and 
chemistry in industry. I spoke in an earlier chapter of 
the results achieved by insulin in diabetes. But 
they could not be achieved without an extremely 
exact dosage. 

Diabetes is essentially an inability of the tissues 
to utilize the sugar circulating in the blood, which is 
the main source of fuel for their vital energies. The 
way insulin helps m diabetes is by making it possible 
for the tissues to do this. If you do not give enough 
insulin, the tissues do not take up enough sugar, and the 
diabetic symptoms are not removed. If you give too 
much, the tissues take up so much sugar that enough 
is not left in the blood, and all sorts of serious conse- 
quences may ensue. So before insulin could be safely 
prescribed, it was absolutely necessary to have it 
standardized. It is a tribute to the accuracy with 
which this was done that it can be, and is, now so 
widely used in practice without any ill effects. 


The first standardization was done under the auspices 
of our own Medical Research Council, just after the war. 
It speedily became clear that international standardiza- 
tion too was desirable, and it was soon arranged that 
this work should be supervised by the Health 
Organization of the League of Nations. The actual 
standardization work is farmed out to different 
countries. This country, as a matter of fact, has 
been entrusted with more of this work than any other, 
and it is impressive to see, in the National Institute 
for Medical Research at Hampstead, a case containing 
the actual biological standards of about twenty im- 
portant biological preparations, kept there, as the 
standard yard and pound are kept at the Board of 

They include the standards of certain antitoxins, 
like that for diphtheria; of certain drugs which need 
very careful dosage, like salvarsan and the other 
arsenicals used for sleeping sickness ; of various 
hormones such as insulin ; and of the different vitamins, 
so important for diet and general health as well as for 
special diseases like rickets. 

International standardization, of course, also exists 
on the physical side. For instance, there is the Count e 
International des Poids et Mesures, with which the 
National Physical Laboratory is collaborating, among 
other things, in a scheme for determining a new 
international standard of length in terms of that most 
fundamental natural property, the wave-length of a 
particular kind of light. 

Another interesting example is the International Tin 
Research and Development Council, which grew out of 
the work started by the British Non-Ferrous Metals 


Research Association in this country. It is an excellent 
example of how a really good programme of research 
cannot help being essentially international in its 
activities, and tends to attract international support. 
Though the headquarters of the Council is m London, 
this is simply for convenience, and the work is truly 
world-wide There is, by the way, a further interest 
in this case. Britain is exceptionally well situated to 
provide headquarters and staff for many similar kinds 
of research. It is a small and centralized country, with 
world-wide connections, and a high professional and 
scientific standard. This sort of export — the export 
of brain-work — could become an important item in our 
economy if we took steps to encourage it. 

International co-operation is also going on in research 
on meteorology in Greenland and other parts of the 
Arctic, with a view to establishing the short air route 
between Europe and America — and, indeed, in many 
other fields. 

Of course, the progress of pure science has always 
been to a very large extent international. I do not 
suppose most of my readers realize the enormous 
scale on which the interchange of scientific knowledge 
is going on all the time between different countries. 
To start with, scientific journals circulate all over 
the world. Any good scientific library contains 
English, American, German, French, Dutch, Italian, 
and Russian periodicals, and those of many other 
countries besides ; and often maybe a German 
periodical will contain articles by American or Italian 
scientists, and so on. 

In biology alone, some 60,000 separate scientific 
communications are published every year, not to 


mention over 1,000 books; so that one of the most 
pressing needs of science is the provision of a really 
good abstracting and summarizing service — journals 
which give brief but reliable abstracts of all papers 
published, and others which provide well-written 
critical resumes of recent work m particular fields. 
Much has been done in this direction, but there is 
still great room for improvement. In a properly 
organized world-state, this duty would be carried out 
on a large scale by some well-equipped central organiza- 
tion; but at the moment this and other aspects of a 
“ world-brain ” are still very rudimentary. 

Then there is interchange by means of travel — 
either by a tour through the research institutes of 
another country, or by exchange professorships, or 
by spending several months working in the laboratory 
of an authority on some particular scientific subject. 
This is a most fertile method, and has been much aided 
by the policy of various bodies, such as the Rockefeller 
Foundation, which provide so many research fellow- 
ships for able young workers to hold abroad. 

Then, of course, there is interchange of knowledge 
by means of international congresses and meetings. 
In almost every branch of science these are held at 
intervals of a few years, in different countries by 
rotation. Personally, I remember vividly the interest 
of meeting physiologists from all over the world at the 
International Physiological Congress in Edinburgh, 
of going to the International Congress on Heredity 
in Berlin, and talking for the first time with a number of 
Russian research workers whom I had previously 
known only by their published papers, of meeting 
German and French and Dutch ornithologists at the 


International Ornithological Congress at Amsterdam, 
of going to Geneva to attend the first international 
Congress on Population Problems. 

Then I would like to mention another interesting 
topic which has international bearings. When some 
rare but very necessary element is found only m 
one or two places, should it be in some way inter- 
nationalized ? For instance, much the biggest stock 
of helium, which is better for airships than hydrogen, 
because it is not inflammable, is in the United States ; 
and the biggest known supply of radium is in the Belgian 

When it comes, not to valuable substances but to 
valuable knowledge, scientists almost always co-operate. 
The co-operation may be indirect, as when the published 
work of a man in one country puts someone else in 
another country on the right track. Insulin, for example, 
could never have been discovered m Canada, as it 
was, but for much previous patient work by English, 
French, German, and other scientists. Or the co- 
operation may be direct. For instance, recent very 
important work on the vitamin which causes scurvy 
was carried out by the closest co-operation between 
Hungarian, British, Dutch, and American workers and 

This looks as if there were really an international 
spirit among scientists. So there is, among most of 
them, in times of peace, but as soon as war breaks out 
they are caught up, voluntarily or involuntarily, in 
the nationalist compartments of the world's political 
system. In this respect we are to-day less civilized 
than a hundred years ago, when, for instance, Sir 
Humphry Davy was not only allowed to travel through 


France in the middle of the Napoleonic wars but 
actually received with great honours in Paris. 

It is, I think, fair to say that while in pure science 
international co-operation is the rule, in applied 
science, with a few notable exceptions, it is only just 
beginning* And I do not mean only m regard to 
industry and agriculture, I mean also m regard to 
health, population problems, economics, disarmament, 
the development of backward areas, and general 
administration It is just in these fields that a truly 
scientific policy is most needed, but also just where 
it will be most difficult to get it, because policy in 
regard to them is inevitably coloured by the outlook 
of economic rivalry and political nationalism. 

Tn this we have a good example of the way in which 
'Science is limited m its scope and its usefulness by 
political and social structure, and yet at the same time 
influences that structure. If science could be applied 
on the international scale as thoroughly and efficiently 
as it often is within a single business or a single 
industry, the most astonishing progress could be made 
in every field of human activity and human happiness ; 
but it cannot be, owing to the difficulties arising out 
of the existing world system, with its rivalries and 
jealousies and exploitations, due to the combination 
of private profit and national sovereign states. 

On the other hand, science is influencing the world 
structure. Its applications are making frontiers 
look ridiculous, and war ever more and more appalling. 
Its findings and its inevitably international outlook are 
gradually penetrating general consciousness and show- 
ing up the stupidities of nationalist restrictions and 
rivalries. Science, as much as any other force, is 


making for the breakdown of the system which has 
given it birth, and in whose bounds it is now confined 
and cramped. Though for the time being it may be 
exploited for sectional ends, and may actually intensify 
present rivalries, m the long run it is hard to see how 
each new advance in science can help preparing the 
way, however deviously, and through however much 
of preliminary chaos, for the world-state. 



A Discussion with Professor H Levy 

H . L. Well, Huxley, here we are again. I hope 
you have profited as much as you hoped you would 
by your tour. Anyway, I want to put some further 
questions to you. 

J. H. All right. Levy. I don't say that I shall be 
able to answer them, but 111 do my best : so fire away. 

H. L. No, I think the best way to begin will be to 
go over the main points we raised in our opening dis- 
cussion, and use them as a basis for this. Do you 
remember the main headings of our first discussion ? 

J. H. I think so. First there was the problem of 
how to define science, and then whether there really were 
two kinds of science — pure and applied — or only a grada- 
tion between more remote and less remote from practice. 

H. L. Yes, and that brought up the question of 
Universities, and how closely they were linked up with 
industrial needs, and this led on to the financing of 
science — who pays for research, and why some branches 
get much more support than others. 

J. H. ... and whether there are not actual gaps 
in the organization of research; and if so, why? 
A propos of that, I shall want to bring up the lop-sided 
character of science in this country, which has impressed 
itself on me very forcibly. 




H L I hope you looked into the points about 
secrecy in certain kinds of research. 

J H Yes, and also, as far as I could, into the 
international aspects of scientific work. In relation 
to that, there are some very general questions, such as 
how to prevent science from collapsing under its own 
weight, so to speak. 

H. L. You mean because of the enormous amount 
of scientific work that is published ? 

J. H Yes ; the problem of research workers keeping 
up with the advance of science, even within a small 
field, is getting more difficult every year. 

H. L Then we led up to the final question of 
whether science could do anything to get us out of our 
present social and economic mess 

J. H. Yes ; and you were rather sceptical, I remem- 
ber. We must have that out properly. 

H. L . All right. Let us get down to business. 
This question of what science really is — I do not think 
we need waste much time on that now. 

J. H. No, we agreed pretty well on a definition — 
that science is a particular method for getting knowledge 
of and control over nature, and that the form and 
direction it takes are largely determined by the social 
and economic needs of the place and period. What I 
have seen has confirmed me in that view. We shall 
never get a proper picture of science and scientific 
progress unless we take that sort of integrated view, and 
think of science as a social function, as well as an 
outcome of man's impulses to understand and control 

H. L. Integrated view, good. If we are to under- 
stand how science operates in society, the effect that 



science produces on the world about us, and the counter- 
effect that society, through its needs, produces on 
science, we must certainly take this integrated view. 
That brings up my next point, that you would find it 
impossible to draw any sharp line between pure and 
applied science. 

J. H. As I said in my discussion with Blackett, 
I am now more than ever convinced that any such line 
is merely arbitrary, and that often you cannot draw it 
at all But, of course, research can be at very different 
degrees of remove from practice ; and it is useful to be 
able to classify the different kinds of research. 

For that purpose, I have come to the conclusion that 
the simple alternative of pure versus applied is quite 
inadequate. You want at least four categories. At 
one end is background research, with no practical 
objective consciously in view — like atomic physics, or 
experimental embryology. Then baste research, which 
must be quite fundamental, but has some distant 
practical objective — as is the case with soil science, 
or meteorology, or animal breeding. Those two 
categories make up what is usually called “pure 

Then you have ad hoc research, with an immediate 
objective, like research on discharge tubes for lighting 
purposes, or on mosquitoes for getting rid of malaria. 
And finally, what industry calls development, or pilot 
research, which is the work needed to translate labora- 
tory findings into full-scale commercial practice. 

Of course, these categories all overlap and interlock, 
but they are convenient pigeon-holes. 

H. L. Of course. Then there was the question of 
science in the Universities, how remote that was from 

2 54 


practice, how far it was concerned with industrial and 
other practical aims. 

J H. Well, so far as I can see, it is interlocked with 
the rest of the system to a greater extent than I had 
realized. The number of university departments 
devoted to applied science is quite large, and is steadily 
growing; the university departments of pure science 
often receive big sums from industry or the State ; the 
D S I.R. and the Government departments connected 
with agriculture at home and in the Colonies provide 
really a great deal of money for scientific scholarships 
and research grants tenable at the Universities (though 
these grants, it should be noted, are often given for 
work in very pure science : the Government wants 
good science for practical purposes, but realizes that it 
will not get it except by promoting the supply of good 
scientists, irrespective of their bias to pure or applied 

H. L. So these matters are all interlocked and 
interdependent. That brings up the vital question of 
money. Were you able to find out much about the 
funds available for science, and to what extent finance 
— and where it comes from — dictates the course of 
research ? 

J. H. That is not so easy as you might think. Of 
course, you can get all the amounts spent by the 
Government on research — it just means digging in 
Blue Books. But then there is all the money spent by 
private firms on their own research. This is often kept 
very secret — sometimes because they do not want their 
competitors to know how much they are doing ; and 
sometimes, I was amused to find out, because they do 
not want their shareholders to know — the shareholders, 


you see, might think research a silly luxury, and 
become a nuisance at the annual meeting. 

As for university research, that is the most difficult 
of all. If you wanted to know even how much of the 
Government grant to Universities goes to research, 
you would have to carry out a special research to find 
out ! And besides that there are general endowments 
and special endowments and students' fees all con- 
tributing their share. 

Then research is helped by the hospitals, and by 
charitable bodies like the Rockefeller Foundation, and 
special funds like the Cancer Research Fund, and 
private institutions like the Strangeways Laboratory, 
and scientific and semi-scientific societies like the 
British Association or the Eugenics Society. 

H. L. Everything tangled up with everything else. 
But could you not make any estimate of the amounts 
spent ? 

J. H. Well, I did arrive at some rough estimates, 
but I am sure they are very rough. However, they are 
probably good enough to give an idea of the relative 
amounts of the total spent on research in this country 
which go to different fields. 

Research directed to industrial needs heads the list — 
that is, counting the money spent by Government, by 
university departments of applied science, and by 
private firms — with, I should say, nearly half the total. 
Research for the fighting services, not counting mere 
development, takes about half of what is spent on indus- 
try. Research connected with agriculture and related 
subjects like forestry and fisheries comes next, with afifth 
or a sixth of the total ; and then research connected with 
medicine and health, with about an eighth, or even less. 



And research m all other branches, together with all 
background research, probably does not come to a 
twelfth of the total, though I admit that this item is 
the most difficult to be sure of. As to the actual 
amounts, I hardly like to give any figures, as people so 
often quote rough estimates as if they were ascertained 
facts. But I should say that the total spent on research 
in this country is between four and six millions a year, 
probably nearer the lower figure . 1 

H. L. That means that research directly useful to 
industrial production receives nearly as much as all 
other research put together. This is not surprising 
now that we have seen how closely research is linked up 
with industrial needs. It does look as if the money 
consciously or unconsciously guides the course of 
research, does it not ? 

J. if. Yes, definitely, I think. And there is another 
point that forced itself upon me as I went on my tour. 
That is, that the bulk of research in progress in this 
country is organized from the production end — that 
is to say, it is organized and planned with a view to 
improving efficiency in technical processes and reducing 
cost to the producer or to the State. There ought to 
be much more research organized from the consumption 
end — directed towards the needs of the individual 
citizen as an individual and as a citizen. 

1 It has rcccntlv bc^n stated in a German publication (see 
Nature , 24 11 p 2S61 that the amount of money subscribed 
by industry for scientific research in the United States in 1931 
amounted to the colossal figure of $235,000,000 If this is 
correct, it represents about forty times the corresponding 
amount spent m Great Britain, or allowing for the ditfcrence 
in population, about sixteen times as much per head 1 The 
expenditure of Soviet Russia on its geological survey in 1930 
was larger than that of all the other nations of Europe put 

Science and noise. A portable apparatus which gives an accurate measure of the intensity 
of sounds and noises. (See p. 257.) 

By courtesy of Metropolitan- Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd. 

Science and noise. A new type of “ noiseless ’ ’ electric, motor under test in a sound testing 100m lined 
with wool to prevent echoes and resonance. (See p. 2 57 .) 

By courtesy of Metropolitan - 1 T ickcvs Electrical Co., Lid. 


H . L. Would you perhaps explain more fully what 
you mean ? 

J. H. Of course, there is some research done from 
the consumption angle— a lot of the work in the 
Research Boards under the D.S.LR. is of this sort — 
in regard to building, for instance, or radio, and, of 
course, a greal deal of medical research. But other 
problems are not taken up at all, or only get tackled 
piecemeal, because of this general producer bias in 

Take noise as an example — noise in the streets 
getting on our nerves all day and preventing us sleeping 
at night ; noise in aeroplanes discouraging people from 
travelling by air ; noise of loudspeakers, children, dogs, 
and pianos in houses and flats, preventing us enjoying 
our privacy; noise in industry interfering with the 
health and efficiency of workers; and so on. Noise, 
in fact, has become a major problem in our civilization. 
And yet we only tackle it piecemeal. Actually among 
the places I have visited myself these last few months 
I have seen research on noise and how to reduce it 
going on at central Government institutions like the 
National Physical Laboratory — work on noise measure- 
ment, and on materials which prevent the spread of 
noise ; in Government departments like the Air Ministry 
— work on silent engines and air screws ; in university 
departments of psychology — research on the psycho- 
logical effects of noise on manual and mental work ; 
in private firms like Metro-Vickers — work on silent 
motors for electric fans; in the Industrial Health 
Research Board and in the Institute of Industrial 
Psychology — research on the effects of noise in factories 
on the output and nerves of operatives; m special 


research stations like the Building Research Board — 
work on reducing unnecessary noise in houses; in 
public utility concerns like the London Passenger 
Transport Board — work on reducing the noise of tube 

If there were any machinery for making the needs 
of the private individual vocal and effective, instead 
of this scattered haphazard research, m which anyhow 
there are a number of gaps, we should have a large-scale 
concerted attack on the problem You could make out 
the same sort of case for a concerted attack on diet, 
and many other problems. 

H . L. Yes, but we have already seen the close 
linkage between science and industry. It does not pay 
anyone to do jobs like that. There is no remunerative 
return on it, so it is nobody's business. They are 
gaps that arise from the fact of our economic system 
being based on production for profit. But if you want 
real problems for research of this nature, there are 
plenty. For example, you talked about how science 
works for efficiency in production, but if we produce to 
consume, as well as to sell, is it not efficiency of the pro- 
duction-consumption cycle as a whole that is needed ? 
If we divorce production from consumption, it appears 
that the more efficient we make production the less 
efficient frequently is consumption. The more econo- 
mical a process is in man-power, the less effectively can 
men consume. No matter how efficient, for example, 
we may be in bringing to port a herring catch — the 
actual industrial side may be organized to the highest 
pitch of scientific management — if the catch is dumped 
back into the sea because a good enough price is not 
offered for it, then in spite of all the elaborate care, the 



consumption is zero, and the efficiency of the whole 
process is zero. 

J. H. Yes, there certainly is a real problem there. 

H. L. The problem can be put in another way. An 
agricultural labourer, for example, frequently cannot 
afford to buy the milk he helps to produce ; or opera- 
tives m a boot factory cannot afford decent boots for 
their children in spite of all that science has achieved m 
production alone. We pay workers for production, 
and let consumption look after itself. 

J. H. The same applies to the scientist himself, 
doesn't it ? I expect some of the researchers, say, in 
the textile field cannot afford all the clothes they would 
like ; and some of them in the laundry research labora- 
tory are probably doing part of their washing at home 
Anyway, the young scientist is often wretchedly under- 
paid. In countries like America and Switzerland, he 
often gets less than a policeman or a skilled artizan— 
and, in any event, leaving comparisons aside, he often 
does not get enough to lead the sort of life to which he 
is reasonably entitled. 

H. L. Now to come back to your previous point. 
What you were really suggesting was to fill in the gaps 
in research by national directing and planning of 
research. But with a limited fraction of the national 
income to be expended on research, and remembering 
the present close correlation between industry and 
science, this can hardly be done without the exercise 
of rather drastic central control over so-called freedom 
in the industrial enterprise which stimulates this re- 
search. But how can this be done without involving 
ourselves in a dangerous form of nationalism, when 
there are so many interlocking international connections 

26 o 


and jealousies in the industrial field? And even if 
research could be considered as divorced from industry, 
which it cannot, it would be impossible to plan even 
that internationally on any comprehensive scale when 
the scientific situation changes so rapidly everywhere. 

J. H. Isn't that like saying that a private person 
should have no plans for the future, because life is so 
uncertain ? 

H . L. No An individual plans for himself, up 
to a point, inside a social structure. Man has already 
built up society, and he accepts the restrictions that 
social life imposes on him as assumptions in his indi- 
vidual plans. In the international world there is 
nothing yet that corresponds to that. The industries 
of different countries compete with each other for the 
markets of the world, and any form of National Plann- 
ing, if it were efficient, must necessarily have the effect 
of intensifying that competition. The logic of that 
process seems to imply a repudiation of international 
restriction, more intense nationalism, self-sufficiency, 
and probably also war. Anyone who looks at the world 
now can see the signs already well over the horizon 
If planning is to take place — and ultimately it will be 
essential — nothing short of a scheme on an international 
scale will meet the case, and we are not likely to attain 
that without a great deal of trouble, or without sweep- 
ing away a great number of our most cherished illusions. 
It does not seem to me at all evident that the best way 
to attain that end is by striving for national planning, 
no more than you would expect to have a rational 
regime in Britain itself by endeavouring to make 
counties like Yorkshire and Middlesex economically 
self-sufficient. You would simply erect new barriers 



that would have ultimately to be destroyed. Scientific 
planning, whatever kind of society one may want to 
achieve, must be based on world economics and world 
natural resources. 

/. H. I see. So you would prefer to do nothing 
for the moment, while waiting for a revolution or what- 
ever will allow your doing things on a world-scale. I 
prefer to make a start on what lies ready to hand. 

H . L. On the contrary, I see plenty of things to be 
done m the meanwhile. One of them is just what we 
are doing now : trying to shed daylight on social 
darkness, in order that people may appreciate the logical 
outcome of the policies they are initiating ; that must 
be a preliminary to all planning. It is futile simply 
to take up blindly what lies ready to hand, as you will 
agree. As for the revolutionary way out, I should 
hate that ; but once more, as with all scientific problems, 
it is not a question of our feelings, but what is the logic 
of the policy adopted. As I have said before, national 
planning in a world of fierce competition for markets 
implies repudiation of international restriction, danger- 
ous nationalism, isolation and self-sufficiency, and 
possibly war. War in the present state of Europe 
seems to me to mean revolution m most industrialized 
countries. I would a thousand times rather have a 
rational than an irrational way out from the present 
impasse to the international solution, if that is possible ; 
and it seems to me we are all heading straight for the 
irrational way, the intensification of nationalism. 
National planning in a competitive world I see as one 
of the steps in that direction. It may be inevitable, it 
may be simply the inexorable logic of social transforma- 
tion which we human beings work out in our blundering 



way, and of which we are the victims. To me it is 
no solution, but the next step towards more acute 

Nevertheless, I agree that it would be a good 
thing to know, among other things, what the “ map ” 
of scientific work looks like both nationally and inter- 
nationally. If we could have an investigation on an 
international scale, similar to what you have been doing 
so fruitfully on a national one, we might begin to under- 
stand more clearly the nature and extent of the social 
forces at work, and something even of the dynamic 
of society itself. In that field we are blundering 
about almost in scientific darkness. The “shape” of 
scientific research, for example, in a country primarily 
agricultural, would be quite different from that in an 
industrial country, wouldn’t it? We might then be 
able to see more clearly the nature of the linkage 
between industry and science at any period, and why 
research in Britain has taken on its particular shape. 

J. H. I am rather interested to hear you take this 
attitude — I should have thought your sympathies were 
all for the socialist outlook, and that this implied more 
rather than less central control and centralized planning, 
in science as in everything else. It certainly has in 
Russia, has it not, where the scientific programme is an 
integral part of the general Plan ? Personally, though 
I am a firm believer in properly-conducted planning, 

I am all against having it too embracing and too rigid. 
There should be an “ unplanned zone ” in every field, 
to give scope to human originality and initiative. In 
this country, after all, it is possible for private people 
to put up money for research in fields which they think 
need looking into, but which are officially neglected — 



in an earlier discussion I instanced the example of 
research into the scientific bases of birth control, and 
it is also possible for an individual worker in pure science 
at a University to undertake research on whatever aspect 
of his subject he likes, irrespective of official views. In 
a socialist state like Russia, there is a real danger that 
certain fields may be wholly neglected because the 
authorities are not interested in encouraging them. 

H. L. Well, of course these things can be done in 
Russia, because the whole economy of Russia is different. 
As a vast country rich in natural resources she is 
striving to make herself almost entirely -A** - r xirfcing 
in what is to her a hostile world. She is striving to 
eliminate the “ profit-making ” element from her 
economic system, and therefore her whole approach to 
these questions rests on a different series of assumptions 
from those accepted as basic m other countries. The 
difference is obvious from the fact that whereas every 
other country is terrorized at the thought of the dump- 
ing of cheap goods within its frontiers, Russia is 
delighted to have goods cheaply. The reason lies m 
the different basic social economy on which she is 
reconstructing her life. As regards “ planning,” there- 
fore, no comparison at all can be drawn. We cannot 
isolate “ planning ” from " planning for what?” I 
agree at once, of course, that in a country like Russia 
at present there are certain to be fields of scientific 
research that will not be developed, since the planning 
authorities will not be interested in them. That is 
why I say that each country will give its own peculiar 
<f shape” to the research that is conducted there. 
We have seen what the map of British research looks 



J. H. Yes, and a very odd and inconvenient shape it 
is — entirely lop-sided, with a great bulge on the side 
of industry, and the physical and chemical sciences 
which help industry; distinctly undeveloped on the 
biological and health side, and quite embryonic in the 
region of the psychological and human sciences. There 
are actually more trained research workers in chemistry 
in a single one of the several research laboratories of 
I.C.I. than there are trained research workers in 
psychology in the entire country ! 

H. L. Well, what would you propose should be 
done about it ? 

J. H. One obvious thing to do would be to fill the 
gaps in the existing research structure. At the moment 
there are Research Councils, with Government backing 
and Government funds at their disposal, for dealing 
with science in the fields of industry, medicine, agri- 
culture, and the fighting services. Pure science is 
looked after to a considerable extent by the Govern- 
ment Grant to Universities, and by the Royal 
Society, though here again there is little attempt at 
central co-ordination, such as is done, for instance, 
by the National Research Council in the United States. 
But when we come to the remaining fields of human 
activity, there is nothing. There is an Economic 
Advisory Committee, but no Economic Research 
Council to plan and finance concrete research in the 
economic field ; and as for Social Science, not even an 
advisory committee exists. Is not this field sufficiently 
important to have a Research Council of its own ? 

H. L . Well, it seems to me that you are just suggest- 
ing putting up bits of administrative and research 
machinery when there is really no motive power to 



drive them. For instance, you have just been telling 
me how few psychologists and sociologists there are in 
the country. In the first place, where would you get 
your trained workers to do the research in the human 
field? Who is going to apply their results to social 
practice ? 

J. H . Rome was not built in a day. But just as 
the Russian Government is making desperate efforts to 
create the technicians and industrial scientists whom 
it lacks, so in this country you could do a great deal, 
as Sir Josiah Stamp said in an address to the British 
Association this year, to canalize the scientific brains 
of the rising generation away from the sciences of 
lifeless matter and into the biological and human 
sciences. You could do this by altering the number of 
scholarships given for different branches of science, and 
by altering the science curriculum in schools and 

H. L. That is all very well; but if you did succeed 
in getting a supply of good research workers trained in 
these sciences, who is going to pay them to do their 
research? Why should not they just find themselves 
unemployed — I cannot see any reason why the country, 
as at present organized, should use their services. 

J. H. All the same, up to a point, supply does 
stimulate demand, and the nature of the educational 
curriculum undoubtedly can help to change the balance 
between subjects. I taught for some years in an 
American university, and in that country not only 
does biology occupy a more prominent position in 
schools than it does here, but also it happens, for 
rather accidental reasons of educational organization, 
that biology can and does have an important place 



in a general college education, whereas, for equally acci- 
dental reasons, it does not here. The result has been 
that there are many more people engaged in teaching 
biology at universities and colleges ; and as research is 
part of a university teacher's job, there is a much greater 
volume of biological research over there than here. 

H . Z. However, I do not believe you can do very 
much in those ways to fill the gaps in research. That 
will only come when bitter economic necessity calls 
out for social and psychological research on a large 
scale, and the way is open to apply it. But there are 
lots of other questions I want to ask you Science and 
war, for instance. Were you able to find out anything 
about the attitude of scientists engaged on war research 
towards their work ? 

J. H. Well, in aeronautical research, for instance, 
all the men I talked to were strong on the point that 
their work was just as useful for civilian flying as for 

H. Z. Yes; and what about the men engaged on 
other types of war research ? Judging by my experi- 
ence, I should say that most of them just acquiesced 
in doing the bits of research as they came along, and 
were consciously, or more usually unconsciously, just 
functioning as a part of the State machine. 

J. H . Yes, I think that is fair for a good many; 
though I should say quite a number felt some sort of 
conflict, and were subject to divided loyalties, mean- 
while getting on with their job. After all, there are no 
other attitudes, unless you are going to be completely 
loyal to one of the conflicting interests involved, and 
become either a conscientious objector or else an out- 
and-out revolutionary. 



H, L. These men, of course, occupy a peculiar 
position in the profession, since much of their work is 
secret. It would be interesting to know what steps are 
taken to safeguard the professional interests of such 
scientific workers. If they cannot publish their work 
in the ordinary way, they must be handicapped m seek- 
ing other appointments, and no public credit can be 
given to them for the work they have done. 

J. H That is not so, of course, if they are employed 
by a very large firm or a Government department, in 
which they can receive advancement on the basis of 
their secret work. On the other hand, as I discovered 
rather to my surprise, many Universities grant research 
degrees on work which never will be published, although 
it meets the standard requirements of being “ suitable 
for publication.’ ' ’ 

H. L. I see. So that the higher branches of our 
educational system adjust themselves to this apparent 
need for secret research, whether for industry or war. 

/. H. True enough ; but, on the other hand, really 
fundamental research is rarely kept back from publica- 
tion, at any rate for long ; and, anyhow, secrets tend 
to leak out. 

H. L. And, of course, the patent system, I suppose, 
allows some applied science that would otherwise be 
kept secret to be published. 

J. H. All the same, I did come across some curious 
examples of wholesale secrecy. In one government- 
aided institution, for instance, I was told that it would 
be against the national industrial interests even to let it 
be known that a lot of research was being carried on, 
much less to describe any of it ! 

E. Z. So once more we see science fulfilling a 

2 68 


nationalist function. I see that at a reception a few 
months ago, a speech by a well-known Cabinet Minister, 
lauding the part played by scientists and their research 
in providing new weapons for the bitter struggle for 
international- markets, was loudly applauded by the 
scientists present. I think it is not an exaggeration 
to say that this incident indicates how closely scientific 
research is associated with the needs of capitalist 
production. Critics of our social system often refer 
to it as " bourgeois ” or “ capitalist science/' 

/. H. Anyhow, if the Nazis in Germany continue 
to have their way, there will soon be a “ Nazi ” brand 
of science. I was reading an article in a German 
scientific journal recently in which the President of the 
German Chemical Society asserted definitely that they 
could not get good chemistry, whether pure or applied, 
without having a National-Socialist attitude to their 
work. I am not quite sure what he meant, but that 
is what he said ! 

H.L. All the same, you know, there is an interesting 
reflection in connection with that. If science is as 
closely linked up with the industrial and social structure 
as appears, it is clear that the types of problem generally 
studied will largely reflect that bias. That is to say, 
the “ spread ” of science as we know it, the fields that 
are stressed and those left almost untouched, are likely 
to be different from what they would have been under a 
different form of social background. 

Try to imagine, for example, science being “ begun ” 
simultaneously and independently ten years ago in, say, 
Soviet Russia and in the U.S.A., and going on, say, for 
fifty years. The spread of scientific knowledge in the 
two countries would be totally different, for the fields 



of science and the practical problems they would find it 
necessary to explore and to treat scientifically would 
be different. Thus the picture of Russian socialist 
science would be quite different from that of American 
capitalist science. This suggests that a rather cautious 
attitude should be adopted on the part of those who 
seem to imagine science as a sort of idealized knowledge 
remote from the nature of the social background, and, 
still more, remote from such things as the struggle for 
international markets and nationalism. 

J. H. That is very interesting. You mean that the 
direction taken by science would be different in a 
capitalist and a socialist society. The conclusions 
arrived at in either case would, of course, be scienti- 
fically valid in the other type of society, but they might 
not have been arrived at by it ; and even when arrived 
at in one, they might not be found useful or interesting 
in the other. All the same, historically I feel it is 
probably true that science more or less had to develop 
as it has done. At least it seems clear that the great 
impetus given to research and invention by the profit 
motive and national commercial needs was responsible 
for the rapid rise of natural science during the last 
three hundred years. And now, thanks to that, we 
have entered on a new phase — what some writer has 
well called “ the invention of Invention/' We have 
found out that science is the best instrument for acquir- 
ing knowledge and power. We have realized that 
science pays, and that it can be profitably applied in 
any and every field. We have started to organize 
scientific research. Once this stage has been reached, 
it seems to me the next step is to apply science all round, 
and not merely to the problems where it will yield an 



immediate money profit. But I do not think we could 
have reached that stage without the profit incentive 
operating m an individualist social structure. 

H. L. Well, of course, things would have been 
different ; but explain a little further 

J. H. Well, look at the absence of scientific progress 
in other periods and places — m India, for instance, or 
m China. 

H. L. That is true enough, although it is also true 
that other factors, such as cheap human labour, also 
come in in those countries instead of mechanization. 
But to go back to my earlier points : it is clear, at least, 
how difficult it is to talk of international science, except 
for those developments that are either so basic that all 
national sciences need them, or that are so general, and 
therefore, if you like, so fundamental, that they do not 
matter for nationalist purposes. 

J . H Well, I don't know that I agree with you. 
For one thing, science, as we agreed, has its own 
momentum, and as it progresses it changes the social 
and economic structure of the country and also people's 
general outlook. That means that it is always tran- 
scending its own limitations and bursting the bonds 
imposed upon it. In other words, the inevitable logic 
of this mixture of national and international science is 
to make the nationalist problem more acute, and so to 
work up to a crisis at which some revolution or radical 
change in social structure will be inevitable. 

Then do not let us forget that some highly practical 
aspects of science are already refusing to be confined in 
the framework of national boundaries. For one thing, 
really big business is to a large extent international. 
In some cases big firms have arrangements by which 



they share the results of research and divide up the 
market with agreed spheres of influence. It is well 
known that something of the sort holds between various 
powerful industrial firms here and on the Continent. 
Then there is the work on non-ferrous metals, which I 
mentioned in the previous chapter, or the work on 
locusts, in which the Italians and the French are co- 
operating whole-heartedly with our research centre m 
London. And there is the wonderful work of bodies 
like the Rockefeller Foundation, which, though it is 
financed wholly by American money, supports funda- 
mental science m every civilized nation, and has, for 
instance, carried out a great campaign of applied science 
against yellow fever which has benefited the whole world. 

H. L. Yes, but even those international aspects 
necessary for national purposes are often difficult to 
arrange because of national jealousies. 

I remember from my own experience the difficulty 
there was in trying to arrange for an international testing 
of model aeroplanes in order to compare the accuracy 
of the wind-tunnels that are used in such test work. 
So that even standards are sometimes difficult to 
arrange, because the nations concerned are afraid to 
give away their weaknesses to their rivals. 

J. H . All the same, you can't get over instances 
like the Rockefeller Foundation's yellow-fever work. 
And in the field of standardization, a lot of useful 
international standards have been arranged. Leaving 
out of account the more mechanical side, like the 
standardizing of world time or of world measurements 
of length and mass, there is all the work done m 
standardizing vitamins and drugs and antitoxins, which 
is most important for health 



H. L. But perhaps a certain minimum standard of 
health is basic and indispensable for every nation. 

J. H. I’m not so sure. Health should be indis- 
pensable, but it is just a fact, isn't it, that a great 
many people have to dispense with it ? And you could 
use scientific knowledge about health for nationalist 
purposes all right Look at those investigations I 
spoke of in my last chapter, on East African native 
tribes, which showed what an enormous improvement in 
physique and health and average length of life you 
could effect by quite simple measures concerning diet, 
prevention of parasitic disease, and child welfare. If 
one of the big Colonial powers in Africa were to apply 
all the resources of science to raise the health and 
the energy and the numbers of its native populations, 
and another were to do nothing, but just let matters 
slide, the former would soon enjoy an enormous 

H. L. Yes, the fact is that if industry really needed 
a healthy population we would have one. During the 
war, of course, we realized the need for an A.i rather 
than a C.3 nation, but it is not pursued in the spirit 
of a business venture. 

J H. Well, there is the Ministry of Health and the 
Medical Research Council and the Medical Officers of 
Health all over the country. Surely these are pretty 

H. L. Oh, yes; but notice that even the scientific 
investigations that are made into such matters as 
family budgets pose the problem in terms of the 
minimum for which survival is possible, which seems 
to me very unsatisfactory. The wage-earning part of 
the population, in other words, is not treated as a 



potential and expansible market for commodities, but 
as a burden. 

J. H . That is where science links up with economics, 
isn't it? However, you have brought up the problem 
of population, and that is something which could be 
studied scientifically. 

H. L But what can science do in practice about 
the control and design of population, considering the 
fact that a planned population has to fit a situation a 
whole generation ahead, while it is so difficult to make 
anything of the nature of a social prediction ? 

J. H. I do not think we could say exactly what 
science could do in this field until we have tried apply- 
ing it. In general, my point is that most people seem 
to think that the size of your population is something 
given — an act of God, so to speak — and that you have 
just got to accept it and try to fit your social and 
economic structure to it. Whereas, in reality, popula- 
tion could be controlled — to some extent, at least — 
and to an extent not much less than the extent to which 
you could possibly control your economic system. So 
that what we ought to aim at is to adjust things both 
ways — fit the population to the economic system as 
well as vice versa. 

H, L. I agree, of course, that there is a real mutual 
interaction and interdependence between a country's 
economic resources and the number of people in it, and 
that it is this interaction we ought to study with a view 
to control. 

J. H. Yes, certainly. To take only one point : 
how many people realize that within a dozen years the 
population of this country will quite certainly be going 
down, and may proceed to continue going down at a 

J929 1939 194-9 1959 1929 1939 1*544 19*9 

Above, a curve showing the probable total population of Great 
Britain, assuming no net emigration, for the next 25 years. 
Below, the probable change in the proportion of young people up 
to the age of 20 (left) and of old people above the age of 55 (right), 
calculated as percentages of the total population. (Based on 
figures issued in Planning No. 4, 6th June, 1933.) 



very rapid rate ? We have been suffering from over- 
population, but within half a century we may quite 
possibly find ourselves being frightened by the bogey 
of under-population. Ought we not to make a scientific 
study of the methods by which populations can be 
checked or encouraged — birth-control methods and how 
to get them across to the poor and uneducated ; family 
allowance schemes ; bonuses or tax rebates for children ; 
and so on ? At the moment these are getting looked 
at from a merely political angle, or hushed up because 
they come under some religious tabu. Why, the mere 
suggestion that abortion could even be studied scientific- 
ally as a possible method of checking over-population 
is enough to make a great many quite responsible 
people explode with indignation. 

H. L. And I suppose you as a biologist have views 
on heredity in man, and the whole question of the 
quality of population as well as its quantity ? 

J. H. Indeed I have To my mind, one of the most 
fundamental problems for scientific study is that thrown 
up by Professor R. A. Fisher recently, when he asserted 
that a society like ours, based on individualism and 
commercialism, and with some sort of ladder of 
opportunity for talent to rise and inefficiency to sink, 
is inevitably, and of its very nature, the reverse of 
eugenic — dysgenic , as the technical term is I cannot 
go into all his argument here, but he makes out a 
strong case to show how in such circumstances in- 
herited qualities making for rise in the social scale, 
automatically tend to get linked with inherited quali- 
ties making for reduced fertility, and vice versa 
That would mean that, generation by generation, 
we were steadily reducing the average level of our 


population as regards some of its most desirable inborn 

H L. Pm afraid I disagree with a great deal of 
that, but we cannot argue that here. 

J. H. I’m afraid not, my dear Levy. But you 
will agree that the problem of eugenics is a vital one 
and deserving of intensive study, instead of being 
entirely neglected by the powers that be, as it is at the 
moment ? 

H . L . Yes, it needs study all right. The size and 
the quality of a population depend on the social ecology, 
the social background, what society encourages and 
supplies. And that again depends on the population. 
The two go hand m hand, and will have to be changed 
together, but it seems to me quite unlikely that 
effective steps to deal with population will be possible 
unless we first can exercise control over the social back- 
ground : and exercising control over society is vastly 
different from having scientific knowledge how society 
might be changed by the scientist if he were given 

J. H. Anyhow, I think it quite certain that science, 
if it were allowed a free hand, could control the evolu- 
tion of the human species. 

H. L. That may be so, but one of the first questions 
we have to ask as soon as we have accumulated adequate 
scientific knowledge, even if we can ever have it on this 
matter, is, What objective have we? Can scientific 
men lay down an objective ? We are to use science and 
scientific methods, but for what ? * What kind of society 
do we want ? What kinds of society are possible at all ? 
That is too important a question to leave to scientists. 
Science is used, when it is used, to develop and further 


2 77 

the ends of present-day society, and is restricted and 
circumscribed by the possibilities inherent m that social 
order You must in your survey have come across 
many illustrations showing how scientific investigation 
and scientific practice are cramped and confined in this 
way For instance, there are many things — health is 
one — which, while apparently desirable on general 
grounds, are not pursued because it does not pay those 
who hold the economic power to develop them. 

J. H Yes For example, I found a case where a 
scientist with a big programme for improving livestock 
found how difficult it was to put his admirable ideas 
into practice, and as a result is confining his practical 
activities largely to answering routine questions from 
breeders, while concentrating his research work on pure 
genetics very remote from practical application. 

H. L. Precisely But if these are the sort of 
difficulties that face you in connection with such a 
comparatively simple problem as the breeding of 
animals, where the scientist has some control, if not 
much, of the experiment, how can we possibly regard 
the problem of designing a human stock suited to a 
humanely desirable environment as a feasible task, 
especially since the social background m which human 
beings live is changing all the time ? -With all the best 
will in the world, you can do nothing more than study 
objectively the behaviour of humans in the present 

J. H. That is just my point. You can reduce the 
chaos by scientific study. For instance, } T ou could study 
the eugenic or dysgenic effects of different kinds of social 
structure, and of different financial and social measures 
like income tax, free education, or family allowances. 



H . L . That gets me back to my earlier point. If 
we are talking of the use of science for designing a new 
society, we must ask ourselves what kind of a society 
we want to design, and whether it is a physically and 
psychologically possible one. That is to say, we have 
to study our desires m this matter, our prejudices — 
our bias, if you will — and deliberately set about acquir- 
ing power in order to create, with the help of science, 
such a biased society. Scientists, like everyone else, 
cannot get away from prejudice and bias bias has to be 
used Nor is the power to create a new society vested 
m their hands. 

J. H. Using a bias . . . what exactly do you mean ? 

H. L. Well, m the first place we have to get rid of 
this myth of impartiality. We have to recognize that 
whatever we set about doing is simply a method of 
fulfilling the desires of some person or group, and the 
scientific question we can ask is, Whose has it been in 
the past, and whose is it to be m the future ? Once 
that is settled, we can call m the scientists to build up 
the material environment suitable to that specification, 
the educationist to effect the adjustment m the indi- 
vidual to that social background. Thus it must always 
be science, education, art, for a purpose •''But science 
proceeds by attempting to eliminate this purposive 
feature. It treats questions objectively, and therefore 
tn itself cannot offer any solution to our social ills. 
It can only be called in, like the builder or the plumber, 
once we know the kind of house we want — or the type of 
water system. It is for that reason that I think the 
recent proposal to get scientific bodies to make pro- 
nouncements qua scientists on matters of social or 
industrial policy must be doomed to failure, since their 



statements must necessarily be coloured by their social 
prejudices, and as soon as they become aware of them, 
they will separate into different political camps. 

J. H. Well, I cannot help feeling you are being too 
gloomy, and thinking too much about the particular 
limitations of science, and not enough about its general 
qualities, which more or less inevitably cause it to 
transcend its limitations. I know it is a slow job, but 
a biologist, who has to study evolution, gets used to 
slow jobs ! 

With regard to the scientific bodies, I cannot help 
feeling that as long as they are not too ambitious, what 
they are aiming at is all to the good. Personally, I 
know that looking at science in its relation to social 
needs, as I have had to do for this survey, has cleared my 
own mind a great deal ; and if the scientific movement in 
this country can do this and become conscious of itself, 
and of its limitations, and of its relation to the economic 
driving forces of society, that will be a very valuable step. 
The chief moral of this book, it seems to me, is that 
science is not the disembodied sort of activity that some 
people would make out, engaged on the abstract task of 
pursuing universal truth, but a social function intim- 
ately linked up with human history and human destiny. 
And the sooner scientists as a body realize this and 
organize their activities on that basis, the better both 
for science and for society. 


Aberystwyth, Plant-Breeding 
Station, 43, 227 
Absolute, 199 
Abstract ideas, 199 
Accident-proneness, 192 
Adrian, Dr., 17 
Advertisement, 143, 147 
Africa, 8, 115, 158, 226, 231, 235, 
237 * 2 3 8 > 2 39, 241, 272 
Agriculture, 34 seq , 212, 213, 235 
Air Ministry, 164, 166, 257 
Air-resistance, 109 
Airships, 153 
Alloys, 59, 134, 15S 
Amaru Research Station, Africa, 


Amateur, in science, iS, 218, 219 
America, 119, 247, 259, 265, 268 
Ammonia, 135 
Amplifiers, 18 
Anaemia, 87 
Anaesthetics, 6, 84 
Animal breeding, 253 
Animal Breeding Research 
Dept., Edinburgh, 37, 69, 79, 


Anthropology, 242 
Antitoxins, 98, 245 
Appleton, Professor, 208 
Armaments, 153, 168, 171, 223 
Astbury, Dr , 206 
Astronomy, 21 1, 219 
Atmosphere, research on, 208 
Atom, structure of, 209, 215, 253 
Australia, 47, 229, 235, 237 
Autogiro, 163 

Aviation, research on, 83, 152, 
153, 15S, 162, 163, 165, 168 

Bacon, Francis, 16 
Bacteria, 10, 85, 95, 96 
Bananas, 34 

Basic English, 123 

Bateson, William, 35, 216 

Bathing-dresses, research on, 74 

Battleships, 16S 

Beef, 34, 47 

Benzene, 6 

Bernard, Sir Thomas, 3 
Biffen, Sir Rowland, 35, 36, 39 
Biochemical Society, 202 
Biological control of pests, 229 
Biological survey, 226 
Biology, 222, 264 
Birmingham University, 59, 179 
Biiui-coi iro', 93, 149, 2x4, 275 
Birth-rate, 201 
Bleaching, 68, 76 
Bleeding, 85 
Blood, 87, 11S, 207 
Boiler-scale, 205 
Bone-formation, 89 
Boot and Shoe Trade Research 
Association, 75 
Bragg, Sir William, So, 204 
Breathing, 94 
Bricks, research on, 60 
British Association, 2, 33, 255 
British Broadcasting Corpora- 
tion, 64, 222, 238 
British Empire, 225 
British Ornithological Union, 

Broadcasting, 117, 120, 121 
Brown-Firth Steel Works, Shef- 
field, 134 
Building, 50, 137 
Building Research Station, Wat- 
ford, 53, 258 
Bull-dog calves, 37 
Burt, Dr. Cyril, 18S 

Cahn, Sir Juhen, 44 
Cambridge University, 20S, 213 



Camphor, 237 
Canada, 9, 47, 238, 248 
Cancer, 75, 93, 98 
Cancer Research Fund, 255 
Carbonization, low temperature, 

Carding, 73 
Carnot, 207 

Cathode-ray oscillograph, 118 
Cathode tube lighting, 131 
Cattle, Dexter breed, 37 
Cattle, pedigree, 48 
Cavendish Laboratory, Cam- 
bridge, 208 
Cellophane, 83 
Cellulose, 78 
Cement, 128 
Census, 201 

Chalmoogra, for leprosy, 237 
Chemical Defence Experimental 
Station, Porton, 160 
Child Guidance Clime, 188 
China, 237, 270 
Chlorine gas, 68, 76, 134 
Chloroform, 84 
Chronometers, 212 
Cinchona, 237 

Cinema, and research, 210, 239 

Citrus fruits, 229 

Clothes-moths, 74 

Clothing, 67, 129 

Clovers, 43, 44 

Coal-tar, 29 

Cocaine, 84 

Coconut, research on, 230 
Coke, 137 
Cold storage, 8, 47 
Comfort m housing, 57, 74 
Comite International des Poids 
et Mesures, 245 
Concrete, cottages of, 51 
Concrete, research on, 61 
Condensation, 51, 52 
Conflict, psychological, 1S8, 190, 

Congo, Belgian, 248 
Conscience, 190 

Consumption, 31, 144, 256, 258 
Conventions, 107 
Corrosion, 51, 53, 60, 137 
Cotton, 72, 76, 77, 81, 82, 128, 

Cotton, crease-resisting, 77 
Craftsmanship, m industry, 53, 
55, 62 

Crew, Professor, 37 
Cuprammomum sulphate, 76 
Cutlery Research Association, 
Sheffield, 142 

Darwin, Charles, 214, 216 
Davy, Sir Humphry, 4, 24S 
Defence, Committee of Imperial, 

Department of Scientific and 
Industrial Research, 22, 26, 
31. 53, 139. 2x3, 234, 238, 254, 

Descartes, 91 
Dewar, Sir James, 11 
Diabetes, 86, 92, 244 
Diet, 41, 99, 240 
Diphtheria, 95, 98, 245 
Disarmament, 169, 175 
Disease, 84 

Distemper, dogs, 96, 97 
Distribution, 144, 145 
Dominions, and research, 236 
Dust, 107, 159, 180, 231 
Dye industry, 6 
Dyes, aniline, 29 

Echoes, 58 

Economic Advisory Council, 231, 

Economic Research Council, 264 
Eddington, Sir Arthur, 20S, 216 
Edison, 131 

Education, 31, 101, 194, 199, 222 
Electric welding, 59 
Electric-light bulb, 131 
Electrical industry, 9 
Electricity, 7, 210 
Electrification, no 
Electro-plating, 9 
Empire Marketing Board, 234, 
236, 239 

Employers, training of, 142, 187 
Engineering, 59 

Entomology, Imperial Institute 
of, 228 

Esperanto, 121 
Ether, 84 
Eugenics, 200, 276 

INDEX 283 

Evolution, 127, 214, 276 
Ewing, Sir Alfred, 2 
Explosions, 180 

Factory Acts, 178 
Falaise, Normandy, 67 
Family allowances, 275 
Faraday, 6, 7, 8, 9, 21, 134, 204 
Farnborough, and aviation re- 
search, 164, 165 
Farnham Royal, Bucks, 230 
Fascism, 200 
Fashion, 82 
Fertilizers, 42, 45, 135 
Field-mice, 235 
Films, 1 19 

Fisher, Professor R. A , 275 
Flame, research on, 1 So 
Flax, 81 

Fleming, Sir A., 134 
Fog, 164 

Food-production, 34 
Foot-and-mouth disease, 96 
Forest Products Research Sta- 
tion, 74, 238 
Forestry, 237 

Frame construction (steel), 52, 

Freud, 176, 189 
Fuel, 3, 162 

Furs, research on, 79, 235 

Galileo, 210 

Game-birds, 235 

Gases, poison, 6, 27, 152, 156, 157 

Gas-masks, 27, 157, 159 

General Electric Company, 140 

Geological Survey, 256 

Germany, 29, 196, 298 

Glass, 137, 159, 205, 211 

Gluten, 36 

God, 93, 199 

Goitre, 41 

Gorillas, 66 

Government, 195 

Grasses, improvement of, 43 

Greenland, 246 

“ Grid,” electricity, 210 

Haber, 133 

Haemoglobin, m blood, 87, 11S 
Hart, Liddell, 174 

Health, 28, 84, 98, 161, 212, 222, 
272, 277 
Heat, 3 
Helium, 248 
Herbarium, Kew, 236 
Heredity, 19, 35, 38, 79, 191, 275 
Hertz, and wireless waves, 116 
Hibernation, 91 
High-pressure research, 134 
Hitler, Adolf, 120 
Hookworm, 239, 241 
Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland, 

Hormones, 245 
Hospital, London, 86 
Hospital, Seamen’s, 238 
Hospitals, 4, 101 
Housing, 63, 66, 99, 196 
Human nature, 191 
Hydrogenation, 137 

Immunity, 207 

Imperial Agricultural Bureaus, 

Imperial Airways, 234 
Imperial Chemical Industries, 40, 
135, 137, 264 
Imperial Conference, 227 
India, 226, 235, 237, 238, 239, 
241, 270 

Industrial fatigue, 28 
Industrial Health Research 
Board, 1S0, 257 

Industrial Research, 152, 153, 

Industrial revolution, 208 
Industry, 126, 21 1, 213 
Infant mortality, 239 
Inferiority complex, 19 1 
Influenza^ 96, 9S 
Inheritance, sex-linked, 38 
Insects, 212, 228 
Institute of Medical Psychology, 
Bloomsbury, 188 
Insulation, electrical, S3 
Insulin, 86, 92, 244, 248 
Internal-combustion engine, 106, 

International Congresses, 247 
International Institute of Afri- 
can Languages and Cultures, 



Internationalization, of civil 
fly mg, 175 

Interplanetary communication, 

Invention, 68, 82, 132 
Iodine, 41 

Jeans, Sir James, 93 

Kenya, 239 
Kew, 228, 236 
Kikuyu, diet of, 239 
Knitting, machines for, 82 

Labour-saving machinery, 147 
Lamb, Charles, 157 
Land, 65, 242 
Language, 120, 121 
Lanoline, 76 
Latin, 123 

Laue, and X-ray analysis, 205 
Laundering, 70, 77, 118 
Law, and Psychology, 193, 194 
Lawes and Gilbert, 45 
Lead, 59, * 3 * 

League of Nations, 119, 223, 244 
Leather, 71, 75, 77 
Leeds University, 67, 206 
Lefebure, Major, 168 
Leicester, 82 
Leisure, 148 
Leprosy, 237 
Lewisite, 156 
Lime, and building, 54 
Lime, and pasture, 42 
Lister Institute, 89 
Lister, Lord, 85 
Little Joss wheat, 37 
L.M.S., research by, 109 
Lodge, Sir Oliver, and wireless, 

London County Council, 188 
London Passenger Transport 
Board, 111, 258 

London School of Economics, 

Low temperature research, 136 

Malaria, 98, 228, 241 
Malinowski, Professor, 243 
Manchester, traffic problem, 112 
Manchester University, 181 

Marconi, 116 
Masai, diet of, 239 
Mass-production, 50, 52, 54 
Mathematics, pure, 59 
Measles, 96 

Mechanics, development of, 21 1 
Mechanization, 162, 270 
Medical Research, National In- 
stitute for, 245 

Medical Research Council, 57, 
152, 159, 167, 180, 239, 245, 272 
Medical services, 100, 101, 194 
Medicine, tropical, 238 
Medicine-men, 21 S 
Mendel, Abbe, 35 
Metallurgy, 141, 162 
Meteorological Office, 219 
Meteorology, 219, 247, 253 
Metro-Vickers, 136, 140, 257 
Middle Ages, 216 
Migration of birds, 219 
Milk, 100 

Milk-production, 38 
Mind, unconscious or subcon- 
scious, 176, 189 

Mineral salts, and diet, 42, 99, 

Miners, occupational diseases of, 

Miners' Welfare Fund, 179 
Mines, 4, 179 
Ministry of Health, 272 
Ministry of Transport, 183 
Minkowski, 92 
Missionaries, 242 
Moon, motion of, 212 
Morality, 144, 198, 214 
Morgan, T H , 19 
Mortality, infant, 239 
Mosaic disease, 96 
Mosquitoes, 228 

Motor driving, and psychology, 

Motor industry, 50 
Mumps, 96 
Museums, 3, 212, 228 
Mutton, 34, 47 

Mycology, Imperial Institute of, 

National Institute of Agricul- 
tural Botany, 39 


National Institute of Field Orni- 
thology, Oxford, 219 
National Institute of Industrial 
Psychology, 182, 257 
National Physical Laboratory, 
22, 109, 131, 136, 164, 245, 

National Research Council, 
U S A , 264 

Nationalism, 25, 27, 172, 173, 
174, 235, 259 

Natural History Museum, 228 
Navigation, 17, 21 1 
Nazi Germany, 196, 268 
Neurosis, 180, 188 
New York, in 
New Zealand, 47 
Newton, Sir Isaac, 21 1 
Nitrogen, fixation of, 135 
Noise, 11, 52, 53, 57, 5s, 1 12, 
181, 257 

Non-Ferrous Metals Research 
Association, 8, 60, 245 

Ondesterpoort, and veterinary 
research, 227 
Orr, Dr John, 41 
Ovary, 91 

Over-production, 26, 144 
Oxford University, 219, 238 

Pacifism, 154, 172 
Pamt, research on, no, 205 
Panama Canal, 161 
Pancreas, 86, 91, 92 
Parasites, 229 
"Parasite Zoo,” 230 
Parrot-disease (psittacosis), 87 
Pasteur, 85 
Pasture, 42, 45, 46 
Patent medicines, 10 1 
Patents, 161, 267 
Patriotism, 154, 172 
Penal system, 194 
Permanent waving, 80 
Persecution mama, 191 
Persuasion, 196 
Pests, insect, 128, 212 
Petrol, from coal, 137 
Phosphorus, under pressure, 136 
Phosphorus, and pasture, 42 
Photo-electricity, 87, 117 


Philosophy, 211, 217 
Physics, 209, 215, 253 
Piccadilly Station, 113 
Piccard, Professor, 123 
Pile-driving, 60 
Pineal gland, 92 

Pioneer Health Centre, Peck- 
ham, 101 

Pituitary gland, 89 
Plague, 98, 235 
Planmng, in, 149, 259 
Plant breeding, 41, 43, 227 
Plastering, 54 
Plumbing, 59 
Population, 148, 271, 273 
Post Office, 14, 238 
Press and Propaganda, Ministry 
of, 196 

Printing, 106, 116 
Production, 31, 256, 258 
Profit incentive, 65, 173, 258, 
263, 269 

Propaganda, 120, 195, 196 
Proteins, 206, 207, 240 
Psittacosis, 87 

Psychology, 176, 1S6, 193, 202, 

Psychology, industrial, 181 
Psychology, supernormal, 125 
Psychotherapy, 194 
Public Health Administration, 

Public Relations, Department 
of, 196 

Publication, scientific, 247 

Quantum Theoiy, 17 
Quinine, 237 

Rabbit-breeding, 79 
Radio-activity, 215 
Radio Research Station, 61 
Radium, 95, 24S 
Rationalization, 149 
Rayleigh, Lord, 11 
Rayon, 67, 78, 80, 83 
Regional surveys, 219 
Religion, 197, 214 
Repression, psychological, 192 
Research Associations, 13S, 140, 

Research Councils, 65, 264 



Research, different types of, 

Research, expenditure on, 255 
Research fellowships, 247 
Research, organization of, 24, 
138, 166, 226 

Research, secret, 25, 151, 161, 
165, 254, 267 
Research Stations, 139 
Revolution, 261 
Rheumatic diseases, 240 
Rhythm, and work, 184 
Rickets, 89, 99 

Road Research Laboratory, Har- 
mondsworth, 10S 
Roads, and ribbon development, 

Roads, arterial, 110 
Road-tfains, 235 
Rockefeller Foundation, 247, 255, 

Rocket-plane, 123 
Roosevelt, Franklin, 120 
Ross Institute for Malaria, 238 
Rothamsted, 40, 45, 226 
Rotterdam, 185 

Rowett Institute, Aberdeen, 41, 
69, 227 

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 
228, 236 

Royal Institution, 2, 134, 204 
Royal Society, 264 
Rubber, 82 
Rumford, Count, 3 
Russell, Sir John, 40 
Russia, 19, 133, 154, 195, 196 , 
256, 262, 263, 265, 268 
Rust, disease of wheat, 36 
Rutherford, Lord, 209 

Safety in Mines Research Board, 
1 78 

Safety Lamp, miners’, 179 
Salvarsan, 98, 245 
Sawfiy, pest of wheat, 230 
Scholarship schemes, 213, 254, 

Science, amateur, 18, 21S 
Science, applied, 16, 204, 217, 

Science, definition, 21, 252 
Science, Greek, 16 

Science, pure, 12, 16, 204, 217, 

Science, training in, 142 
Scientific societies, 219 
Scurvy, 248 
Sea-plane, 164 
Selenium, 11S 
Sex, 190, 193, 195 
Sex instincts, 91 
Sex-lmked inheritance, 38 
Sheffield University, 137 
“ Shell-shock,” 27, 159 
Shoes, 133 

Shrinkage of fabrics, 74, 80 
Silk, 81 

Silk, artificial, 67, 78, 80, 83 

Silk-worms, 81 

Sm, 191 

Skidding, 108 

Slate, research on, 62 

Sleeping sickness, 29 

Sleepy sickness, 96, 245 

Slums, 63, 66, 99, 1 61, 196 

Smallpox, 96, 98 

Smith, Hamblin, 193 

Smoke, 3 

Smokeless fuels, 137 
Social Science, 264 
Socialism, 262 

Society, organization of, 199 
Sociology, 31, 145, 198, 202 
Soil science, 39, 226, 253 
South Africa, 8, 227 
Southern Railway, no 
Stability, of aircraft, 163, 165 
Stamp, Sir Josiah, 198, 264 
Standardization, 55, 62, 70, 98, 
127, 130, 244, 245, 271 
Stapledon, Professor, 43 
Statistics, 145 
Steam-engine, 106, 207 
Steel, 1 31, 205 
Steel, construction, 52, 59 
Steel houses, 51 
Steel, stainless, 134 
Stephenson, 5 

St* John's Wort, plant pest, 237 
Stradling, Dr., 53 
Strangeways Research Labora- 
tory, 88, 255 
Straw, 37 
Submarine cable, 7 



Submarines, n 
Sugar-beet, 37 
Sun-planning, 56 
Suppuration, 85 

Swan, inventor of electric bulb, 


Sweat, 179 
Swynnerton, 231 
Syphilis, 98 

Tadjikistan, 115 
Tanning, 71, 77, 12S 
Tar, 93 
Tariffs, 143 
Telegraph, 106, 119 
Telepathy, 124 
Telescopes, 210 
Television, 118, 119 
Temperament, 186, 192 
Testing stations, for crop plants, 

Tests, psychological, 186 
Theology, 217, 218 
Thermodynamics, 207, 208 
Thomson, William, 7 
Thyratrons, 209 
Thyroid gland, 91 
Time-lag, and armaments, 168, 

Tin, international research on, 

Tissue-culture, 8S 
Town-planning, 66, 114 
Tractor, caterpillar, 45, 115, 158 
Tradition, in industry, 53, 70 
Traffic problem, 113, 117 
Transport, methods of, 106, 115 
Trypsin, 77 
Tsarevitch, 38 
Tsetse-fly, 231 
Tube-trams, 112 
Tuberculosis, 95, 98, 99 
Tung-oil, 237 
Turbines, 132 
Tyndall, John, 10 

Typhoid fever, 95 
Typhus fever, 98 
Tyres, motor, 82 

United States, 119, 248, 256, 268 
Universities, 21, 22, 139, 14 1, 
21S, 253, 257, 265 
U varov, 231 

Vacuum flask, 11 
Van Nelle, 185 
Venereal disease, 99 
Ventilation, 113 
Veterinary science, 227 
Virus, 88, 94, 95, 97 
Vita glass, 134 

Vitamins, 89, 99, 100, 245, 24b 
Vivisection, 97, 172 
Vocational guidance and selec- 
tion, 176, 185, 187 

War, 27, 152, 1 71, 213, 260 
Warburg, Otto, 94 
War Services Research Council, 

Weathering, of stone, 60 
Weights and Measures, 129 
Welsh Plant-Breeding Station, 
Aberystwyth, 41, 43, 227 
Wheat, 9, 36, 37, 47, 2"i4, 230 
William the Conqueror, 67 
Wilt disease, 96 
Wind-tunnels, 164, 271 
Wireless, 116, 117, 120, 121, 219, 
238, 239 

Wireless valves, 17, 134, 209 
Wood, of Nottingham, 77 
Wool, 71, 76, 81, 83, 206 
Wool Research Association, 73, 

World-State, 225, 247, 250 

Yellow fever, 96, 97, 271 
Yeoman wheat, 37